Lying comfortably upon a sofa. Harker Brayton smiled as he read that book “Marvels of Science”. Suddenly something in a dark corner of the room___________ his attention. In the shadow,___________ the bed, he noticed two _________of light about an inch apart, shining with a greenish glow. His ___________ was now directed fully to those shining points. There, almost ___________under the foot-rail of the bed he saw the body of a large ___________. The points of light were its ____________! Its ugly head was turned ___________ his direction. The eyes were no longer merely meaningless points of light; they looked into his eyes with evil strength and hate.

Brayton rose to his feet and prepared to back softly away from the snake. At that moment,__________, he felt strangely unwilling to do so. Instead of moving backward as planned, he took a step___________ and then another! The man cried out. The snake made neither sound nor motion, but its evil eyes were shining as if electrified, sending needles of light through the shadows. Something struck his face and chest. He had ___________ to the floor. Brayton lay upon his stomach.

When the doctor was pulling Brayton away, he chanced to look under the ___________. “Good God!” he cried. “A snake!”

He _________out his hands and pulled out the snake, and ___________it to the centre of the room, where it lay without motion. It was a snake made of cloth and filled with cotton. Its eyes were two __________.

1.A.paid B.realized C.attracted D.followed

2.A.on D.under

3.A.points B.rays C.shadows

4.A.way B.attention C.hands D.feet

5.A.right B.left C.very D.much

6.A.mouse D.snake

7.A.heads B.eyes C.legs D.hands C.of

9.A.but B.and C.however D.therefore

10.A.forward B.leftward C.rightward D.toward

11.A.dropped B.fallen C.put D.threw B.bed C.quilt D.roof

13.A.went C.arrived D.reached

14.A.moved B.carried C.threw D.followed

15.A.bottoms B.buttons C.needles D.rolls

I would never forget what I learned from the day when I left my junior high school. On the last day our teacher told us something educational that I would like to share with you.

He began by drawing a man standing in the middle of a circle. To make it more interesting, he drew things like a house, a car and a few friends inside the circle.

He asked, “Can anyone tell me what this is?” In a long silence, one student decided to express his idea, “The world?” The teacher said, “That's close. This is your Comfort Zone. Inside your circle you have all the things that are important to you—your home, your family, your friends and your jobs. People feel that inside this circle they are safe from any danger.”

“Can anyone tell me what will happen when you step out of this circle?” A strong silence came over the room. The same student replied, “You are afraid.” Another student said, “You may make mistakes.” The silence continued and our teacher smiled and asked,“When you make mistakes, what can the result be?” The first student said, “You learn something.”

“Exactly, you are learning.” Our teacher turned to the blackboard and drew an arrow(箭头) pointing from the man to the outside of the circle. He went on saying, “When you leave your Comfort Zone, you put yourself out there. The result is that you learn something that you do not know to become a better person.” He drew a bigger circle around the original (原来的) circle, and added a few new things like more friends, a big house, etc.

A lesson from this story is that if you stay inside your Comfort Zone you will never be able to open your eyes to the outside world. When you step out of your Comfort Zone, you will make your circle bigger to challenge your mind and grow to be stronger, and all in all to be a better person.

1.The story happened on ________.

A.the first day of junior high school B.the last day of junior high school

C.the first day of high school D.the last day of high school

2.Which of the following is NOT included in the Comfort Zone?

A.Friends. B.Cars. C.House. D.School.

3.When people step out of the Comfort Zone, they will ________.

A.feel a little afraid B.learn something

C.begin to make mistakes D.miss their family and friends

4.The passage mainly tells us that ________.

A.stepping out of Comfort Zone can make people better

B.families always get in the way of people's growth

C.arrows help people make more friends

D.silence in the class means students can think more

As Peter was flying towards the ship, he passed the crocodile ( 鳄 鱼 ). It had swallowed ( 吞 ) a clock that goes “tick, tick” inside it before. However, the clock wasn’t ticking then. Peter realized it must have stopped. He began ticking himself so that the other animals would think he was the crocodile and leave him alone. The crocodile, thinking that Peter had taken the clock, followed him. But when Peter reached the ship, Captain (船长) Hook believed the crocodile was coming to get him.

