

  Hong Kong has about forty public beaches.Some of them are very famous around the world.People can go there for a swim.You can go to them by bus.To go to some beaches you must take a boat.

  You will swim there without danger if you remember these instructions:

  ●Never swim alone.

  ●Never go out in a boat if you cannot swim.

  ●Never swim after a meal or when you feel hungry or tired.

  ●Don't stay in the water too long.

  Remember:A red flag means that it is dangerous for anybody to go into the water.A blue flag means that it is dangerous for children.



There are about 40 public beaches in Hong Kong.

(  )


You should swim after a meal.

(  )


You can take a bus to go to most of the public beaches.

(  )


You'd better swim when you're alone.

(  )


If you were a child, you could swim when you saw a red flag.

(  )


  HongZhanhui is a 23-year-old college student.He has raised an abandoned(被遗弃的)child for 11years.This story moved millions of Chinese people.

  Hong was born in a small village in Henan Province.When he was 12, his father suddenly went crazy(疯狂的,古怪的)and killed his lovely sister.Hong was very sad.He missed his sister very much.Then the family adopted(收养)a baby girl called Chenchen.

  The illness of Hong’s father became worse and worse, He often hit his wife.Later, Hong’s mother ran away from home.Hong had to support the family and bring up Chenchen by himself.

  In 1998, Hong entered Xihua No.Senior High School, about 20 kilometers from his home.Hong took Chenchen along with him.He never talked to others about his hard life.He put his part-time into many things:working to get money, looking after his adopted sister, and sending medicine home for his father.He sold, pens, books, tapes and phone cards after school.“Many people looked down on me for that, ”Hong said, “But I didn’t care.”

  In 2003 Hong entered Hunan huaihua College.Hong sent Chenchen, now 12, to a primary school in Hunan with the money he got.When Hong’s story became public, many people wanted to gave him money.But Hong refused.

  “Poverty(贫穷、贫困)and suffering(苦难)should not be an excuse for begging sympathy(同情)and help from society, ”said Hong.“I think it is most important for a man to support himself and be strong.”

  What a self-supporting man he is!We should learn from him all.


Why did the family adopt the baby girl called Chenchen?

[  ]


Because Hong’s mother killed her daughter.


Because Hong’s father went crazy.


Because Hong’s father killed his little daughter and Hong was very sad.


Because Hong was a college student.And he had much money.


Why did Hong have to support the family and bring up Chenchen by himself?

[  ]


Because his mother was dead and his father went crazy.


Because his mother ran away and his father went crazy.


Because his family was very poor.


Because his father went out to work.


What did Hong do when he was a Senior High School student?

[  ]


He worked to get money, looked after his sister and bought his father some medicine.


He looked down on others, looked after his adopted sister.


He talked to others about his life, sold tapes and phone cards.


He watched TV, played games and sold books.


Hong refused other people’s help because ________.

[  ]


He had much money


Hong wanted to deal with his own problems by himself


Hong wanted to be known by others


Hong lived a poor and helpless life


The article tells us ________.

[  ]


we should know how to earn(赚得、挣得)money


how a young man supported a poor family and entered college


poverty and suffering could sometimes be useful


college students could adopt children



  To get a good mark in examinations has been regarded as being most important for a student, and it is also what parents always expect their children to do.But is it enough? These days increasing attention has been paid in schools across the country to what is called quality education.It means that a student, besides doing well in exams, should develop his skills in other ways in order to turn himself into a qualified(合格的)graduate of the country.

  “Quality education”, said Xing Jizu, Party Secretary of the Education Bureau of downtown Hongkou District Shanghai, “aims to help students to gain a high moral(道德的)standard(水平), a strong sense of patriotism(爱国主义), a strong wish for learning, as well as a sound mind and body.

  “We need reforms(改革)to achieve our goal for quality education,” Mr.Xing Jizu said.He also outlined what they planned.

