Australia is southeast of China. Its seasons are different from ours. The weather in the north and in the south is different. In the north, rainy seasons are from November to April.

Typhoon(台风)seasons are from January to February. You can see the desert in the west. It is hot and there isn’t any rain. No one lives there.

My dad takes me to Australia. We see many sheep on the grass. Australia is called “country on the sheep’s back". There are not many people in Australia. They live far away from each other. There are many kangaroos and koalas in Australia. The kangaroos can jump 4 metres high and it can jump 13 metres away.

Australia Day is on January 26. People don’t go to work and children don’t go to school on that day. People can have all kinds of parties on that day. Do you want to come to Australia? Please come on that day. Many Australians will invite you to have the party with them

1.How is the weather in the west of Australia?

A.It’s cold and snowy. B.It’s hot and rainy.

C.It’s hot and has no rain D.It’s cool and cloud

2.The underlined word(画线词)“ desert” means

A.places with little water and no plants B.places with much water

C.places with many people D.places with animals

3.How far can the kangaroos jump?

A.4 metres B.7metres C.13 metres D.15metres

4.What do people do on January 26?

A.They go to work. B.They go to school

C.They have parties D.They feed kangaroos

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Australia is southeast of China

B.We see many sheep on the grass in Australia.

C.People in Australia live far from each other.

D.Australia Day is on January 16.

How to Write an Essay (短文) on a Book

Do you have a big headache when you have to write an essay on a book you just finished reading? The following homework helper can help you solve the problem.

Before you start to write, you need to complete the activities below to plan what you will write.

Book’s title:

Writer’s names:

Here is a summary (摘要) of the book:

This is a theme, or big idea, from the book:

Here are some examples from the book that illustrate (阐明) this theme:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Then you can start to write you essay. You can get clearer ideas from the essay sample (样例) below.

An Essay on Charlotte’s Web

In Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White, a pig named Wilbur gets a chance at life thanks to a little girl named. Fern, and a spider named Charlotte. The writer shows that a real friend will help you even if he or she has nothing to get from doing so.

Throughout the book, Charlotte is always willing to help Wilbur. She spins (吐丝) words into her web to save Wibur’s life, even though it is tiring and difficult for her. Charlotte is a true friend. She helps Wilbur for one reason only—because she cares about him.

Templeton, the rat, on the other hand, is not a real friend to Wilbur. Templeton is only willing to lend a hand when there is something in it for him. When he is asked to help save Wilbur’s life, he says no at first, saying, “Let him die.” Later on, he agrees to help, but only because he wants to keep eating Wibur’s meals.

At the end of the book, Wilbur shows that he has learned the true meaning of friendship. He helps Charlotte by taking her egg sac back to the barn, where he knows her babies will be safe. He does this deed not for selfish reasons, but out of concern for his friend.

In Charlotte’s Web, the author shows that a real friend will help you even if he or she has nothing to get from doing so. Reading this book made me realize how important it is to help others. Being a good friend means being there when you are needed.

● The book title is italicized (斜体).

● In the introduction, you can write a short summary of the book.

● You can share a theme from the book.

● You can give an example that illustrates the theme.

● After that, you give details (细节) about the example.

A 2nd example and the details.

A 3nd example and the details.

● You can also explain what the theme means to you.

1.Do you need to plan your writing before you start to write your essay?

2.What is the theme of the book Charlotte’s Web?

3.Who is Wilbur’s real friend, Charlotte or Templeton?

4.How many examples are there in the essay sample to illustrate the theme?

5.What can you write at the end of the essay, according to the homework helper?

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