
Is there anything that could help parents understand their kids better? More than 8,000 kids answered this question in an online survey by Time for Kids and Kids Health. Org.

Many kids — two out of three — said they _______ their parents. But that doesn’t mean they _______ disagree. In fact, most kids reported _______ with their parents on occasion(偶尔). Some even reported that their arguments included shouting at each other.

“It’s certainly _______ to disagree and argue,” says D’Arcy Lyness, a child psychologist(心理学家). “But it’s also important to learn how to do so politely.”

It is not _______ that three out of four kids said they had lied(撒谎) to their parents sometimes. Many said they lied _______ they wouldn’t get in trouble or disappoint their parents. According to Lyness, lying can have bad _______. If kids lie when they’re young, they might continue a pattern of lying even as adults.

Telling the truth, on the other hand, shows maturity(成熟). But older kids actually lie more _______ than younger ones. Kids aged 12 to 14 not only said they lied more, but they also reported having less fun, feeling less close and not getting along as well with their _______.

According to Lyness, these feelings are common. As kids become more ________, they have more areas of disagreement with their parents. But it doesn’t have to be that way. “Kids and parents get along differently at each part of the journey,” she says. “As kids grow and change, it is important for everybody to change.”

1.A.got along with B.kept away from C.looked after

2.A.always B.often C.never

3.A.arguing B.talking C.competing

4.A.unusual B.normal C.different

5.A.surprise B.surprised C.surprising

6.A.such as B.so that C.even if

7.A.results B.answers C.notices

8.A.quickly B.carefully C.often

9.A.friends B.parents C.classmates

10.A.outgoing B.beautiful C.independent


You might have noticed that sometimes, when you’re playing mobile games or making a video call, the picture suddenly freezes(卡顿)because the network speed is too slow. When you try to download a movie on your phone, it seems to take forever.

These annoying things will soon become things of the past, as China just issued commercial licenses(发放商业牌照)for 5G networks on June 6. This means that China’s telecommunications(电信) companies will be able to offer 5G network speeds for mobile phone users.

The “G” stands for generation (代) . 1G let us talk to each other, 2G let us send messages, 3G gave us mobile data and Internet, and 4G made all of these things faster. So what will 5G bring?

First of all, 5G is so fast that it will allow us to download an entire HD movie in a second. The delay(延时) between sending and receiving data will be shortened. Now, 4G takes about 100 to 200 milliseconds(毫秒),while humans have a reaction time of about 200 to 300 milliseconds. But 5G will get the delay down to 1 millisecond or less, which is almost real-time.

Because of this increase in speed, it will be possible to create and use new kinds of technology. Robots will be used to do operations because doctors will be able to control them from somewhere else without any delay. Self-driving cars will be able to drive more safely because they can smoothly communicate with other cars, traffic lights and road Sensors (传感器). 5G also makes the Internet of Things(IOT物联网)possible.

All in all, 5G will shape every type of technology that it touches. And you won’t have to wait too long for that to happen.

1.From the first paragraph we can know that________.

A.people can’t download movie at all on the phone

B.making a video call is impossible for phone users

C.sometimes the network speed is too slow to use

D.mobile games can’t be downloaded on the phone

2.What happened on June according to the passage?

A.China just gave commercial licenses officially for 5G networks.

B.Every mobile phone user could improve the network speed

C.Most mobile phone users didn’t use 4G anymore.

D.All the mobile phones are much cheaper than before.

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.5G will make people’s life much easier and more convenient.

B.Self-driving cars will become safer because of the use of 5G.

C.Using 5G to download something doesn’t take any time at all.

D.5G can make people download an entire HD movie in a second.

4.We can find the passage________.

A.from an ad B.in a newspaper C.in a storybook D.in science fiction

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