
小题1:I’m ______ _______( 害怕) speaking English in public.
小题2:How can we________ _________ (解决)the problems?
小题3:The headmaster called on the students to _____  ____(筹钱) for the poor boy.
小题4:They are ________ _______ (骄傲) their players.
小题5:He _________ ____________ (不再) felt lonely after the teacher had a talk with him.

小题1:afraid of
小题2:deal with
小题3:raise money
小题4:pround of
小题5:no longer

小题1:考查固定句型的用法。be afraid of害怕。句意:我害怕在公共场所说英语。故填afraid of。
小题2:考查固定短语的用法。deal with解决。句意:我们该怎么解决这个问题?can情态动词后用动词原形。故填deal with。
小题3:考查动词的用法。raise提高,筹集,养育,升起。money钱。句意:校长呼吁学生们为这个贫穷的男孩儿筹钱。故填raise money。
小题4:考查固定句型的用法。be pround of以……感到骄傲/自豪。句意:他们以他们的队员感到骄傲。故填pround of。
小题5:考查固定短语的用法。no longer="not…any" longer不再。句意:老师跟他谈完之后,他不再感到孤独。故填no longer。
Malaysia Airlines deeply regrets that MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean. MH370 first d__小题1:__ in the early hours of March 8th, while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
We should know how to s___小题2:__ ourselves when the crash happened. Australian professor Galea, summed up 6 golden rules after years of research. It might be able to help you escape in case of emergency. S___小题3:__ 1985, Australian professor ED Galea has interviewed 2,000 survivors of 105 plane crashes, searching for the keys to survival.
First, if you are traveling in a f ___小题4:___ group, you should insist that the airline does not separate (分开)you throughout the aircraft. Why? It’s natural that if you’re involved in that kind of situation that you’re going to want to meet the family before you move out.
Second, how do you untie your seat belt in a plane? You press a button. If you can’t untie your seat belt, then, you can’t run away and your c___小题5:__ of survival will drop.
Third, sit within seven rows of an exit and count exactly how many rows you are from the nearest two exits. Count so that you can find an exit in the d___小题6:___.
Fourth, we would all be safer if airline seats faced backward. But the difficulty with this is that the most of the tourists don’t like t___小题7:__ with their back facing the direction of travel.
Fifth, “Smoke is h___小题8:___ to your health. If you take in enough of them, you will die,” explains Galea. You must learn how to use a smoke mask. Otherwise, you’ll waste time trying to put it on -- time that could be used for running a ___小题9:__.
At last, listen to the preflight bricfing by the flight attendants and read the s___小题10:_ instructions. Always be prepared. Good luck to you.

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