
Boys and girls, it’s important for you to have good eating habits. Because they can help you live a healthy life. Read the following tips (建议) and you can learn a lot.

? Always eat with your family.

Have at least (至少) one meal (餐) with your family members (成员) every day. A family dinner can make you feel warm.

? Never watch TV when you are eating.

Don’t watch TV when you are having a meal, because you don’t know what you are eating when you watch TV. And you have no time to talk with others.


All of the bacteria on your dirty hands will go into your mouth if you don’t wash hands before meals. And that is bad for your health.

? Taste the food even if (即使) you don’t like it.

Don’t always eat your favorite food. Eating different kinds of foods can help you get much nutrition (营养).

? Eat more fruit and vegetables.

They are healthy foods. Don’t eat too much meat.

1.How many tips does the writer give?

A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.

2.Which of the following does the writer NOT mention (提及) in the passage?

A.What to do before eating. B.What to eat at meals.

C.When to eat. D.What not to do when eating.

3.Which of the following can be put into the blank (被放在空白处)?

A.Eat with your hands.

B.Wash your hands before every meal.

C.It is healthy to eat with your hands.

D.Never eat with hands.

4.The underlined word "bacteria" means ________.

A.伤口 B.纹路 C.食物 D.细菌

5.What’s the passage about?

A.Different eating cultures (文化).

B.Good eating habits.

C.What to eat for meals.

D.What to do before meals.


It's not easy to be an astronaut's son. ________expects you to be special or perfect. I often wonder how my father ever had a son like me. I mean he is so________that there's nothing he can't do. Even in middle school he was the captain(队长) of the school football team.

To be honest, I often hope to do something great like my father. I was daydreaming at school one morning when my teacher said there would be a Father’s Day________competition for the whole school. “I hope we have a________in my class.”

When I got home, I stared to________what to write. My father is an astronaut. No, I wouldn't start like that. That was the way others saw him. How did I see my father? I saw him sitting with me in the dark when I had a________dream. I remembered how he hugged me for hours when my dog Spotty was killed by a car. Yes, these were the things I was going to write. To me, he wasn't just a world-famous________. He was my dad.

My parents and I went to school on Thursday afternoon. The hall was full of people. I went up to the stage and read what I had written. “My father's son”. When I finished, everyone stood up and cheered. Tears were running down my dad's face________he was a strong man in my mind.

Finally, I won the first prize. Dad put his hand on my shoulder and said,“Darling, this is the most________Father's Day gift I have ever received and I'm really proud of you!”

It was the proudest moment of my life, too. Maybe I'll________be a great hero or win a Nobel Prize, but it was enough just to be my father's son.

1.A.Nobody B.Somebody C.Everybody

2.A.strong B.smart C.strict

3.A.reading B.writing C.drawing

4.A.writer B.reporter C.winner

5.A.talk about B.think about C.ask for

6.A.sweet B.interesting C.scary

7.A.parent B.astronaut C.captain

8.A.and B.so C.although

9.A.useful B.expensive C.unforgettable

10.A.never B.always C.sometimes

A) 阅读下面短文, 根据所读内容, 在文章后的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。

In our culture, the ability to make one’s own decision is important. John F. Kennedy’s quote “Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” shows an unpleasant truth.

Much of what we know and believe has been taught to us by others, and we often accept this information without spending much time thinking it over for ourselves.

In today’s world, we are being presented with information, ideas and beliefs, but many of them are against each other. Psychology(心理学) tells us that if we hear an idea enough times, or it comes from someone we respect, it is probable that we believe that idea. In these cases, we base our opinions on the opinions of others. If each of us does not think about this information for ourselves and come to our own conclusions, we will become nothing more than parrots quoting the opinions of others.

Examples of spreading fake news without thought can be seen on the Internet. Some people believe anything that they read and then share the story without thinking about the facts. All it takes is one quick click of the “share” button, and the story travels on its way to affect even more unthinking readers. This can cause serious problems.

If we just stop for a moment to think about what we read and hear, and form our own opinions, we will be more thoughtful, more independent, and more creative people, but few take that time. Yet we need not lose heart over this bad habit. In fact, simply realizing it is the first step towards correcting it. Once we realize that we tend to hold opinions and beliefs without thinking them through, we can change that pattern of behavior. Hopefully, we can learn to think for ourselves and form our own opinions.

