     Mr. Shaw wrote a lot of stories and people in the world knew him well. He didn't like the arrogant
(傲慢的) rich (富有的) men and often laughed at them. So people liked him very much.
     A lot of men hoped to know Mr. Shaw. One day a famous singer asked him to her party. When
Mr. Shaw came in, all the people stood up except a young man. The young man's father was one of
the richest men in England and he was studying in Paris (巴黎). He thought he knew much more than
anyone else in the room. He talked a lot and tried to show he was a know-all (自以为无所不知的人).
All the people listened to him and nobody would interrupt (打断) him. It made Mr. Shaw unhappy.
    "Please listen to me, my friend," Mr. Shaw had to stop him. "I think only we both know the things
in the world!"
     Hearing this, the young man was happy.
     "Maybe you know all," said Mr. Shaw. "But you don't know one thing!"
     "We are all tired of you," Mr. Shaw said with a smile. "Just I know it!"
     The young man's face turned red and didn't say anything until (直到) he left.
1. Mr. Shaw was ______.

[     ]

A. a great singer
B. a famous writer
C. a doctor
D. a famous teacher
2. All the people stood up when Mr. Shaw went in because            .

[     ]

A. they all respected (尊敬) him
B. they were all afraid of him
C. the singer made them do so
D. they wouldn't listen to the young man
3. The people at the party wouldn't interrupt the young man because            .

[     ]

A. he could tell them something interesting
B. he was studying in the capital of France
C. he was clever than them all
D. they didn't want to make him unhappy
4. At last the young man stopped talking because ______.

[     ]

A. nobody listened
B. he was very tired
C. he knew he was wrong
D. Mr. Shaw's words made him do so
5. Which of the following is not true?

[     ]

A. Mr. Shaw was tired of the young man.
B. The young man thought he learned a lot in Paris.
C. The young man said sorry to Mr. Shaw.
D. The young man knew that Mr. Shaw laughed at him.


               A.French Club

Do you know Paris (巴黎)?Can you speak French? Want to learn French? Join the French club now! Meet on Friday. Call Joyce at 8223-3278.

               B.Music Club

Do you like music? Can you play the violin, the piano or the drums? You can have a great time in our music club on Wednesday. Come and join us!

               C.Cooking Club

Are you good at cooking? Do you enjoy delicious(美味的) food? Learn to cook in Room 302 every Tuesday. Call Tom for more information if you are interested in it.

               D.Kung Fu Club

Can you do Chinese kung fu? We have the best coach(教练) from Shaolin Temple! Come and have fun. Call Fred at 8961-3042.

               E. Volunteer (志愿者) Club !

Do you want to help others? Every Sunday afternoon, we’ll visit(拜访) the old people’s home and help them: clean the room, cook dinner for them or tell them stories.

               F. Chess Club

Can you play chess? Do you want to be a good chess player? Join us now and you can learn to play chess every Thursday. Call Mr. King at 8491-3086.

66.Kate: My friends and I really like helping others.

67.Mike: Cooking is boring. I love music and I can play the piano.

68.Gina: I can’t play sports, and I can’t cook, but I can speak a little French.

69.Jack: I can play chess a little. But I really want to be a chess player.

70.Scott: I like Jet Li and I’m really interested in Chinese kung fu.

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