  Xing said that the return of Hong Kong to the mainland(大陆)in July 1997, for example, was regarded as a very good chance for educational advance.A lot of related activities were organized at all the schools in Hong Kou.

  Besides, all schools in the district were advised to set up after-class art or science groups.A students’ art festival is to be held in each school every year.

  As for physical education, every student is required to have at least one hour of exercise a day.Every year, a sports meeting will take place at each school.

  Besides, various kinds after-school activities will be organized to help develop the students’ practical(实践的)and social abilities.“What we are doing is by no means weaken(使-变差)the importance of the regular classroom teaching or exam results.” Xing pointed out, “Instead, we hope that through quality education, students can learn more, in less time, in an easy way.Only in this way can we bring up children fit for the bright future of China.”


The writer thinks that to get a good mark in examinations has been regarded as most important for a student is _________.

[  ]


completely right




completely wrong


the only sign of a good student


The underlined word “outlined” means _________.

[  ]


gave main points of


told something about education


answered some questions of


had a lot of exams


The text mainly tells us that _________.

[  ]


quality education is a must in schools


politics must be put in the first place


students should be able to bear(忍受)hardships and stand(忍受)hard work


it is never too late to learn


  HongZhanhui is a 23-year-old college student.He has raised an abandoned(被遗弃的)child for 11years.This story moved millions of Chinese people.

  Hong was born in a small village in Henan Province.When he was 12, his father suddenly went crazy(疯狂的,古怪的)and killed his lovely sister.Hong was very sad.He missed his sister very much.Then the family adopted(收养)a baby girl called Chenchen.

  The illness of Hong’s father became worse and worse, He often hit his wife.Later, Hong’s mother ran away from home.Hong had to support the family and bring up Chenchen by himself.

  In 1998, Hong entered Xihua No.Senior High School, about 20 kilometres from his home.Hong took Chenchen along with him.He never talked to others about his hard life.He put his part-time into many things: working to get money, looking after his adopted sister, and sending medicine home for his father.He sold, pens, books, tapeds and phone cards after school.“Many people looked down on me for that,”Hong said, “But I didn’t care.”

  In 2003 Hong entered Hunan huaihua College.Hong sent Chenchen, now 12, to a primary school in Hunan with the money he got.When Hong’s story became public, many people wanted to gave him money.But Hong refused.

  “Poverty(贫穷、贫困)and suffering(苦难)should not be an excuse for begging sympathy(同情)and help from society,”said Hong.“I think it is most important for a man to support himself and be strong.”

  What a self-supporting man he is!We should learn from him all.


Why did the family adopt the baby girl called Chenchen?

[  ]


Because Hong’s mother killed her daughter.


Because Hong’s father went crazy.


Because Hong’s father killed his little daughter and Hong was very sad.


Because Hong was a college student.And he had much money.


Why did Hong have to support the family and bring up Chenchen by himself?

[  ]


Because his mother was dead and his father went crazy.


Because his mother ran away and his father went crazy.


Because his family was very poor.


Because his father went out to work.


What did Hong do when he was a Senior High School student?

[  ]


He worked to get money, looked after his sister and bought his father some medicine.


He looked down on others, looked after his adopted sister.


He talked to others about his life, sold tapes and phone cards.


He watched TV, played games and sold books.


Hong refused other people’s help because ________.

[  ]


He had much money


Hong wanted to deal with his own problems by himself


Hong wanted to be known by others


Hong lived a poor and helpless life


The article tells us ________.

[  ]


we should know how to earn(赚得、挣得)money


how a young man supported a poor family and entered college


poverty and suffering could sometimes be useful


college students could adopt children


  Dong Jianhua was born in Shanghai in 1937 . His father was Dong Haoyun , the king of the ship in Hong Kong . Dong Jianhua was his elder son .

