
This is your pencil. ________ is over there, on the desk.

A. IB. MeC. My D. Mine




试题分析:句意:这是你的铅笔,我的在那边,在桌子上。I 我,人称代词主格,在句中做主语;me 我,人称代词宾格,在句中做宾语;my 我的,形容词性物主代词,后面修饰名词;mine 我的,名词性物主代词。根据句意这里是名词性物主代词在句中做主语,意为my pencil 我的铅笔。故选D




Last Friday my friend Deborah asked me if I would like to learn how to make tofu. I couldn’t think of any good reason not to be interested in, so I said, "Yes". The next day I met her and another three nice people at the Hodo Soy Beanery Oakland. I enjoyed the trip. I got a lot from the trip. The following is what I learnt.

Tofu has a history of 2,000 years. Although the word "tofu" is from Japanese, the food maybe comes from China. There are two main kinds of tofu: soft tofu (软豆腐) and firm tofu (硬豆腐). In some parts of Asia, people use tofu as a kind of meat.

Douhua is one kind of soft tofu. It is a popular breakfast food in China. Because it is very soft, people can’t eat it with chopsticks, but with a spoon (勺子). People often eat it as a snack (小吃) and often add spring onions and gravy to it. In Malaysia, people usually eat douhua with white or dark sugar water.


1.When did the writer go to Hodo Soy Beanery Ockland?

A. Last Thursday. B. Last Friday. C. Last Saturday. D. Last Sunday.

2.How many people went there with the writer?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

3.We can learn from the passage that the food tofu may come from ______.

A. Japan B. China C. Oakland D. Malaysia

4.The underlined word "chopstick" means "______"in Chinese.

A.筷子 B. 盘子 C. 叉子 D. 杯子

5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. People began to make tofu 2,000 years ago.

B. Some people use tofu as a kind of meat.

C. Douhua is one kind of firm tofu.

D. Many people eat tofu as a snack.


Long long ago, there was a little girl living in a small poor house on a hill. When she played in her little garden, she could see a beautiful house high on the other hill. This house had golden windows. They were so nice that the little girl dreamed all day, “How fantastic it would be to grow up and live in a house with golden windows!”

When she was old enough to go outside her garden, she asked her mother if she could go for a walk outside the gate. Her mother agreed, telling her to keep close to the house and not to go too far. The day was beautiful and the little girl walked until (直到) she got to the gate of the house with golden windows.

As she looked at the house with golden windows, she was so disappointed (失望的). All the windows were common and very dirty.

So sad that she didn’t go any further and turned, heart broken. As she went back, she was surprised to see a little house with golden windows as the sun shone (照耀) on her own house.

She realized (意识到) that she had been living in the “house with golden windows” all the time. Everything she dreamed was right there under her nose!

1.What did the girl dream of?

A. Having a bigger garden.

B. Going outside her garden.

C. Having lots of gold in the house.

D. Living in a house with golden windows.

2.Her mother told her ________ when the girl went out.

A. to play in the gardenB. not to go too far

C. to clean the windowsD. not to go outside the garden

3. How was the girl feeling when she reached the gate of the house on the other hill?

A. Disappointed B. Interested C. ExcitedD. Angry

4.The underlined word “fantastic” in Paragraph 1 means ________.

A. 可怕的 B. 不切实际的 C. 极好的 D. 奇怪的

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A. The Little Girl’s Home

B. The Golden House on the Hill

C. The Little Girl’s Dream

D. The House with Golden Windows


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