
Where do all the tourists go?

     Where are the most popular places for tourists in Britain? There are some of the top ten tourist attractions (胜地).

Madame Tussand's Waxworks (蜡像馆)

(2.5 million visitors each year ) 

Madame Tussaud was a Frenchwoman who lived in Paris during the French revolution (革命). She had to make death masks (面部模型) of people who had been killed ( many of them were her friends ) by the revolutionaries(革命者).

     Her waxworks were opened in London in 1842. Many of her earliest models are still on show , but models of political leaders, pop and sports stars are changed often. 

The Tower (塔) of London

 (2. I rail/ion visitors each year )

      The tower was built in the eleventh century. It was begun by a man who was not even English, William of Normandy~ the cousin of England's King. Around the year 1240, King Henry Ⅲ made this tower his home. He widened the grounds to include (包括) a church, a great hall, and other buildings. He invited many important visitors and many of them came with animals as gift, so Henry built a zoo near the gate of the tower to keep them. The tower was lived in by English kings, until it was turned into a prison (监狱). Many famous prisoners (囚犯)were killed there.

Alton Towers

 (2.4 million, vsitors each year )

     Alton Towers was opened in 1978. It is Britain's biggest and best known Theme (主题) Park and it has been described as Britain's Disneyland. Everyone who comes to Alton Towers hopes to have adventure( 冒险) and fun and they certainly will be pleased. There is always something new for you to enjoy as new and more exciting rides .are introduced each year

The Roman Baths( 浴场).Bath

(800,000 visitors each year )

     The hot water springs( 温泉) in Bath were first discovered by the Romans in the first century A. D.. The baths were built in that place and then used by the Romaus for bathing and for the good of their health. When the Bomans, left Britain, the baths were forgotten. They were not discovered again until 1878.

     Nowadays, the old buildings left by the Romans are visited by thousands of people. They also drink some of the famous hot water. Over a million litres  (升) a day of this water comes out of the ground at a not changing temperature of 46.5℃.

1. If you want to visit a tourist attraction where both kings and prisoners used to live, you should go to______ 

   A. Madame Tussaud's Waxworks      

B. The Tower of London

   C. Alton Towers                   

D. The Roman Baths

2. If you visit Madame Tussaud's Waxworks. you could see ______.

   A. the wax model of Madame Tussaud

   B. the death masks of some French revolutionaries

   C. the wax models of famous people

   D. the wax models of nil pop and sports stars in British history

3. When the Romans used the baths for bathing, they found______

   A. the water was hot

   B. the water always stayed at the temperature of 46.5℃

   C. the water could be drunk

   D. the water was good for health

4. Alton Towers has a history of______ years.

   A. about a few       B. about 30 

C. hundreds of       D. thousands of

5. Which of the four tourist attractions has the most visitors each year?

   A. The Roman Baths, Bath.         

B. Alton Towers.

   C. The Tower of London.           

D. Madame Tussaud's Waxworks.

An old man was going home late one night with his horse and cart after a day’s hard work. When he was not far from his house, the light on the cart went out. He tried but could not mend (修理) it. He was near his home, and so he went along the road without a light. When a policeman saw this, he stopped the old carter.
“Where is your light?” asked the policeman. “No man may take a cart along the road at night without a light. You know that. You have broken the law (法律).”“I had a light, but it has just gone out,” said the old man.
“I don’t believe that story,” said the policeman. He took out a book and got ready to write. What’s your name and where do you live?” he asked.
“Please don’t take my name,” said the old man. “My home is just there. You can see it from here. I had a light nearly the whole way. I haven’t come far without a light.”
“You came all the way without a light. What’s your name?”
The carter quickly took the policeman’s hand and put it down on top of the light. The light was still hot and burnt the policeman’s hand. The policeman jumped and he was very angry. “Now, what do you think?” said the carter. “Did I come all the way without a light?”
1. In the passage the word “cart” is ____.
A. something like a car
B. something like a light
C. something pulled by a horse
D. something with a light
2. The old man drove home ____.
A. on the back of his horse
B. late one night
C. very late every night
D. with a policeman
3. Where did the policeman stop the old man?
A. Near the old man’s home.
B. At the traffic lights.
C. Under a road light.
D. Far from the old man’s home.
4. The cart was stopped by the policeman because ____.
A. the old man didn’t have a light
B. the policeman didn’t believe the old man’s words
C. the old man didn’t want to tell his name
D. the light on the old man’s cart was not on
5. What made the policeman believe the old man’s words?
A. He made the policeman touch the light.
B. He jumped and shouted angrily.
C. He made the policeman angry.
D. The light burnt the policeman’s hands.

I’m Mary. I have a piece of good news to tell you. My parents bought a new flat in the centre of the city. The rooms are not big, but they are all comfortable. There are more rooms than our old flat. I am excited(激动) because I have my own bedroom. In the old flat, I share the bedroom with my sister.
My favourite room in the new flat is my bedroom. I can be alone (单独) in it. It is my own small world. I can listen to music, read comics and chat with my friends on the phone. I can also look for things on the Internet and send e-mails to my e-friends.
Kitchen is my favourite room, too. I like helping my mother with the cooking. She is not only a good teacher but also a good cook. She often teaches me how to make some different dishes. She lived in Sichuan when she was a child. So she likes hot food and she can cook very delicious hot food.
【小题1】What’s Mary’s new flat like?

A.Big and comfortableB.Small and not comfortable
C.Big but not comfortable D.Small but comfortable
【小题2】Mary can do the following things in the bedroom except(除了)______.
A.play the piano B.chat with her friends
C.send e-mails D.listen to music
【小题3】Which room does Mary like best?
A.The kitchen B.Her bedroom
C.The sitting room D.Both A and B
【小题4】What does Mary’s mother do?
A.A teacher. B.A nurse.
C.A housewife.D.A worker.
【小题5】Where did Mary’s mother live when she was a child?
A.The old flat B.The centre of the city
C.Sichuan D.The new flat

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