
The Power (力量) of Love

Donny, an 11-year-old boy, is playing with a ball. The ball goes into the street, and Donny_________for the ball. A car hits (撞) Donny.

An ambulance (救护车) takes Donny to the hospital. The_______ tell Donny's parents, “Donny is in a coma ( 昏迷). Maybe he will wake up ( 醒来) tomorrow. Maybe he will wake up next week. Or maybe he will never wake up.”

Every day Donny's parents visit him at the hospital. They sit next to Donny's bed and talk to him. But Donny never talks to them. He only_______.

One day Donny's father says, “Wake up, Donny. Wake up and come home. Come home and play with Rusty.” Rusty is Donny's dog.

When Donny’s father says "Rusty,” Donny moves his_______. “Rusty!” Donny's father says it again. Again, Donny moves his hand.

Donny's parents have a/an_______. They talk to the nurses, "We want to bring Donny's dog to the hospital. Is it OK?”

“A dog in the hospital?” the nurses say, “That's very unusual. But, it's OK.” The next day, Donny's parents bring Rusty to the hospital. And they do so every day. One day, Rusty_______ on Donny's bed and scratches ( 用爪子抓) Donny's arm. Donny opens his eyes and_______ his first words: “Bad dog!”

After seven weeks, Donny is_______. He leaves the hospital and goes home with his “bad dog” Rusty.

1.A.runs B.waits C.asks

2.A.managers B.doctors C.drivers

3.A.studies B.sleeps C.sings

4.A.head B.foot C.hand

5.A.game B.lesson C.idea

6.A.jumps B.lives C.catches

7.A.writes B.says C.draws

8.A.well B.sad C.afraid


Do you have a tidy (整洁的) or messy desk at home? Do you have difficulty keeping your desk clean and tidy for a long time? You know, a clean and tidy desk helps us find things we need quickly and do things more efficiently (髙效地). Now here are some good ways that can help.

First, only keep things you really need on and near your desk. For old papers you never read, you can throw them away or put them somewhere else. Use a box for any papers you have to read. Have a jar for pens and pencils.

Second, don’t keep any food or drink on your desk, because they can make your desk dirty easily. Go to the kitchen when you want to eat something or have a drink, or keep food or drinks on a small table near your desk.

Third, keep important things close to you. Keep the important things close by and easy to get. For example, if you have a few drawers (抽屉) under your desk, the top one should have the things you use most often.

Fourth, clean your desk at the end of every day. Do it after studying! If you do it every day, it will only take five minutes and you can start each new day with a clean and tidy space.

It’s important to have a good habit. Try these small ways and you may see a big difference in your life.

There are some god ways to keep a clean and tidy desk.

First, only keep things you really need on and near your desk.

For old papers you never read,1..

Use a box for any papers you have to read.

Have a jar for pens and pencils.

Second, don’t keep any food or drink on your desk.

Go to the kitchen when you want to eat something or have a drink.



Keep those things close by and easy to get.

If you have a few drawers under your desk, 4.

Fourth, clean your desk at the end of every day.

Do it after studying!

If you do it every day,5.

Earlier this year in Norway, people buried a steel bottle with plant seeds, a wristwatch and rock samples (样本) in it. Why did they do this? They were making a time capsule(时间胶囊).

Time capsules are small collections of goods or information that are stored somewhere safe. They can be opened by people many years later, giving future people a view of life in the past.

They may contain (包含) newspaper articles, popular music recordings, and photos. Historians can use time capsules to learn more about societies that lived in the past.

One of the earliest time capsules was the Detroit Century Box. On Dec 31st, 1900, the city picked several photos and letters to be placed in a box. The box was then locked until Dec 31st, 2000. The things inside the capsule give us a look at Detroit in the past. There were photos of people and places, as well as letters written by local people. Some of them even gave predictions for the future. One person predicted that Detroit would have a population of 4 million by 2000. But in fact, the city’s population was about 951,000 that year.

Humans have even sent time capsules into space! The US sent two capsules into space on the Voyager spacecraft (旅行者号航天器) in 1977. They are called the Voyager Golden Records. They contain sounds and pictures that show the diversity of human life and culture. For example, they have music by German composer (作曲家) Beethoven and pictures of plants, insects and landscapes (山水风景画). The Voyager spacecraft has traveled far away from our solar system(太阳系). It is hoped that aliens might find the time capsules someday and learn about us.

1.A time capsule________.

A.is a subject about societies that lived in the past

B.is a small collection of things stored in a safe place

C.collects medicines and buries them deep underground

D.collects music recordings which will be popular in the future

2.The earliest time capsule was locked for________ .

A.23 years B.77 years C.100 years D.218 years

3.From the collections in the Detroit Century Box, we may learn________.

A.what people wore in the past B.what Detroit was like in 1977

C.what would happen to Detroit in the future D.what the population of Detroit is in 2000

4.What does underline word “diversity” in paragraph 5 probably mean in Chinese?

A.思想性 B.普遍性 C.预见性 D.多样性

5.The Voyager Golden Records________.

A.contain pictures and plants B.were sent into space by Germany

C.have traveled far from the solar system D.have been found by the aliens

If you were asked to recite lines of poetry that have the Chinese character “hua”—which means flower—how many could you recite?

He Liran, 13, had to tack on this challenge on a TV show aired by Shandong TV. He Liran, a student at the Harbin No 163 Middle School in Heilongjiang, competed with over 100 other students. The competitors took turns reciting lines of poetry that used the word “hua”, with He Liran replying to each one.

One competitor used the line “As if the vernal breeze had come back over night; adorning thousands of pear trees with blossoms white.” He Liran replied with “After one night of wind and showers; how many are the fallen flowers!”

At the end, He Liran won, reciting more than 60 out of the 127 lines that were recited in the competition.

Her lifelong love of reading helped her win. Her father started reading poems to her when she was just 4 years old. She has been a bookworm ever since.

Though busy with schoolwork, she spares time to study at least one poem each day. She thinks ancient poetry is still important, even in modern times.

“Once, I walked along a small path in a forest. The scenery was the same as what is described in the line ‘On the sandy path between pine-trees there is no mud’, which comes from one of Su Shi’s poems. At that moment, the line from his poem naturally came to my mind and I realized that poems can be part of our daily lives,” she said.

1.He Liran started to learn about poetry at the age of________.

A.4 B.6 C.8 D.l3

2.The underlined line in Paragraph 3 probably mans “________” in Chinese.

A.一树梨花压海棠 B.雨打梨花深闭门

C.千树万树梨花开 D.梨花满地不开门

3.According to the text, the competitor________will probably win the competition.

A.that likes ancient poetry best B.that studies at least one poem each day

C.that has recited the most poems with “hua” D.that can recite 127 lines of poems

4.Which of the following is TRUE about He Liran?

A.She competed with over 163 other students. B.Poetry plays an important role in her life.

C.She won the competition in her school. D.She thought of Li Bai’s poem when walking in a forest.

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Interest is the best teacher. B.One tree can’t make a forest.

C.Better late than never. D.Actions speak louder than words.

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