
In ancient times, a king had a big stone placed on a roadway. He wanted to see if anyone would move the stone out of the way. Some of the king's richest business men and courtiers (朝臣) came by and just walked around it.

Many people even loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none of them did anything about getting the stone out of the way. They just complained and went away.

A farmer then came along carrying a large bag of vegetables. When getting closer to the stone the farmer laid down his bag and tried to push the stone out of the road. After trying and pushing for long time, he finally. succeeded.

After the farmer went back to pick up his vegetables, he noticed a wallet lying in the road where the stone had been. In the wallet there were many gold coins and a note from the king explaining that the gold was for the person who moved the stone from the roadway.

If you were on the way, what would you do? Complain it or move it away? Every difficulty we come across in life gives us an opportunity to improve our situations, and while the lazy people complain, the others are creating opportunities through their kind hearts, generosity (慷慨大方) and willingness to get things done.

1.Why did the king put such a stone on a roadway?

A.In order to make the roadway special.

B.In order to stop someone who are lazy from walking to his country.

C.To see if anyone would move the stone out of the way.

2.What did many people do with the big stone on the way?

A.They just complained and didn't do anything about it.

B.Many of them tried to move it but failed.

C.Many thought it was the king's duty to move it away from the road.

3.The farmer got the stone out of the way successfully by ________.

A.pushing it without any hard work

B.trying and pushing hard

C.using his large bag of vegetables

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Many people didn't notice the stone on the way.

B.The farmer got a lot of money after moving away the stone.

C.The king wasn't glad to see the farmer removed the stone from the roadway.

5.We can infer from the passage that ________.

A.all things are difficult before they are easy

B.seeing is believing

C.opportunities are for those who are willing to do something with kindness and generosity.


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