
阅读理解。根据短文完成下边的对话A-reporter B-me。
                                                                           My school life
     My home is far from our school. So I live in school from Monday to Friday. In school, there are many
  friends. We can play and study together. It's fun. This term, school begins at 8:00. We have more (更多
 的) time to sleep. Everyone is happy. I usually eat bread for breakfast at half past seven. After lunch and
  supper, I usually go for walks (去散步) with my classmates for about fifteen minutes (分钟).
     We have twelve subjects in school. I like English best! Our English teacher teaches us a lot. And she is
 lovely and fairly. We all like her. We have much fun in English classes.
     In school, I hate washing clothes (洗衣服). It's tired and boring. We don't have too much homework in
  school. Sometimes, I go to the library to read books. It's good for me. Now I am in grade 2, I must work
  hard. I think I can be a good student. What about you? Let's study hard together!
A: Do you go to school every day?
B: No. I live __1__ our school. So I live in school on weekdays.
A: Do you like to live in school?
B: Yes. Because I can __2__ with my friends.
A: When do you begin school?
B: __3__ .
A: Well, you can have more time to sleep.
B: Yes, and Everyone is happy.
A: What do you usually do after lunch?
B: __4__ .
A: It's good for your health (健康). Can you tell me what your favorite subject is?
B: __5__ .
A: Thank you!
1. far from   2. play and study     3. At 8:00.
4. I usually go for walks with my classmates for about fifteen minutes.    5. English



1.A.I am Bob.

B.This is Bob.

C.Yes ,it's me.

2.A.Thank you.

B.Not at all.

C.That 's OK.

3.A.Yes, I do.

B.No, I don 't.

C.Yes , I 'd love to.

4..A.It is Sunday.

B.It will be cloudy.

C.It is hers.

5.A.I like it very much.

B.Sure ! This way please.

C.Have a good time.


6.What is the woman's aunt?

A.A nurse.

B.A doctor.

C.A cook.

7.How long has Wang Tao studied music ?

A.For four years.

B.For five years.

C.For six years.

8.What are the speakers talking about ?

A.Seeing a movie.

B.Playing games.

C.Sending an e-mail.

9.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a school.

B.In a supermarket.

C.In a post office.

10.What 's Mr.Brown's hobby ?




(三)听下面一段对话。对话 后有5个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听对话前,你有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。该段对话读两遍。

11.Who is the woman talking with ?

A.Her husband.

B.Her student.

C.Her customer.

12.What size of shoes does the man want ?

A.Size 41.

B.Size 42.

C.Size 43.

13.How many colors of shoes are mentioned in the dialogue ?




14.What does the man finally decide to buy ?

A.A pair of black shoes.

B.A pair of brown shoes.

C.A pair of blue shoes.

15.How much will the man pay for the shoes ?

A.65 dollars.

B.70 dollars.

C.75 dollars.


16.What kind of school is the speaker talking about ?

A.An art school.

B.A sports school.

C.A language school.

17.What time will the class begin this morning ?

A.At 7∶30.

B.At 8∶30.

C.At 9∶00.

18.When will the students take the exam ?

A.In three weeks.

B.In four weeks.

C.In five weeks.

19.What will the school allow the students to take during the exam?




20.How will the exam be?

A.Not very difficult.

B.Very difficult.

C.Very interesting.

21.Where is the school?

A.In Canada.

B.In England.

C.In the US.

(五、)听下面一段短文,短文后有4个句子(A、B、C、D)。根据短文内容把下面的句子按故事发生的时间顺序排序。听短文前,你有25秒钟的时间阅读所给的5个 句子;听完后,将给出25秒钟的作答时间。该段短文读两遍。

A.The play finished.

B.My friend and I left the theatre.

C.Two young people talked loudly.

D.My friend and I got very angry.






一、情景反应 根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。听完每个句子后你有4秒钟时间作答和阅读下一小题。每个句子读两遍。(共5小题,计5分)

1.A.She’s kind.

B.She’s beautiful.

C.She likes dancing.

2.A.No problem.

B.Don’t say so.

C.Not at all.

3.A.No, they haven’t.

