
Bill is a lovely boy. He is four years old. There is a park near   1___  house. It is small but beautiful. He  2  with other children in the park every day.
One day, his mother buys new clothes for him.    3   clothes are nice and expensive. Bill is very happy.
“Mum, may I go out     4  play with my friends? I want to show them my    5   clothes.” Asks Bill.
“Yes, please keep your clothes clean.” Says his mother, “I'm going to do some cooking. We will have    6  after your father comes back.”
At about six his father comes back  7   work. Bill goes home for dinner.
“Why do you have so much dirt(泥土)on your  8   ? ” asks his mother when Bill comes into the room..
“Because I have some falls (跌倒)”, answers Bill.
“You mustn't have some falls when you    9   the nice clothes,” says his mother.
“I'm sorry, Mum,”   0   Bill. “But I have no time to take off my clothes when I fall.”
A.playsB.playC.playingD.to play
A.wearB.to wearC.put onD.to put on


【小题1】根据前文“Bill is a lovely boy. He is four years old”可知答案为B
【小题2】根据“He  32  with other children in the park every day”中的every day 可推断出此句为一般现在时,同时主语为第三人称单数形式,动词要用三单形式,故选A
【小题3】本句子需要的是定冠词the ,故选D
【小题6】根据文章的内容“At about six his father comes back  37   work. Bill goes home for dinner”可知本题答案为C
【小题7】本题考查的为固定用法,come back from work ,表述的是从工作回来!故选C
【小题10】本题考查的是say 表示的是说具体的内容,故选B

Bill is ten years old. One day his friend Tom says to him, “I am going to have a birthday party on Sunday evening. Bill, can you come to my party?” “I’ll be glad to,” answers Bill.

Before Bill goes to the party on Sunday afternoon, his mother says to him, “Now, Bill, don’t forget(忘记) to be polite(礼貌). Don’t ask for food until(直到) someone gives it to you.”“All right, Mum.” Bill answers, and he goes to Tom’s house on his new bike.

There are a lot of children at the party. They play for an hour. Then Tom’s mother gives them some food. But she forgets to give Bill any. He waits politely for ten minutes and then holds his plate up(举起他的盘子) in the air and says loudly(高声地), “Does anyone want a nice and clean plate?”

1.How old is Bill?

A.Eight.             B.Ten.              C.Twenty.           D.Eleven.

2.Tom is going to _______ on Sunday evening.

A.have a meeting                         B.have a talk

C.have a football match                    D.have a birthday party

3.Bill goes to Tom’s house _______.

A.by bus            B.on foot           C.by bike           D.in a taxi

4.Which of the following is right?

A.There are few children at the party.

B.Bill throws(扔) his plate out of the window.

C.Tom’s mother forgets to give Bill any food.

D.Bill isn’t angry(生气) at all, because(因为) he doesn’t want any food.

5.We can see that Bill is _______.

A. clever(聪明的)     B. old      D. tall     D. short


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