As we know, the time of 5G technology (技术) is coming. Recently, there’s a lot of information about 5G. But what is this technology and how might it bring to our lives?

What is 5G?

5G means the fifth generation mobile networks (网络), a better technology than 4G. And we know, 4G comes after 3G and makes the network run faster than 3G.

When will 5G come to our life?

Before we can all use 5G, there must be a new system (系统) for 5G to work. In the USA, some cities will first use 5G this year. Experts say it will take a few more years or even longer to reach every place. In China, a few cities are using 5G now. And more and more cities will join this group. Next year, 5G will become national, even in the countryside.

What can 5G do?

Experts say 5G will help to build future“smart cities ” with the help of sensor networks (传感器网络). Such networks will be able to help the police with the traffic. They can help us know what’s happening in our homes when we are at work. They can even help to make it possible for doctors to perform an operation (手术) far away.


In the future, more information and more kinds of information will be travelling across 5G networks. Much of the information could be about persons, businesses or government organization (政府组织). So we can see, the wider use of a 5G network means any mistake of the system would cause serious results. Then they may bring problems of public security(安全) and world economic (经济) activity.

1.According to the passage, 5G is__________.

A.a kind of phone B.a kind of computer

C.a kind of network D.a kind of website(网站)

2.The underlined word “ They ” refers to__________.

A.Doctors B.The networks C.The police D.Experts

3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about “ smart cities ” in this passage?

A.House building. B.Traffic. C.Home security. D.Medical operations.

4.Which sentence is the best for the place ? ?

A.Who will use 5G? B.Why will 5G be popular?

C.How will people use 5G? D.What are the security problems?

假如你是Daniel,是九年级某班的学生。对于上个月闻名世界的巴黎圣母院(Notre Dame Cathedral)大火表示痛心,对于失去-件艺术瑰宝表示惋惜,同时你想提醒人们从这-事件中吸取教训。请以“Art Treasures Without Boundary”为题,根据下列表格的提示,用英语写-篇文章。













提示:塔尖spire 玫瑰花窗the rose window 文物cultural relics

Art Treasures Without Boundary

I first knew Notre Dame Cathedral from the book The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by a French writer Victor Hugo._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Hopefully, the fine will ring a bell for Chinese society.

Safety tips for taking the bus

Wait for the bus

Always arrive at your bus stop early. If the bus is late, please stay at the bus stop.

Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before you get on.

Make sure that you have your bus card or money ready before you get on !he bus.

Get on the bus

If you are on a bus with seatbelts, make sure to wear yours.

Make sure you know where the emergency exits are in case there is an emergency.

Do not run or jump on the bus.

Respect other people and their property.

1) Do not kick the seat in front of you.

2) Do not leave trash behind on the bus.

3) Treat the bus driver with respect.

Get off the bus

Remove your headphones before you get off the bus, as they can distract(使分心)you from being fully aware of your surroundings and potential danger.

Get off the bus in an orderly manner. Do not push or run.

Never cross the road in front of a bus.

Cross the road after the bus has moved on and you can see clearly in all directions.

Please tell the bus driver if there is an emergency.

1.You'd better _____________ if the bus is late.

A.arrive at the bus stop early B.wait at the bus stop

C.leave the bus stop quickly after the bus

2.According to the safety tips, when you get off the bus, you should _____________.

A.say goodbye to the bus driver B.cross the road in front of the bus

C.take off your headphones D.bring your bus card and money

3.Where might you find these safety tips?

A.At a bus stop. B.On the train. C.At a train station. D.On the underground.


I travel a lot,and I find out different “styles” of giving directions every time I ask “How can I get to the post office?”

In Japan,people use landmarks(地标)in their directions because most streets don't have names.For example,the Japanese will say to travelers,“Go straight ahead and turn left at the hotel.The post office is across from the bus stop.”

In the countryside of the American Midwest,there are no towns or buildings in many places.Instead of landmarks,people will tell you directions and distances.In Kansas,for example,people will say,“Go north two miles.Turn east,and then go another mile.”

People in Los Angeles,California have no idea of distance.They measure(测量)distance in time,not miles.“How far away is the post office?” you ask.“Oh,” they answer.“It's about five minutes from here.”

It's true that a person doesn't know the answer sometimes.What happens in such a situation?A New Yorker might say,“Sorry,I don't know.” But in Yucatan,Mexico,no one answers,“I don't know.” People believe that “I don't know.” is impolite.They usually give an answer,often a wrong one.A tourist can get very,very lost in Yucatan!

1.Why do Japanese people use landmarks in their directions?

A.Because they have no idea of distance. B.Because there are no towns or buildings.

C.Because most of the streets have no names. D.Because people don't know the answer.

2.What may happen in Yucatan?

A.People there usually say,“Sorry,I don't know the way.”

B.Local people often give a right answer.

C.People there have no idea of distance.

D.Visitors may lose their way.

3.Which of the following may people in Kansas say?

A.“Turn left at the traffic lights and you will see a school.” B.“It will take one day and a half.”

C.“Turn south and then walk 300 meters.” D.“Go along Autumn Street and turn right at the crossing.”

4.What is the best title for the article?

A.Asking the Way in Different Places B.Getting Lost in Yucatan

C.Traveling in Different Places D.Where is the Post Office?

If you want a pen friend, what should you write in your first letter?

*Your basic information, such as your name, age and where you live.

*How you found his/her name and address. For example, I saw your name in Kids' magazine. . .

* _____________________________ This gives you a lot to write about and lets your pen friend see if you two share the same interests. You may write, "I have a dog named Einstein. He is very naughty.

*Be specific (详细而精确的). Don't say you like watching movies. Tell them what movies you like. Say something like "I watch a lot of Disney movies and my favourite one is The Lion King. . "

*Ask questions so that he/she can answer. For example, I like Jay Chou very much. Who's your favourite pop star?

*Never demand that your pen friend write you back. It's rude. Try to say something like Looking forward to hearing from you and I can't wait to hear from you soon to invite them to write you back.

*Make sure you close your letter with something friendly. For example, Your New Friend", “Yours” or Cheers". Don't end your first letter with Love", You just get to know each other. and the word may scare (是受惊吓) your new friend!

1.If you want a pen friend, you should write your basic information in your first letter, shouldn't you?


2.What can be put in the blank of the. passage above?


3.Being specific, what do you want to tell them?


4.Can you demand your pen friend to write you back?


5.What do you write to make sure you close your letter with something friendly?


6.Why can't you end your first letter with “Love”?


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