
---When will the new chairperson arrive?  ---__________.

A.Until next Friday                        B.Not until next Friday

C.After a few days                        D.For a few days





试题分析:Until next Friday到下周五为止;Not until next Friday直到下周五才;After a few days 说法有误,after一般接时间点。For a few days好几天。句意:新主席什么时候到达?结合语境可知选B。





Since I moved to London, I have noticed that the image(形象、印象)of McDonald's in London isn't the same as that in China.

    In China, McDonald's is a trendy(时尚的)western food restaurant and it's quite expensive. However, in the UK, many people think McDonald's produces cheap and bad quality food.

    Once I suggested to a British friend of mine whether we could have dinner in McDonald's. He said "No. Let's eat some proper food. No junk food." Another time I asked a British friend of mine to have a drink in a McDonald's nearby. He said "Oh, no. I am wearing a suit. We had better find a decent(得体的)place." It seems for many British people, especially middle class people, going to McDonald's means losing face. They would rather go to some nicer restaurants and tip the waiters than go to McDonald's for some cheap quick food.

    Who is eating at McDonald's then? The McDonald's restaurants i11 London are always full of people. I have noticed that many people dining in McDonald's are students and people from the working class. Of course there are a lot of international visitors too.

    I don't have anything against McDonald's. That's why I still go to McDonald's from time to time and most importantly, I can use the Wi-Fi in McDonald's for free when I am travelling.

62. In China people think the food at McDonald's is_______.

  A. cheap         B. expensive       C. junk food       D. bad quality food

63. British friends think eating at McDonald's is_______.

  A. proper        B. improper        C. decent            D. quick

64. From the passage we know_______ don't eat at McDonald's.

  A. students                                  B. working class people

C. international visitors                   D. middle class people

65. Which is the best title of this passage?

  A. McDonald's in London             B. McDonald's in China

  C. The photo of McDonald's         D. The food of McDonald's

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