
动词填空  用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。

1.Jane is such a kind girl that she always             (reply) to anyone with a smile on her face.

2.By the end of the 20th century, the weather             (affect) people’s life a lot.

3.I’m surprised to find that the price of bread             (rise) by 15% recently.

4.Have you ever thought about devoting all your life to             (support) different charities?

5.It’s said that women in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (沙特阿拉伯)             (not allow) to drive all

the time.

6.Though there’s enough time, I prefer          (complete) the task quickly first to spend more time on

my hobbies.

7.— Mary, could you help me?

— Wait a moment. I        (argue) about what colour to wear at tonight’s party with my elder sister.

8.The notice says that anyone who breaks the school rules             (punish) by our principal.





2.had affected 

3.has risen        


5.aren’t allowed

6.to complete

7.am arguing

8.will be punished




2.句意:二十世纪末以前,天气对人的生活影响很大。根据时间状语By the end of the 20th century 可知该用过去完成时,所以填写had affected。

3.句意:我惊奇地发现,面包的价格最近上升了15%。根据recently 可知该用现在完成时,所以填写has risen。  

4.句意:你曾经想过你将毕生献给不同的慈善机构吗?devote to把...献给,这里的to是介词,所以填写supporting。

5.句意:据说在沙特阿拉伯一直不允许妇女驾车。women 是allow这一动作的承受者,所以该用被动语态,因此填写aren’t allowed。

6.句意:虽然有足够的时间,我喜欢很快完成任务从而能有更多的时间做我的兴趣爱好。Prefer to do sth喜欢做某事,所以填写to complete。

7.句意玛丽,你能帮我吗?等一下。我正跟我姐姐争论在今晚的聚会上穿什么颜色的衣服。表示正在进行的动作该用现在进行时态,所以填写am arguing。

8.句意:通知说,违反学校规定的人将受校长的惩罚。anyone who breaks the school rules 是punish这一动作的承受者,所以该用被动语态,因此填写will be punished。




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