Hot springs are a kind of hot water. Usually the water is very hot and comes from deep underground(地下). There are many hot springs in Hunan, especially in Ningxiang(宁乡)and Chenzhou(郴州). Some hot springs are not so hot and people can take a bath(泡澡)in them. But other hot springs are so hot that people may die if they try to take a bath there.

Hot springs are good for health. In cold winter, many people will visit some famous hot springs. Zilongwan(紫龙湾)Hot Spring Resort(度假区)in Ningxiang is very famous. It is called as “the Best Hot Spring in Hunan.” It has over 40 pools. Besides enjoying the hot springs, you can also have many kinds of delicious food there. The tickets for adults(成年人)are 120 and free for children there. Fuquan(福泉)Hot Spring Resort is in Rucheng(汝城), Chenzhou. It is famous for its healthy spring pools. There are about 33 spring pools there and 20 of them are of healthy effect(效果). The tickets for adults are 90 yuan and 30 yuan for middle school students there.

Come to enjoy hot springs in Hunan.

1.Where does the water for hot springs come from?

A.Rivers B.Mountains C.Deep underground

2.“the Best Hot Spring in Hunan” is ______?

A.Zilongwan Hot Spring Hotel

B.Zilongwan Hot Spring Pool

C.Zilongwan Hot Spring Resort

3.How many hot springs in Fuquan are of healthy effect?

A.20 B.33 C.40

4.If you go to Fuquan Hot Spring Resort with your parents, how much does it take?

A.210 yuan B.120 yuan C.180 yuan

5.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the information above?

A.People can take a bath in not so hot pools.

B.People can enjoy delicious food in Fuquan Hot Spring Resort.

C.Zilongwan Hot Spring Resort and Fuquan Hot Spring Resort are in Hunan.

Chinese noodles have a long history. They were first mentioned in the Eastern Han Dynasty, over 1, 900 years ago. At that time, noodles were called “cakes”. They were “cakes” that were boiled in water.

From the beginning of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, there were written records about noodles. “Mian” became the name of noodles in the Song Dynasty. Before that, there was no specific name for this kind of food.

There are all kinds of noodles, such as cold noodles, warm noodles, and fried noodles. There are also all kinds of noodle-making methods, such as brushing, pressing, rolling and pulling.

China is where all noodles originated(起源), including the noodles, such as spaghetti, that we think came from other countries. In the Yuan Dynasty, Marco Polo came to China. He learned to make noodles, and then taught the method when he went back to his country. In 1912, the traditional Chinese method of noodle-making was brought to Japan. Japanese noodles were first called “Dragon Noodles”, meaning food eaten by the Chinese-the descendants(后代)of the Dragon.

Among all Chinese noodles, the most special type may be Yi Noodles. They were created by a chef in the Qing Dynasty. Yi Noodles are made in both southern and northern China, but Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces are most famous for making Yi Noodles. Yi Noodles can be served dry or with soup. Since Yi Noodles are similar to modern instant noodles(方便面), they are considered to be the father of modern instant noodles.

阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答下列问题.

1.When did “Mian” become the name of noodles?

2.Did noodles first appear in China?

3.Where was Marco Polo from?

4.Why were Japanese noodles first called “Dragon Noodles” ?

5.Who created Yi Noodles?

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