Pearl and her friends intended for a camp. However, she wanted to____________________ the weather forecast( 预报)first to see whether there would be rain or not. Pearl turned on the television and listened to the____________________make the weather report.

“It will be partly cloudy tomorrow morning,____________________clearing by early afternoon. The high tomorrow will be 85.” As there would be no rain, she felt____________________.Without the weather forecast, she would not know this, and would just have to take her chance.

But now, you can plan your picnic ____________________ worrying whether it will rain or not.

The man you can thank for this is Cleveland Abbe. He is known as the father of the weather bureau. He was the first person to publish ____________________weather forecasts in the United States.

Abbe began his daily weather bulletins ( 简 报 )in 1869. They were based on weather ____________________ he drew from telegraphed reports of weather conditions. Because of their accuracy(准确), the reports were __________________ .

Congress( 国 会 )became ____________________ in Abbe's weather reports. They made Abbe a meteorologist(someone who studies weather conditions), and he ___________________ issuing (发布) forecasts three times a day. He was the first official forecaster of the U.S. Weather Service. Because he often forecasted probable storms, Abbe earned the nickname of“Old Probabilities. ”

1.A.prefer B.organize C.spread D.check

2.A.policeman B.fireman C.fisherman D.weatherman

3.A.before B.after C.but D.because

4.A.curious B.stressed C.happy D.worried

5.A.without B.about C.against D.from

6.A.indoor B.daily C.polluted B.stations C.centers D.maps

8.A.strange B.terrible C.popular D.useless

9.A.successful B.interested C.bored D.similar

10.A.began B.hated C.minded D.risked

Some people love going to museums, while others really hate it and would rather stay at home, enjoying their favourite TV shows.So museums are being seen as out?of?date and boring by today's young people.I have just returned to the UK after travelling around the USA.While I was there, I visited lots of museums.I must say, museums are educational, either to develop knowledge learned at school, or to improve knowledge of other cultures.

In Chicago, we visited the world?famous Art Institute of Chicago.It was full of paintings, drawings and sculptures by a large number of artists, such as Picasso, Monet, Matisse and Dali.There was a mixture of traditional and modern art.

When we were in Washington DC, we visited a few of the Smithsonian museums.These are all free to visitors, which is great if you just want to see a few things, and not spend all day inside.The Air and Space Museum was especially good: it had lots of planes on show, interesting information and also some interactive (互动) parts.We also went to the National US Holocaust (纳粹大屠杀) Memorial Museum.Naturally, it was sad to read about the horrors which influenced so many people in World War Ⅱ.However, it was also interesting to read the stories of those who survived the Holocaust, as well as those who helped others.

I also found the 9/11 Memorial and Museum to be of great interest.This museum is for those who lost their lives, as well as their families, when the Twin Towers in New York City were attacked by terrorists in 2001.It tells you how the terrorists planned the attack and what happened as a result of their actions.Surviving pieces of the towers are shown in the museum.It was a truly meaningful visit, which made me treasure my own life more.

I think museums play an important role in realising historical importance for future people.Whatever your interests are, there may be a museum for you.You can visit waxwork (蜡像) museums to see models of famous people, science museums for an interactive visit and a little bit more! Best of all, if you're ever in the UK, many of them are free!

1.The first paragraph tells us that ________.

A.people of all ages love going to museums

B.trips to museums are always very tiring

C.most museums in the USA are outdated

D.some young people find museums boring

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.There are a lot of interactive parts in waxwork museums.

B.Art Institute of Chicago has a mixture of traditional and modern art.

C.You'd better read the stories before visiting the Holocaust Memorial Museum.

D.The Air and Space Museum shows the Twin Towers were attacked by terrorists.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Future people have the duty to protect museums.

B.Visiting 9/11 Memorial and Museum is educational.

C.All the museums around the world are free for students.

D.Taking photos is allowed in the Smithsonian museums.

4.What is the writer's opinion towards museums?

A.She suggests going to museums.

B.She warns of the problems of museums.

C.Museums have advantages and downsides.

D.Museums should be open to all kinds of people.

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