
  Jim Green has been in China for more than two years. He has been to many interesting  31 in Beijing, but he has not yet been to many other parts of 32 . Last week he went to Mount Emei in Sichuan with his 33  .

  Many people like to travel by 34 , but the Greens think that travelling by train is the best. It is much 35 and far more enjoyable than a rushed journey by air. They had a wonderful train ride to Chengdu 36 they went on to Mount Emei by bus.

  The train was quite nice and tidy, and there weren't too many people in 37 sleeping car. The Greens could stand up and 38 around. It was a long journey, 39 none of them felt tired. They kept 40 the beautiful things out of the window. They talked, laughed and played cards. The conductor kept coming to give them hot water and 41  them newspapers. People nearby 42 with each other. A young man tried to speak English with Mr and Mrs Green. Jim thought the train was like a big moving party. He went to sleep quite 43 . He enjoyed listening to the sound of the running train and then fell asleep.

  When Jim woke up the next morning, the train was already 44 Chengdu. His train ride seemed really 45 , but his memory (记忆) of the pleasant journey will last long.

31. A. schools       B. places         C. villages       D. cities

32. A. England      B. America      C. China         D. the world

33. A. friends      B. classmates     C. father          D. family

34. A. air         B. bus         C. train          D. ship

35. A. cheaper      B. dearer        C. dirtier         D. quicker

36. A. before      B. when        C. after          D. while

37. A. my        B. your         C. our            D. their

38. A. sit          B. walk         C. run         D. dance

39. A. and        B. so          C. also          D. but

40. A. looking       B. drawing       C. watching       D. getting

41. A. reading       B. buying       C. selling         D. writing

42. A. talked        B. spoke        C. told          D. said

43. A. early        B. late          C. easily         D. hard

44. A. beside        B. to          C. past          D. near

45. A. quick         B. slow         C. short          D. Long


31. B 根据第一段第二句话和最后一句话可知许多有趣的地方,故选B。

32. C 根据第一段第一句话可推断出C项。

33. D根据第二段第一句话中的“the Greens”可推断出D项。。

34. A结合第二段可知选A。

35. A  cheaper意思是“更便宜”;dearer意思是“更贵”;dirtier意思是“更脏”;quicker意为“更快”,根据本句意思可推断应该是“比起很快的飞机旅行,火车旅行更便宜更快乐”,故选A。

36. A依据本句可推断他们是在到达峨眉山之前坐火车去的成都,故选A。

37. D 由本段第二句话可推断选项为D。

38. B 固定短语的用法。“walk around”意为“到处走走”,故选B。

39. D根据本自然段的整体意思可推断出“大家一点也不累”,故选D。

40. C依据前后句意可推断大家都在观看窗外的美丽风景,故选C。

41. C 根据本句意思可知“售票员一直给他们提供热水并卖给他们报纸”,故选B。

42. A 固定短语的用法。“talk with sb”意思是“与某人说话”,故选A。

43. B根据本段的最后一句“ He enjoyed listening to the sound of the running train”可推断Jim很晚才睡觉,故选B。

44. D介词的用法。Beside“在、、、、、、旁边”; to意思是“向,往,到”; past 的意思是“经过”; near的意思是“在、、、、、、附近”,根据文章意思可推断出D项。

45. C根据最后一段意思及“but”一词,可判断“Jim的火车旅行虽然很短但这次快乐的旅行将持续很长时间”,故选C。


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