Xian Xinghai was a very famous musician in China. He wrote one of the greatest pieces of music of the 20th century. In his short life he wrote _____ 300 songs and an opera.

Xian was born in Macau, China in 1905. Because his father died before he was born, Xian moved from place to place with his mother. He began learning to play the violin when he was 13 years old. _____, his violin was so cheap and badly made that he _____ not play it well. His friends laughed at him. Xian did not _____ practising(练习) and soon showed his talent. In 1934, he was _____ of the first Chinese students who studied in a special music school in Paris. Before he _____, Xian became the school's best student and won several prizes for his talent.

In 1935, he returned to China and helped fight against the Japanese army. Later, he came to Yan'an to _____ music at a college. There were no pianos in Yan'an at that time, but Xian still wrote some of his most important music there, including the Yellow River Cantata, his most famous _____.

In May 1940, Xian was sent to a foreign country by the Chinese Communist Party to write music for movies. Life was very _____ then. Xian got sick and later died of a lung illness ______ October 30, 1945, aged only 40. Xian's music, however, lives on in the people's hearts.

1.A.near B.almost C.well D.very

2.A.At first B.In the end C.Next D.At last

3.A.need B.may C.should D.could

4.A.like B.stop C.go on D.wait for

5.A.else B.other C.one D.another

6.A.ran B.worked C.left D.won

7.A.teach B.bring C.get D.call

8.A.job B.work C.poem D.painting

9.A.hard B.famous C.happy D.lucky

10.A.at B.in C.by D.on

The class was right in the middle of a math problem. Suddenly, Joe laughed out loud at the back of the classroom. Everyone stopped and looked at him.

“What are you laughing at?” Mr. Steinman.

“Nothing.” Joe answered.

“Joe. Office. Now,” Mr. Steinman became angry.

“Fine, I’d rather be there anyway.” Joe said.

“I’ll be calling home after school, too,” Mr. Steinman said.

“Ask my mom to buy pizza for dinner when you call,” Joe suggested.

His teacher opened his mouth to reply, but thought better of it. Instead, he continued the maths lesson. Joe took his time to get to the door. He stopped to sharpen his pencil.

“Joe! Get out now. You don’t need your pencil in the office,” Mr. Steinman said.

“I want to be prepared,” he tried to look confused, even though he knew what he was doing was wrong.

Joe left the classroom. Sadly, he didn’t know how to do his homework, which made him sigh (叹气). Then he arrived at the office and sat in his familiar chair, waiting to get shouted at again. Once he got home, he’d be in trouble with his parents, and tomorrow he’d repeat the whole process.

“Another day, another detention,” he sighed, wondering why maths was so hard. He made up his mind to work hard in maths, because he still wanted to be good at it.

1.What subject was Joe trying to avoid?

A.Science. B.Maths.

C.English. D.Music.

2.How did Mr. Steinman feel when Joe laughed again?

A.Happy. B.Sad.

C.Relaxed. D.Mad.

3.What did Joe ask his teacher to tell his mother?

A.Pick him up from school.

B.Bring his bag to school.

C.Order pizza for dinner.

D.Help him with his homework.

4.Which word can be replaced the underlined word, “detention”?

A.Punishment. B.Invitation.

C.Graduation. D.Praise.

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Joe was a very shy student.

B.Joe was often punished by his maths teacher.

C.Mr. Steinman was a very humorous teacher.

D.Joe usually did his maths homework well.

When two people meet, there are a lot of ways of greeting. The ways of greeting are not always the same in different countries.

In America, two people usually greet each other with a handshake. It is a way to show respect(尊重)to the other person. Athletes from opposite teams shake hands before a game for the same reason. However, most Americans don’t shake hands when they meet people they have already known well. When American friends meet each other, they might only wave(挥手), or maybe just nod(点头)their heads.

In New Zealand, there is a special way of greeting called “Hongi”. In the greeting, two people press their noses and foreheads(前额)together and close their eyes. This is an old tradition that comes from the Maori, who were the first people to live in New Zealand. Even today, many New Zealanders still press their foreheads when they meet.

Kissing is sometimes used as a way to greet someone. In some countries, important people used to wear special rings. It was the custom for visitors to kiss these rings when they came for a meeting. In France, when people meet, they sometimes kiss each other on the face.

In Japan, people bow to each other every time they meet. Even family members bow to each other. People decide how low to bow depending on how respected the other person is.

Today, new ways of greeting are created all the time. People can do this with a quick “hi”, a handshake, or even a simple smile. The important thing is that the people they are greeting understand them.

1.The passage mainly talks about .

A.different ways of greeting B.how to be a polite person

C.how to show respect to others D.ways of saying hello in different languages

2.The underlined part “the same reason” refers to .

A.showing love B.showing respect

C.thanking each other D.introducing each other

3.We can learn from the third paragraph that .

A.it’s impolite to press one’s nose in New Zealand

B.Hongi is a kind of traditional food in New Zealand

C.the Maori used to be an old village in New Zealand

D.Hongi is an old tradition in New Zealand

4.How low does one Japanese bow to the other?

A.It depends on how respected the other person is.

B.It depends on how old the other person is.

C.It depends on how successful the other person is.

D.It depends on how tall the other person is.

5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.It’s OK to just nod heads when American friends meet.

B.Family members in Japan do not bow to each other.

C.In some countries rings were once used for kissing.

D.The ways of greeting are changing over time.

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