
Have you ever intended to be fully absorbed in your work but found yourself distracted (走神) by e-mail, the Internet and other things throughout the day? According to the survey made by a famous university in the USA, most people have the experience.

“People often l1.their concentration when they are bored, of course, but also when they are engaged in challenging tasks,” says Peter Bregman, the head of the survey. “They sometimes have a feeling to e2. from what’s difficult or boring, so they jump out,” he says. The part of the brain devoted to attention is connected to the brain’s emotional center. Any strong emotion-quarrels with colleagues, problems at home -can i3.our attention. Studies over the last decade have shown that too much work to do at a time can easily lead to distraction.

Refocusing is hard for many people. Robert Epstein suggests the f4., “Stop and listen to some soft music for a few minutes. Find a good friend or a teacher and say out your matter on your mind. Go for a short walk or take a deep breath, where you breathe in deeply, count to five slowly hold it and breathe out very slowly. This can blow out all the tension and the unwanted in your mind to restore your focus.”

Take more control by structuring your time and becoming more aware of your behaviors. “Setting the phone a5.to go off every hour is my way of creating awareness,” Mr. Bregman says. “You have to inform yourself that you’ve lost focus in order to do something about it.” Starting the day with a to-do list is also important, such as when to eat, when to go to the gym or take a walk. But if it’s overly ambitious, you will put yourself in a s6.of anxiety, which makes it hard for the brain to concentrate. “Choosing three or four things as your priority (优先) for the day a7.your brain to settle down and focus,” he says.


Once upon a time, there was a fair with different shops in town. Among those was a small shop set up by a young man.

The shop was filled with colorful jewelry and other things made of glass. One of the pieces caught a jeweler’s eye. It was shining so brightly that the jeweler thought it was a precious diamond(珍贵的钻石). He asked the shop owner,” What’s the price of this piece?”

“20 dollars,” replied the owner.

The jeweler wanted to save some money, so he said, “I can give you only 15 dollars for it.”

The shop owner refused.

There weren’t many people around the shop, so the jeweler thought to himself, “If I come back later, the shop owner may change his mind.” After hanging about for a while, he returned to the shop, only to find the piece missing. He asked the shop owner, “Where is the piece I asked for a moment ago?”

The shop owner replied , “I sold it for 20 dollars.”

The jeweler got angry and said,” What a fool(傻瓜)you are! It was not a glass piece but a precious diamond.”

The shop owner replied, “I’m not a fool but you are! You knew that piece was precious, but you tried to buy it for 15 dollars and left.”

1.The change of the jeweler’s feeling can be described as ______________.

A.angry→happy→regretful B.happy→angry→regretful

C.angry→regretful→happy D.happy→regretful→angry

2.What lesson can we learn after reading the story?

A.Action speaks louder than words. B.Try to save as much money as we can.

C.Think twice before making decisions. D.Don’t lose much by trying to save a little.

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