Study plays an important(重要)role in our daily life. Some students may think study is very difficult. Others think it is so boring. How to make our study interesting and cool? You may follow the following tips(建议).

First, get enough sleep so you’ll stay awake(清醒的)in class. Every night you need at least(至少)eight hours’ sleep.

Second, have a good breakfast. And you will study hard in class. If you don’t have a good breakfast, you will not have enough energy(精力)to study.

Third, try to go to school with a smile every day. If you are happy every day, you can study well.

Fourth, have good study habits. Listen to the teacher carefully in class and do your homework quickly by yourselves and hand it in(上交)on time. Don’t be late for school. Time is very important for study.

Fifth, if you don’t understand(理解)something, ask the teacher for help.

Follow the above tips, you may find study is a fun thing.

1.How may tips does the writer give in the passage above?

A.3 B.4 C.5

2.The underlined word “smile” in this passage means ______.

A.笑容 B.精神 C.梦想

3.Which of the following is a good study habit according to the passage?

A.Doing our homework slowly.

B.Being late for school.

C.Handing in our homework on time.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.How to make study boring.

B.How to make study difficult.

C.How to make study fun.

5.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A.We need at least 8 hours’ sleep every night.

B.If we don’t have a good breakfast, we will also have enough energy to study.

C.Ask the teacher for help if we don’t understand something.

Police officer Mark Borsboom from Toronto is famous on the Internet, but he doesn't understand what the________is.

And his opinion of helping others hasn’t________, though a photo of him has been liked and shared on the Internet by many people.

The photo shows that the police officer is doing a (an)________, good thing—tying an old man' s shoelace(鞋带)

The thing________when Mark was on duty, helping cars leave the parking garage(车库). ________he was standing near the exit, an old man walked close to him. His hands had no________because of a health problem. He had to walk a long way to meet his son, but his shoelace was undone(松开的)

He asked Mark if he would________tying the shoelace for him. "I didn’t think anything of it. I agreed happily and tied his shoelace. I didn't know someone had photographed it. ”

The photographer was Jason Cassidy, who happened to be walking by when he saw the act of__________

Jason sent the photo on the Internet and it________became popular.

________there are many more interesting and dangerous things that Mark has done for his work. His normal (正常的) job is ________ bad men. He describes it as a million times harder than helping someone tie the shoelace. ”

That’s why he's a bit________that his small and simple act has caught people's attention.

1.A.plan B.reason C.problem D.advice

2.A.missed B.found C.prepared D.changed

3.A.big B.hard C.simple D.public

4.A.happened B.recorded C.appeared D.reached

5.A.While B.Until C.Before D.Whenever C.pen D.feeling

7.A.keep B.mind C.avoid D.continue

8.A.courage B.bravery C.kindness D.confidence

9.A.suddenly B.probably C.usually D.quickly

10.A.In fact B.For example C.By the way D.As a result

11.A.acting B.catching C.teaching D.watching

12.A.excited B.proud C.happy D.surprised

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