Title: Enjoy the discomfort of 1.

The fact

◆ We often accept others’ opinions 2. of thinking for ourselves.


◆ Lots of information, ideas and beliefs are quite 3. from each other

◆ We4. believe an idea because we hear it a lot or we trust the person who says it.

◆ In these cases, we are like parrots with our opinions5.on others’ opinions.


◆ Some people believe 6. comes from the Internet without thought.

◆ People click the button and7. the fake news with others.

◆ The fake news has a bad 8. on more unthinking readers.

◆ Serious problems will be caused because of this behavior.

Way out

9. we can stop to think and become better thinkers, few people give it a try.

◆ Being 10. of the bad habit of thinking can help correct it.

◆ It is hoped that we can enjoy thinking for ourselves and have our own opinions.

Book Sale

Do you like reading? We have all kinds of books at very good prices. We have Robinson Crusoe for ¥ 9. We have Hamlet for ¥ 6 and A Child’s Geography of the World for ¥ 18.

Come to Xinhua Bookstore and see for yourself.

Sunshine Sports Club

For students from 12 to 16 years old. Every Saturday and Sunday 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m..

Sunshine Gym.

Just 40 pounds a month.

Basketball, tennis, badminton and volleyball. London Street 26.

Tel: 8752-1628.

Students Volunteers (志愿者) Wanted

We need two volunteers. Do you love animals? Come to the animal hospital every Saturday morning, and you can get on with the lovely animals.

Are you a book lover? Are you responsible for your work? If your answer is “Yes”, you can work as a volunteer at the library every Friday afternoon.

Come to the Students’ Union for more information.

Job Registration (登记) Company: Uber.

Job: A driver.

Working Hours: 30 hours per week, including some weekends.

Needed: to be experienced (有 经 验 的 ), friendly, healthy and have a good driving record.

Pay: $12 an hour.

Starting Date: July 1st. Tel: 765-2546.

1.Mario wants to be a volunteer, but he has a piano lesson in the morning on weekends. He can choose________.

A.to be a volunteer at the library

B.to work as a driver for Uber

C.to be a volunteer at the animal hospital

2.Ann can buy at most (至多) ________kinds of books if (如果) she has ¥ 18.

A.one B.two C.three

3.The company needs to pay________for the driver every week.

A.$12 B.$84 C.$360

4.You can________in Sunshine Sports Club.

A.play badminton and volleyball B.swim and play tennis C.play basketball and soccer

5.You can go to________for further information if you want to be a volunteer.

A.the animal hospital B.the library C.the Students’ Union

To: Carla@yahoo. com

From: Eric@163. com

Subject: Help!

Date: 15/04/2019: 05 AM

Dear Aunt Carla,

I'm having a problem with my classmate, Joan, at school. The other day I wrote an email to another classmate, Beth, in which I said something about Joan that perhaps wasn't very nice. Unluckily, when Beth was writing back to me, she sent it to HYPERLINK "mail to: Joan@163. com, " Joan@163. com, which is Joan's email address!Now Joan is really angry with me and won't talk to me, and Beth is unhappy as well. She has said sorry to me a hundred times already, but the harm is done. I feel bad, because I would never have said those things to Joan's face, but how do I get her to forgive(谅解)me? What should I do?

To: Eric@163. com

From: Carla@yahoo. com

Subject: Some advice

Date: 16/04/2019: 30 AM

Dear Eric,

This problem is more common than you might think!Email is very useful, but also very dangerous, as you don't know where your message might end up!First of all, you should say sorry right away to Joan. Explain that it was a mistake, and that you didn't mean to hurt her feelings. It may take time for her to be able to forgive you, but that's up to her. Then you might want to do something nice for her. Perhaps send her some flowers to show that you're truly sorry. Also, you should remember that old saying: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. "And good luck!


1.How soon did Eric get the reply from Aunt Carla?

A.In one day. B.In two days. C.In a week. D.In a month.

2.Why did Eric write the email to Carla?

A.To say sorry. B.To ask for advice.

C.To give advice. D.To say something unfriendly.

3.Carla gave ________pieces of advice to Eric.

A.five B.four C.three D.two

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
