These days, a lot of photos about how a three-year-old girl looked after her disabled father are  1    spread over the Internet. Many people were   2   by her. And people gave her a  3 nickname (绰号) “little strong girl”.
The little girl is Dong Xinyi. She was born in a small   4   in Dezhou, Shangdong Province. When she was several months   5 , her father Dong Jianshe had an accident   6  riding his motorcycle and lost his  7 . Two years later her mother left her father   8  the poor life. As an old saying goes, “ The children of   9   people manage household affairs early.” Little Xinyi had to do lots of housework. She   10  her father in her power. She cooked noodles, carried water, cleaned rooms and washed clothes. The little girl brings happiness and 11   to her poor family. And   12   , the local government has   13   medical treatment to her father and promised to cover all medical expenses(费用).   14 the same time, the government is also planning to raise money for the girl’s   15  . Now Dong Xinyi has got a chance to go to nursery school(幼儿园) like other children,

A.badB.wrong C.brightD.stupid
A.becauseB.instead of C.insteadD.because of
A.took careB.took care ofC.looked aroundD.looked for

Stress is a normal physical response to things that make people feel worried or break their balance of life in some way.

Stress isn’t always bad. Sometimes, people’s stress is important during emergency situation, such as when a driver has to stop his car to avoid an accident. Sometimes, stress can help people do their best, like while getting ready before a big competition or exam.

However, too much or long-term stress gives people a stress overload. People with stress overloads may have problems remembering or concentrating on things. They are quick to get angry or lose patience. They may even have other problems, such as sleeping problems, headache and often getting colds.

What are some ways to deal with stress?

Ask for help.

Everyone has stress. For many people, stress is so common that it has become a way of life. Don’t be too shy to tell your parents or teachers that you are having a hard time. They may comfort you or give you some useful advice. Sometimes just sharing your problems with someone else can make you feel better.

Solve the little problems.

Develop skills to calmly look at a problem, choose a way to solve it and take action. Solving the little problems successfully helps to build confidence to move on life’s bigger ones.

Learn to relax.

Activities that make people clam and happy can help manage stress. For example, reading a good book, enjoying music, spending time with your parents, getting a good night’s sleep, or just taking a relaxing bath are all good ways to reduce your stress..

Encourage yourself with positive words.

When you are under your stress, saying certain things to yourself may help you feel more confident. For example, you might tell yourself, “I will do the best that I can.” or “I can handle this if I take it one step at a time.”

1. People with stress overloads may___________.

a. have trouble concentrating on things                       b. have good memories

c. have sleeping problems                                               d. easy to get impatient

A. abd         B. acd          C. abc         D. bcd

2.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Stress is a kind of serious heart disease.          

B. Stress is always bad for people.

C. Stress is always useless for an exam.                   

D. Stress is greatly needed sometimes.

3.Which is NOT the way that people solve their stress?

A. Sharing problems with others to get help.              

B. Relaxing by enjoying music.

C. Try to be confident.                                                     

D. Having disagreement with someone else.

4.What does the underlined word handle in the last paragraph mean in Chinese?

A.处理             B. 触摸        C. 把柄       D.  搬运

5.The purpose of this article is to tell us_____________.

A. how to get good results with the help of stress

B. what a stress overload is and how to get rid of it

C. how to deal with stress and reduce it

D. what problems stress overloads might cause


New York City is a very large city with 8 million people. How do so many people move on their way to work and school?

In New York you can travel by subways, bus, taxi and private (私人的) car. The subway runs on the railroad lines under the city. It crosses the city at different points and goes to all parts of the city. Travelling by subway is the fastest way to get around the city.

The second way to travel is by bus. It is a slower way to travel.

You can also travel by taxi. This is very expensive, but the taxi will take you to every place you want to go to. If traffic is heavy, the taxi will be slow. During the mornings and afternoons, there is the “rush hour”. This is the time when the traffic is very heavy with people going to and from work..

The last way is to use your private car. It’s not good to drive during the “rush hour”. If there is an accident on the road, you will have to wait for a long time.

The best time to travel is from 9 a.m to . Traffic will be less crowded during this time because most people are already at school or at work at that time.

1.How many ways of travelling are mentioned (提到) in the passage?

  A. Two       B. Three          C. Four       D. Five

2.The word “rush hour” in Chinese means _____________.

  A.高峰时间.   B. 匆忙时间     C. 冲刺时间   D. 繁忙时间

3.The fastest way to travel in New York City is ________________.

  A. by bus      B. by subway    C. by taxi       D. by private car

4.From the last paragraph we know that in New York City ____________.

  A. there is no “rush hour” from to 4 p.m.

  B. traffic is heavy at noon.

  C. most Americans have lunch at home.

  D. people go to work and school at 9:00.

5.Why do so many people go to work or school by subway, taxi, bus and private car?

  A. Because New York City is a modern city.

  B. Because New York City is a very large city.

  C. Because New York City is new.

  D. Because the people in New York City are very busy.


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