
Mr. Wang is our English teacher.He is fifty years old.He has a big nose(鼻子) and small eyes.He has glasses(眼镜).He often wears(穿着)a  blue jacket and black pants.He is strict (严格的) at his work, but he is good.He teaches English well.We think English is very interesting.We like him very much, too.
小题1:How old is Mr. Wang?
A.50 B.45            C.15
小题2:Mr. Wang has __________ eyes.
A.old                  B.big              C.small
小题3:What does he often wear?
A.a watch              B.black pants      C.a hat
小题4:What color is his jacket?
A.black                B.green            C.blue
小题5:The students ___________ Mr. Wang.
A.like                 B.doesn’t like    C.teaches English


小题1:根据文章内容Mr. Wang is our English teacher.He is fifty years old,故选A
小题2:根据文章内容He has a big nose(鼻子) and small eyes,故选C
小题3:根据文章内容He often wears(穿着)a  blue jacket and black pants.He is strict (严格的) at his work,故选B
小题4:根据文章内容He often wears(穿着)a  blue jacket,可知答案为C
小题5:根据文章内容We think English is very interesting.We like him very much, too.可知答案为A

It was Mother’s Day. John was so busy with his work that he couldn’t go back home. When he walked by a flower shop in the evening, an idea came to his mind. “I’ll send Mum some roses (玫瑰).”
While John was picking his flowers, a young man went inside. “How many roses can I get for only five dollars, Madam?” he asked. The shop assistant told him that roses were as expensive as forty dollars a dozen (一打). Maybe he would be happy with carnations(康乃馨). She told him they were a lot cheaper than roses.
“No, I have to have red roses,” he said, “My mum was badly ill last year and I didn’t get to spend much time with her. Now I want to get something special, it has to be roses, as the rose is her favorite.”
After hearing this, John said he would pay the rest of the money for the young man. Moved by both of them, the shop assistant said, “Well, lovely young men, thirty dollars a dozen, only for you two.” Taking the roses, the young man almost jumped into the air. He thanked John, and ran out of the shop. It was well worth twenty-five dollars John paid to see the exciting moment. Then John paid for his dozen of roses and told the shop assistant to send them to his mother.
As he walked out, he felt nice. Suddenly he saw the young man crossing the street and going into a park. But soon he realized it was not a park but a cemetery (墓地). Crying, the young man carefully laid the roses, “Mum, oh, Mum, why didn’t I tell you how much I loved you? God, please help me find my mum and tell her I love her.”
Seeing this, John turned and quickly walked back to the shop. He would take the flowers home himself.
小题1:The shop assistant tried to ask the young man to buy carnations instead of roses because _____.
A.there were not enough roses in the shop
B.carnations were much nicer than roses
C.roses were more expensive than carnations
D.carnations were special flowers for Mother’s Day
小题2:John spent _______ in the flower shop that day.
A.$5B.$25C.$ 45D.$ 55
小题3:The young man cried at the cemetery because he _______.
A.had spent all his money on the roses
B.wasn’t able to tell his mother he loved her himself
C.felt sorry to ask John to pay for his flowers
D.hadn’t got enough money for his sick mother
小题4:At last John decided to take the roses home himself because he wanted to _______.
A.tell his mother he loved her
B.ask his mother for more money
C.tell his mother the young man’s story
D.ask his mother if she liked roses
小题5:The writer wrote this passage to tell us “_______”.
A.Buy roses for your mother when she is ill
B.Let your mother know how much you love her
C.Work hard to get more money for your mother
D.Send your mother flowers on Mother’s Day
I love to tell the story about how I met my best friend---- Tiger. We met at the school fair. Each year, all the fourth-grade classes hold a school fair. Everyone in the fourth-grade works at the fair. Some sell ice cream, drinks and snacks. Others take care of the little children who ride the rides.
I got the second job and I’ve never regretted it, because that’s where I met Tiger.
My job was to help little children get on the back of a little horse. I kept telling the children to wait their turn and holding ice cream for them while they rode about. One thing was clear to me. I was growing older and should be more responsible.
Suddenly, a boy came to the horse. He took the little horse’s reins! The horse stopped, and the girl on its back started to fall. I was trying to reach the girl when I saw Tiger go by my legs. It held the horse’s reins and pulled the horse away from my legs. I caught the girl just before we both hit the ground. The girl sat on top of me. She was laughing at the ice cream on my face. The horse’s reins were in Tiger’s mouth!
Thanks to Tiger’s fast action, I saved the little girl. We were both heroes. And Tiger, the fastest dog I’ve even known became my new best friend.
小题1:According to the passage, __________ work at the fair.    
A.ice cream sellersB.all the school children
C.little boys and girlsD.the fourth-grade students
小题2:The writer’s job was to __________.
A.take the little horse’s reins
B.look after the children
C.get on the back of the horse
D.ride with little children
小题3:As soon as the little horse stopped, the girl __________.
A.started to fallB.laughed at the writer
C.hit the ground D.sat on top of the writer
小题4:Tiger helped to save the little girl on the horse by __________.
A.going fast by the writer’s legs
B.trying to catch the little girl
C.holding the reins with its mouth
D.riding the little horse around
小题5:From the passage, we know that __________.
A.Tiger was a actually a brave dog
B.Tiger wanted to become a hero
C.the writer didn’t want to grow up
D.the writer regretted working at the fair
On Sunday morning, Helen usually gets up very late. She washes her face and then goes out to   41   morning exercises. It is about 8.20 a.m. After eating her   42    , she goes to a shopping centre called Times Shopping Centre   43   her mother. The shopping centre is not far   44   their home. It only  45  them about 20 minutes to get there  46   , so they like walking there. Helen enjoys shopping   47 there very much. It is new  48 big.  49 many things, such as TVs, fridges, bikes, computers, clothes, books, food and drinks. There are many   50   too. There are men and women, old and  51 . Parents must   52 their children. The shopping centre is so big. Young children may get lost (迷失) in it.   53 do so many people come here to buy things? Do you know? Helen said that things there are usually good and  54  .The workers there are always nice and friendly. She also said that she would take   55 there and have a look if you come to her home.
A.by footB.use footC.on footD.with foot
A.toB./ C.atD.to
A.They'reB.There areC.There beD.There is
小题10:A. students       B. people          C. teachers     D: children
A.look forB.look likeC.look atD.look after