Peter climbed over the side of the ship and went inside a room. He barked like a dog, and all the pirates (海盗) were very afraid. Hook sent two pirates in to find out what the noise was, but they didn’t come back. Then he sent in the children. Inside, Peter set them free, and they prepared to fight.

Peter ran out to meet Hook. “It is I, Peter Pan!” he cried.

“Get him!” cried Hook.

The pirates ran at Peter, and the lost boys ran forward to fight them. The pirates were stronger, but they were so afraid of the ticking and the noise of the dog that they didn’t fight well. Finally only Hook was ready to fight. Peter came to fight him. For a long time, the two enemies stood face to face.

They began to fight. At last Peter hit Hook with his sword ( 剑 ). Hook began to bleed. Hook continued to fight, but he was not strong any more. He knew he was going to die. He ran to the side of the ship and jumped into the sea. He did not know the crocodile was waiting for him, as it no longer ticked. The crocodile swallowed him in one bite.

1.Why did Peter tick himself at the beginning of the story?

A.To follow the crocodile. B.To catch Captain Hook.

C.To get away from other animals. D.To make the pirates feel afraid.

2.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.The children. B.The pirates.

C.Hook and the crocodile. D.Hook and the children.

3.Which is the right order of the following events?

a. Peter passed the crocodile.

b. Captain Hook jumped into the water.

c. The pirates and the lost boys fought against each other.

d. The crocodile had swallowed a clock that goes “tick, tick” inside it.

A.c-b-a-d B.d-a-c-b C.d-c-a-b D.c-b-d-a

4.What happened to Hook at the end of the story?

A.He ran away safely. B.The lost boys killed him.

C.Peter hit him with a sword. D.He was swallowed by the crocodile.

5.Who tells the story?

A.Captain hook. B.Peter.

C.The pirates and the crocodiles. D.Someone who is not in the story.

Each year on Feb 21, UNESCO ( 联合国教科文组织) holds an International Mother Language Day (IMLD ). The event is to help people to pay attention to the disappearance of the world's languages; many of them are disappearing each year. UNESCO sees this as a terrible fact.

What happens when a language dies out? Something great is lost-not just sounds and marks but the way that people understand the world and communicate with each other. We keep different cultures and traditions through languages. Kill a language and all these are killed too.

Through IMLD, more and more people come to realize he terrible situation and try to stop it.

Google's 2018 Endangered (濒临灭绝的) Languages Project is a good example. Many speakers and protectors of endangered languages upload (上传) texts, audios and videos to the project website. They want to introduce the way that people communicate and express themselves around the world.

The Myaamia Project is the same kind of effort to revive the language spoken by the Miami tribes (部落) of the United States. Project members work to encourage people to study and communicate with this language , which died out in the 1960s.

These activities give life to those endangered languages. People who work to keep Languages

alive are not limited to the past. Many young people design apps and use social media to support their activities. They "spread the word " to save the world.

So, while the problem of disappearing languages remains a very serious one, there is hope. We all have a special feeling of our mother language. This is why we should remember the wise words of late president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela: "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to a man in his own language,that goes to his heart."

1.UNESCO holds IMLD every year in order to help people to _______________.

A. learn and use endangered languages

B. show their talents in learning languages

C. practice reading skills of mother languages

D. realize the situation of endangered languages

2.What did people do in Google's 2018 Endangered Languages Project?

A. Discuss how to make good use of Google.

B. Offer online courses on endangered languages.

C. Share materials about endangered languages online.

D. Translate endangered languages into mother languages.

3.What does the underlined word "revive" mean in Paragraph ( 段落) 4?

A. 创造 B. 学习 C. 复活 D. 清除

4.What can we infer ( 推断) from Paragraph 5?

A. It is more difficult to protect endangered languages.

B. The disappearance of languages has already stopped.

C. Young people don't care about endangered languages.

D. Young people have creative ways to protect languages.

5.The writer mentions Nelson Mandela's words in order to __________________.

A. tell the importance of one's mother language

B. show his contributions to language protection

C. tell the trouble in learning endangered languages

D. show the possibility of protecting mother languages

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