Are you shy or outgoing? Do you have just a few friends or do you have many friends? No matter what kind of person you are, you will be most ______ during a specific time in your life, according to scientists. and that time of your life is when you are 25 and under.

A team of scientists at Aalto University in Finland and Oxford University in Britain ______ the phone records (记录) of more than 3.2 million ______ users in Europe. It also recorded their age and gender (性别), the people they called, ______ they called each person and the length of each call.

The team found that those aged 25 and under talked more on the phone ______ any other age group. However, after the age of 25, things change. We seem to ______ more friends than we make by the age of 45.

“Big life events that usually come with age, such as marriage, get people to ______ more of their time with just a few close family members and friends,” Sarah Gomillion at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, said on The Conversation.

Once a person gets to be 50 years old, while ______ more new changes in their lives, friendships will again begin to decrease (减少).

Of course, this research is limited (有限的) because the way that we stay in touch with our friends also changes. Today, we often use social media apps ______ We Chat to stay in touch with people. But this study shows that our connections with others do ______ throughout our lives.

1.A.lonely B.sad C.popular D.famous

2.A.worked B.studied C.reported D.ordered

3.A.internet D.TV. often soon many much

5.A.among B.with C.between D.than

6.A.forget B.lose D.remember

7.A.spend B.make C.cost

8.A.reading B.doing C.encouraging D.experiencing B.such D.and

10.A.keep B.change C.lose D.grow

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