
     Last week Bruce wrote to Dick , telling him that he wasn't enjoying the n   1     school in Denver at
all . As all the o   2     students were from the same junior middle school , they get on  well with e    3    
other . Bruce tried his best to be friendly , but they didn't . I   4    , they made fun of (取笑) him , because he was the s    5     in the class . He had no idea about what to do . So Bruce n   6     some help from his
best friend , Dick . 
     Now , in his l   7    back to Bruce , Dick gave him two pieces of advice (建议):First of all , d   8    
worry about being short . And the s   9     , think about l   10     for a good friend .
1. new     2. other    3. each     4. Instead    5. shortest
6. needed   7. letter    8. don't     9. second   10. looking

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