
Ìáʾ´ÊÓat the school gate(ÔÚУÃÅ¿Ú)
Saturday£¬March 14th
I took part in the¡°Civilized Citizen¡±activity with my classmates today£®
¡¡¡¡One possible version£º ¡¡¡¡Saturday, March14th ¡¡¡¡I took part in the¡°Civilized Citizen¡±activity with my classmates today£®We got together at the school gate at 8¡Ã30a.m£®and left for the People¡¯s Park£®On the way to the park, we found some people break the traffic rules£®For example, two men went across the street when the traffic lights were red£®In the park, people were having fun£®But a few children were climbing the trees or drawing pictures on the walls£®Many people were talking loudly in public£®And on the ground, too much litter had been thrown here and there£® ¡¡¡¡To change this situation, we began to pick up the litter and throw it into the dustbin, clean the walls, and plant trees£®And then we told the children that climbing trees is dangerous and bad for the trees£®Also, we said politely to some people,¡°Would you mind keeping your voice down and enjoy the quiet of the park?¡±After hearing our words, those people all realized their mistakes and corrected them immediately£®At that moment, we felt excited and proud£® ¡¡¡¡Environment is rather important to all of us£®Though our today¡¯s activity can¡¯t totally solve the problem of the environment, I believe we can make people understand that even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment£®Let¡¯s work together to make the world a better place to live in! ¡¡¡¡Ò»¡¢ÆÀ·ÖÔÔò ¡¡¡¡1£®±¾Ìâ×Ü·ÖΪ10·Ö£¬°´Ëĸöµµ´Î¸ø·Ö£¬ÖÁÉÙ°üº¬ÒÔÏÂÒªµã£º¼¯ºÏµÄʱ¼äºÍµØµã¡¢»î¶¯µØµã¡¢·¢ÏֵIJ»Á¼ÏÖÏó¡¢²ÉÈ¡µÄ´ëÊ©¡¢»î¶¯µÄÒâÒåºÍ¸ÐÊÜ¡£ÆÀ·Öʱ£¬Ïȸù¾Ý¶ÌÎĵÄÄÚÈݺÍÓïÑÔ³õ²½È·¶¨ÆäËùÊôµµ´Î£¬È»ºóÒԸõµ´ÎµÄÒªÇóÀ´ºâÁ¿£¬È·¶¨»òµ÷Õûµµ´Î£¬×îºó¸ø·Ö¡£ ¡¡¡¡2£®ÎÄÖÐÈô³öÏÖÕæʵµÄÈËÃû¡¢µØÃû£¬×ÃÇé¿Û·Ö¡£ ¡¡¡¡¶þ¡¢ÆÀ·Ö±ê×¼ ¡¡¡¡Èý¡¢ËµÃ÷ ¡¡¡¡¶Ô½ô¿ÛÖ÷ÌâµÄÊʵ±·¢»Ó²»Óè¿Û·Ö¡£ÏàͬµÄ´íÎó²»Öظ´¼ÆËã¡£ |

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