  In 1949 when Dong Jianhua was eleven, he came to Hong Kong with his father. At the age of thirteen, he studied in Zhonghua Middle School. In 1954 he went to England to study the mechanical engineering (机械工程) . Five years later, he won a Bachelor of science in Liverpool University (大学) . Later he went to America and he worked in the General Electrical Company (公司) in America .

  There he had stayed for ten years . He returned to Hong Kong again in 1969. In Hong Kong he helped his father do business in shipping and opened an air line from Hong Kong to Europe (欧洲) and America . Though he was born in a rich family, he lived a simple life . He never stressed the food or clothing . In his spare time he likes reading newspapers and studying Chinese history . He also likes sports .

  On December 11, 1996, Dong Jianhua was elected (选举) the first senior officer of Hong Kong . He took office on July 1, 1997.

(1) Dong Jianhua is________ .

[  ]

A.an Englishman
B.an American
C.a Chinese
D.a European

(2) Which of the following is right about Dong Jianhua? ________ .

[  ]

A.He was born in Shanghai 52 years ago .

B.His father was a Bachelor of science

C.In 1957 he studied in Zhonghua Middle School

D.His father was a businessman

(3) When and where did he win a Bachelor of science?

[  ]

A.In 1954 and in England.

B.In 1959 and in Liverpool University .

C.In 1958 and in America .

D.In 1969 and in Hong Kong.

(4) When did he take office?

[  ]

A.On December 11, 1996 .

B.On June 1, 1997 .

C.On July 1, 1997 .

D.On January 1, 1997.

(5) Which of the following is right?

[  ]

A.He doesn't like good food or simple clothing.

B.He likes good food and clothing .

C.He liked sports when he was studying in Zhonghua Middle school .

D.He doesn't care for (讲究) good food or clothing.


  There were two McDonalds-Mac and Dick-and they were brothers. In 1948, they owned a restaurant in California. They liked working in the restaurant, but they got tired of the customers ordering so many different things to eat.

  “If we gave customers a smaller menu, we could make some of the food before they came, and they wouldn't have to wait so long for their meals,” said one of the brothers. The other brother agreed and said, “And if we made the customers come to the counter, we wouldn't need any waiters or waitresses. We could also use plastic plates so there wouldn't be any washing-up.”

  These were such good ideas that the McDonald brothers used them, and the customers were very pleased. They got their meals very quickly——in less than a minute——and they paid only 15 cents for hamburgers and 10 cents for fries. The first McDonald's restaurant had no seats for customers to sit on. This meant that people had to take their food away, and that no one had to clean up any tables after them.

  Then a man called Ray kroc came to the brothers and asked to buy their business. They agreed to sell it to him for $ 27 million. After that, people paid Ray kroc to open their own restaurants using the McDonald's name and menu. Before long, there were McDonald's restaurants all over the United states, and nowadays, they are all over the world-even in China and Russia. The most successful McDonald's business is in Hong Kong of China. The Hong Kong McDonald's sells more hamburgers every day than any other McDonald's anywhere else in the world.

  McDonald's restaurants are so successful because children love going to them. They like the food, and they like the toys and games they can get at McDonald's.

1.The McDonald brothers offered customers fewer kinds of foods so that ________.

[  ]

A.they didn't need waiters or waitresses

B.they could use plastic plates

C.customers would get their meals quickly

D.customers would pay less

2.Customers “paid only 15 cents for hamburgers” means the hamburgers were ________.

[  ]

D.worth a lot less

3.The first McDonald's customers took their food away because ________.

[  ]

A.they wanted to eat it quickly

B.they did not want a large menu

C.there were no seats in the restaurant

D.they wanted to eat at home

4.Nowadays, the owners of McDonald's restaurants pay for ________.

[  ]

A.the McDonald's name and menu

B.children to play games

C.people to take the food away

D.customers to eat quickly

5.This story mainly tells us ________.

[  ]

A.a restaurant in California in 1948

B.how Ray kroc made money for the McDonald brothers

C.where McDonald's restaurants are in the world

D.how the McDonald's business started and grew

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