B.No, they don’t.

C.No, they didn’t.

4.A.You’re welcome.

B.Sure.Here you are.

C.Yes, I can.

5.A.Sorry, I will.

B.Don’t worry about it.

C.Sorry, I won’t do it again.



6.A.No, he won’t.

B.Yes, she will.

C.Yes, he will.




8.A.Across from the bookstore.

B.Next to the bookstore.

C.In No.2 street.

9.A.A teacher.

B.A doctor.

C.A policewoman.

10.A.It’s 10 thousand.

B.It’s 55 thousand.

C.It’s 60 thousand.



11.Why does Steve like the painting Sunflowers? Because it’s _________.

A.lovely with dark colors

B.lively with dark colors

C.lively with bright colors

12.The woman likes _________ better.

A.Leonardo da Vinci

B.Vincent van Gogh

C.Qi Baishi


13.Peter got the book _________.

A.last year

B.two years ago

C.last month

14.What has Peter learned from the book?

A.People should help and understand each other.

B.People should love each other.

C.Both A and B.

15.Peter loves the book best, because the book is _________.

A.named Beautiful English

B.full of his mother’s deep love

C.full of beauty

、短文理解 听短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出所给问题的最佳答案。听短文前你有15秒钟时间阅读相关小题,听完后你有10秒钟时间作答。短文读两遍。(共5小题,计7.5分)

16.What do you think of Anna?




17.Whom does Anna learn a lot from?

A.Her mother.

B.Her grandpa.

C.Her grandma.

18.How did his mother feel when Anna laughed at Tim?




19.How many teachers are there in the story?




20.Which of the following is right?

A.Anna’s grandpa took her to the party.

B.The guests all praised Anna.

C.Tim couldn’t answer all the questions.


 There was, on a small farm, a farmer who had three sons. One day, the farmer called them before him. He said,My dear children, I will bless (祝福) you if will go to meet the bright sun. The eldest son thought, The bright sun shines in the blue sky. I will go to him by air. The second son thought, The bright sun rises from the farthest side of the sea. I will go to him by water.

 The third son thought, The bright sun comes from the place where the sky and the earth meet. I will go to him by land.

 Soon the three brothers left their father. They shook hands with one another and went away in three directions (方向). The eldest brother flew off in a plane. The second brother sailed off in a ship. The youngest brother rode off on horseback. They went far away from their home.

 Many months passed and many years passed. The brothers travelled to many places in the world. They met with all kinds of difficulties, but they overcame them.

 The eldest brother became a good aviator (飞行员) flying in the blue sky. The second brother became a good sailor sailing on the blue sea. The youngest brother became a good horse-man riding to the place where the sun and the earth meet. All of them were on their way to meet the sun.


1The bothers' father lived on a small farm. 

(  )

2The three brothers listened to their father and then went away in the same direction.

(  )

3They overcame all kinds of difficulties on their way to meet the bright sun.

(  )

4Many years passed but they didn't travel much.

(  )

5The second brother became a good aviator.

(  )

     Everyone may play a joke on others on April Fool's Day. And my father did last April Fool's Day.
     It was Sunday and we were all sitting at the table when father suddenly smiled and said to us, "Oh, dear,
I forgot to tell you the good news. There's a letter from granny. She is coming to see us this afternoon. I'm
going to meet her at the station." With these words he went out.
     How happy we were! We hadn't seen granny for nearly a year and we missed her very much. After lunch
my mother and I went shopping. We bought a lot of food that granny liked. My sister cleaned the house. It
was four o'clock when we finished and we sat around the table, waiting for granny. At last the door opened
and came in my father, alone.?
     "Where's granny?" We asked.
     Father laughed and said, "April Fools! Today is April 1st, April Fool's Day."
     We were disappointed after we heard this, but we all laughed.?
Notes: 1. play a joke on 开……玩笑?2. April Fool's Day 愚人节?
          3. station n. 车站? 4. with these words 说完这些话?
1. When did people like to play jokes?
2. Where did my father meet my granny?
3. Why did we buy a lot of food?
4. Who came in when the door opened?
5. Did my granny come? 

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