
  I’m Millie.I’m 12 1 old.I have black 2  and black hair.I 3 born in Beijing and I live  4  Hoping Road.I have a brother. 5  name is Andy.I like 6 TV and Andy  7  listening to the radio.I have  8 of good friends at school.My 9  friend is Kitty.She is my classmate.She is a good student.She wants to be a doctor when she  10 up.?
1.A.month          B.months            C.year                       D.years?
2.A.mouth          B.nose                   C.eyes                       D.eye?
3.A.am                  B.is                       C.was                           D.are?
4.A.in                   B.on                            C.for                            D.with?
5.A.His                 B.He                     C.Her                           D.She?
6.A.watch              B.watches              C.to watch                 D.watching?
7.A.like                 B.love                   C.enjoys                       D.enjoy?
8.A.lot                  B.lots                    C.a lots                        D.lot a?
9.A.good            B.better                 C.best                          D.well?
10.A.gets               B.puts                   C.rings                         D.grows

       1.D 2.C ?3.C ?4.B 5.A ?6.D 7.C 8.B ?9.C ?10.D  

解析1.D 根据上下文可知作者是名学生,因此应是12岁,而不是12个月;又因为是12岁,因此应用复数years。?
2.C 本句是描述外貌的,根据black这个词可知后面应填眼睛,而且人有两只眼睛,因此应用复数eyes。?
3.C be born这个词组只能和过去时态连用,只有C选项是过去时态。?
4.B 根据后面的Road这个词可知这句话表示住在某条路上,因此应用介词on。?
5.A 由上句中的brother可知这个空应填他的名字,要注意区分性别。?
6.D like+动名词,只有D选项是动名词。?
7.C 这四个选项都可以表示喜欢,但根据本句的主语Andy为第三人称单数,其后的动词中只有C选项是用了第三人称单数形式。?
8.B lots of 许多的,其他形式不对。?
9.C my best friend 我最好的朋友。?
10.D grow up 长大,其他意思不符。


Millie found an advertisement for a colour therapy by Mrs Rainbow in‘Your Life’magazine.Read the advertisement and help Millie complete her notes with as much information as you can.


Mrs Rainbow’s Colour Therapy

  Discover how the power of colour can change your moods and improve your life!

  Watch The Teens Show on STTV at 6 p.m., 30th October to learn more!

  Therapy center:21/F, 810 South-east Road

  Tel:5557 8187

  Price:¥20 for half an hour

  We promise you success, or you will get your money back!




  电话:5557 8187



Mrs Rainbow's colour therapy

Her therapy center is at(1)________.

Price:(2)________ for 30 minutes.

If it doesn't work, I can(3)________.

She has practiced colour therapy(4)________ she(5)________ college.

The oils she uses have different(6)________ and smells.

If you are feeling sad, think of a(7)________,(8)________ place.

Mrs Rainbow rubs oil into people's(9)________.

If someone can't sleep, Mrs Rainbow uses(10)________ oil.

People with(11)________ and dark skin look good in red and(12)________.

People with pale skin and blonde hair look good in(13)________.












  I’m Millie.I’m 12 1 old.I have black 2  and black hair.I 3 born in Beijing and I live  4  Hoping Road.I have a brother. 5  name is Andy.I like 6 TV and Andy  7  listening to the radio.I have  8 of good friends at school.My 9  friend is Kitty.She is my classmate.She is a good student.She wants to be a doctor when she  10 up.?
1.A.month          B.months            C.year                       D.years?
2.A.mouth          B.nose                   C.eyes                       D.eye?
3.A.am                  B.is                       C.was                           D.are?
4.A.in                   B.on                            C.for                            D.with?
5.A.His                 B.He                     C.Her                           D.She?
6.A.watch              B.watches              C.to watch                 D.watching?
7.A.like                 B.love                   C.enjoys                       D.enjoy?
8.A.lot                  B.lots                    C.a lots                        D.lot a?
9.A.good            B.better                 C.best                          D.well?
10.A.gets               B.puts                   C.rings                         D.grows

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