Mr. Evens works in Sydney. Last week he had a two weeks’ holiday, but he didn’t know where to go. He said to his friend Robert, “I hate the hot weather here, but I can’t find a cool place in Australia. How will I take my holiday?”
“That’s easy,” said Robert. “You’d better go to Moscow. Snow and ice are covering the ground now.”
Mr. Evens agreed with his friend. He bought an air ticket and soon arrived in Moscow. He made a happy journey(旅程) there. But one day He got into trouble. After lunch he went to a park outside the city. He saw a dog following him while he was walking past a house. It was hungry and wished him to give it some food to eat. Bad luck! He had no piece of bread or cake in his pockets. He tried to send it away, but it began to bark at him. He wanted to look for a stick but couldn’t find anything except snow and ice. Suddenly he saw a stone in the ground. He tried to pick it up but he failed.
“How strange Russians(俄国人) are!” Mr. Evens said to himself. “They do not tie their dogs, but firmly(牢牢地) tie the ground!”
小题1:Mr. Evens is _______________.
A.an AmericanB.an EnglishmanC.a RussianD.an Australian
小题2:Mr. Evens wouldn’t spend his holiday in Australia because         .
A.it was very hot in his countryB.he liked to make a long journey
C.he had never been to Moscow beforeD.Robert told him to leave his country
小题3:Mr. Evens went to Moscow _______________.
A.by trainB.by carC.by planeD.on foot
小题4: Mr. Evens couldn’t find a stick because _______________.
A.there weren’t any trees in Moscow in winter
B.the ground was covered with snow and ice
C.the Russians had taken all the sticks home
D.the Russians didn’t tell him about it
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Russians are all very strange.B.Russians never tie their dogs.
C.Russians always tie the stones firmly.
D.The stone was firmly frozen(结冰)on the ground.
It was one of the hottest days of the dry season.  If we didn't see any rain soon, we would lose everything.
One day when I was in the kitchen, I saw my six-year-old son, Billy, walking towards the forest. He was clearly trying to be as still as possible.   Several minutes after, he had gone into the forest, he ran out again, towards. the house.  This activity went on for an hour, walking carefully to the forest and running back to the house.  I really wanted to know what Billy was doing.
Finally I followed him into the forest.  I found that he was holding a cup of water. He walked very carefully not to drop the water.
I saw a baby deer lying on the ground.  It lifted its head to drink the water in my son's cup.  After the deer drank up, Billy jumped up and ran back to the house to get more water.  When he saw me, he said, "I'm not wasting. " I found that his eyes were filled with tears.
“I know. " I watched the most beautiful heart working so hard to save another life.Tears ran down my face.  As my tear drops began to hit the ground, other drops and more drops and more suddenly joined them   I looked up at the sky.   It was raining.
Some people would say this was all just a huge coincidence  (巧合).   Those miracles(奇迹)  don't really exist (存在).  I would like to believe it was a miracle.   All I can say is that the rain that came that day saved our farm just like the actions of one little boy saved a life.
小题1:We can know the writer was _______.
A.Billy's friendB.Billy's parent
C.Billy's sisterD.Billy's brother
小题2:Billy walked towards the forest and ran to the house again and again because he wanted to_______.
A. take more exerciseB. practice running
C. get water for the baby deerD. get water for his mother
小题3:What does the underlined word "lifted" mean "_____" in Chinese?
A.抬起  B. 电梯     C. 摇晃      D. 点头
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. They hadn't got any rain for long.
B. Billy used a cup to hold water for the baby deer.
C. The writer cried because she was moved.
D. Billy walked carefully in order not to wake up the baby deer.
小题5:What's the best title for the passage?
A. A Miracle of TearsB.A Baby Deer
C. A Beautiful CupD. A Great Coincidence

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