Mr. and Mrs. Gao have two children,Gao Ping and Gao Dong.The whole family are all busy,so they often leave notes(便条)for each other.

①2:30 pm

To Gao Ping,

Miss Liu rang.No piano practice today.I'm going to Kate's house to play and be back at 4:00 pm.

Gao Dong

②3:00 pm

To Gao Dong

It's your turn to walk the dog.I have to do  my homework after school.Remember to play with Qiqi when you get home!


③7:45 pm

Has anyone seen my football shoes? I'm in my bedroom practicing the violin.

Gao Dong

④9:00 pm

I saw your shoes this afternoon.They smelt(闻起来)terrible,so I put them outside the back door.Good night,dear!


1.When will Gao Dong be back home?

A.At 8:30 pm.                                         B.At 4:00 pm.

C.At 8:00 pm.                                                 D.At 9:00 pm.

2.Who should walk the dog today?

A.Gao Ping.          B.Mrs. Gao.          C.Mr. Gao.              D.Gao Dong.

3.What is Gao Dong doing at 7:45 pm?

A.Practicing football.                                B.Going to Kate's house.

C.Practicing the violin.                                 D.Doing his homework.

4.Where can Gao Dong find his football shoes?

A.In his bedroom.                                    B.Outside the back door.

C.In the living room.                                    D.At Kate's house.

5.According to the notes,Miss Liu is ________.

A.Gao Dong's mother                                  B.Gao Dong's brother

C.the dog in the family                                   D.Gao Dong's piano teacher

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