
The super girls got ________ 200 e-mails from their fans every day.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
句意为“超级女生们每天都会收到歌迷们的200多封电子邮件”。位于基数词前表“超过的”用more than或over。all意为“所有”,放在句中不妥,故只有C对。

The Statue of Liberty, which has been closed to the public since super storm Sandy struck in October, will reopen by July 4.
The Statue of Liberty was presented to the United States by the French people in 1886. It stands at Liberty Island as a welcome to all returning Americans.
It’s five months since the monument and Liberty Island were shut down after the storm.
While the statue itself was not seriously harmed by the storm, several buildings on the island experienced the terrible flood. The way used by ships carrying visitors from lower Manhattan and New Jersey was also destroyed.
It’s good news, it’s a little late, but at least it’s there, and now we’ll watch like an eagle to make sure this promise is kept,” Schumer told NBC New York.
In January, the government spent $59 million repairing both Liberty Island and nearby Ellis Island, which was also damaged in the storm. But the officers have not announced when Ellis Island will reopen. In November, more than a million art works had to be removed from the museum there because of the storm. The Statue of Liberty is one of the country’s most popular tourist attractions. According to the National Park Service, more than 3.7 million people visit the site every year.
【小题1】Why was the Statue of Liberty closed last October?

A.Because of the super storm Sandy.
B.Because of the destroyed way.
C.Because of the damaged buildings.
D.Because of nearby Ellis Island.
【小题2】How long has the monument and Liberty Island been shut down?
A.One month.B.Four months.
C.Five months. D.Ten months.
【小题3】What does the underlined word It in the fifth paragraph refer to?
A.The Statue of Liberty was presented by French people.
B.The government spent $59 million repairing Liberty Island and Ellis Island.
C.The Statue of Liberty stands at Liberty Island as a welcome to all.
D.The Statue of Liberty will reopen by July 4.
【小题4】Which of the following is true according to this passage?
A.The Statue of Liberty was seriously harmed by the storm.
B.In January the government spent $59 million repairing Liberty Island.
C.It’s announced that Ellis Island will reopen in November.
D.The Statue of Liberty attracts over 3.7 million tourists every year.

Date of birth: July 26. 1985        Weight: 50 kg
Place of birth: Changsha, Hunan    Favorite city: Paris
Height:164 cm                  Hobby: music
Type of blood: AB
Zhou Bichang was the winner of the Super Girls. She did quite well in her studies and got a high score of 681 in her NCEE in 2003.
Zhou Bichang graduated from Futian High School in Shenzhen and is now a student at the Xinghai Conservatory of Music(音乐学院) in Guangzhou.
Although her parents gave her a name with the meaning "write excellently" in the hope that she would become a writer. Zhou seems to be a born singer. She could sing theme songs of TV shows very well when she was only two years old. She has more than 4,500CDs.
Zhou has been well-known across the country during the contest. Fans gave her a nickname "BB" and themselves a title "Chalks". However, BB doesn't seem to enjoy the sudden success. Now she is back to school but feels a bit uneasy when fans see her. "What I really love is singing," said BB in an interview, "but not the life of a star," But that's exactly why "Chalks" love "BB".
【小题1】Zhou Bichang is called ______ by her fans.

A.ChalksB.BBC.Write fluentlyD.Bichang
【小题2】What do Zhou Bichang's parents want her to be in the future?
A.A writer.B.A pop singerC.A film star.D.We don't know.
【小题3】What's the meaning of the underlined word "uneasy"?
【小题4】 What do you think Zhou Bichang can do well in from this passage?
A.Only her study.B.Only singing.
C.Both her study and singing.D.Her study, singing and writing

Hi,I’m Mimi. I’m four years old. I enjoy listening to music very much. I can sing and dance. This is a photo of me at my birthday party. I look very cool because it is my birthday today.It is favorite day of this year.I get up early and I’m ready for my birthday party.I have a lot of animal friends .iIcall them to my home on the phone. Then I take a bus to go shopping. I buy some food ,friut and drinks in the super market.At 7:0p.m,the party begins.All my friend asks me to sing some songs for them .I’m shy in front of them but I feel happy.Look! I’m playing guitar.They are listening tomy songs They clap their hands from time to time.at last ,all my friends walk to me and sing.” Happy birthday” to me.How happy my birthday is !And my friends have a good time .

1.How old is MiMi?

A.2                B.4.                C.14.              D.40

2..Why does MiMi look cool today?Because____________

A.his animal friends come.                  B.his parents love him.

C.it is his birthday.                        D.he wears nice clothes.

3.How does he go shopping?

A.By bus            B.By taxi            C.By train           D.By bike

4.What time does the birthday party begin?

A.5:00 a.m          B.6:30 p.m          C.7:00 a.m          D.7:00p.m

5.Which is Not true?

A.MiMi buys food ,fruit and drinks.            B.MiMi can’t sing and dance.

C.MiMi feels shy in front of his friends.         D.Friends sing“Happy birthday”to him .


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