
Over 30,000 years ago, people from northern Asia went to America. Today we can tell these people Indians.

The Indians went to America because the weather began to change. Northern Asia became very cold. Everything froze. They had to move or they would die. How did the first Indians go to America? They walked!

Later Columbus found the New World in 1492. At first, only a few Europeans followed. They traveled to America in boats. For the next 300 years, about 500,000 people went there. Then the number grew very quickly. From 1815 to 1915, over 32,000,000 Europeans left their countries for the United States. The biggest groups went from Germany and Italy. These Europeans spoke many different languages. Most of them took almost no money. They went to America so they could find a better life.

1.________ went to America first.

A.People from northern Asia

B.People from Italy

C.People from Germany


2.Why did the Indians go to America? Because ____________ .

A. northern Asia became very hot

B. northern Asia became very cold

C.they were interested in America

D.they liked traveling

3.The “New World” was _________.


B.northern Asia



4.These Europeans ___________.

A.didn’t speak the same language

B.spoke English

C.spoke German only

D.spoke both English and German

5.The Europeans went to America in order to _________ .

A.find the New world

B.find a better life

C.build more boats

D.learn English









1.由文章第一段可知“   Over 30,000 years ago, people from northern Asia went to America.”答案选A

2.由文章第二段“Northern Asia became very cold. Everything froze.”可知答案为B

3.由第三段内容“At first, only a few Europeans followed. They traveled to America in boats.”可知本题答案为D

4.由文章中第三段内容“These Europeans spoke many different languages.”可知答案为A

5.由文章最后一句话“They went to America so they could find a better life.”可知答案为B



Jim Green is an announcer(播音员)for the program(节目). Most of the girls___1____ boys like the program. They ___2___like Jim Green. Some of them often make phone calls to him and thank him ___3___ his work. There are lots of ___4___ to him every day, too.
Jim Green gets up at 6:00 every morning. He has bread and a glass of milk ___5___ breakfast. He leaves home at 6:30 and gets to his office at 7:15.
The program ___6____ at 7:30.He plays the new records (唱片)of the pop songs and modern music for his listeners. At 8:00 it’s time ___7____ the news.
Jim finishes work at 10:30. He goes home ____8___ his car. He ___9___ newspaper and listens to music _____10 _____ supper.
He thinks his life is very interesting.
1.A and             B with          C but           D about
2.A too             B to            C also          D so
3.A to          B for           C to            D and
4.A letter          B letters           C friends       D words
5.A at          B with          C for           D to
6.A begins      B finishes      C over          D start
7.A to          B for           C of            D in
8.A by          B in            C on            D takes
9.A looks           B reads             C sees          D watches



【小题1】Meimei is interested in playing the violin, but she can’t play very well because she has no music teacher to teach her face to face. She really wants to get one.
【小题2】Peter begins to have his summer holiday today. He is very tired and doesn’t want to go out for any activity. He would like to stay at home in the evening.
【小题3】Tom’s family is not rich. He wants to find a part-time job at weekends to earn some money for his study.
【小题4】Jenny is too fat. This is not good to her health. She knows it well and wants to take more exercise after study.
【小题5】Liu Hua is going to marry(结婚) next month. Before that, she is going to take photos with her new husband(丈夫).
A.Guangzhou Sports Ground: Open next week from 6:20 to 8:30 pm. Admission: $2, under 45 or over 60 -- $7. Welcome to join us to keep you fit. Tel: 23455884
B.CCTV-1:The programs are as follow: 18:30 Sports, 19:00 World News, 19:30 Introduction of Museum of Modern Art, 21:30 Movie – DANCE IN THE RAIN.
C.Dongfeng Photo Shop: Photos for all purposes are taken with half of the price for new husband and wife. Mon --- Fri.: 8:30 am --- 8:30 pm, Sat. & Sun.: 9:00 am --- 10:00 pm.
D.Stamps on Show: Time: 8:30am --- 5:00 pm. on October 23—24 Add: No. 1 Yuejin Road, Guangzhou.
E. Part-time Job Offered: Do you want to have a chance to communicate with those who do shopping? If so, you may contact with Sunny Bookshop, for two shop assistants are needed here. Tel: 020-23100013.
F. Help from Music Teacher: Violin lessons to be given at 8:00 on Monday evening. Those attending prepare violins by themselves. Admission: 100 Yuan (half price for students) Tel: 020-28338381.
G. Tourist Center: Do you want to enjoy your holiday? We have good activities for you. Come and join us!

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