

  In some parts of the world there are large deserts. There are no trees and (1) water there. Travelers must take food and (2) with them.

  The (3) animal who can walk through the desert is the camel. (4) can go without food and water for a long time, and besides he can carry heavy loads (担子). People call the (5) “the ship of the desert”.

  The camel is very big. He has one (6) two humps(驼峰) on his back, short ears and a long neck. The camel's humps hold fat (脂肪), and his stomach (7) water in twelve deep pockets. Each pocket (8) a mouth which closes, and the food does not mix the water. When the camel wants some water, he can get it out of the (9) . The camel's food is (10) and leaves of trees.

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________


  1.no 导解:由前面no trees and可知。

  2.water 导解:由前面no trees and no water可推知旅客需带食物和水。

  3.only 导解:由下文可知,camel是惟一可以穿过沙漠的动物。

  4.He 导解:he指代前句提到的the camel.

  5.camel 导解:根据上下文或常识皆可知骆驼被喻为“沙漠之舟”。

  6.or 导解:并列关系。

  7.hold 导解:由前句hold fat可知。

  8.has 导解:表拥有。

  9.mouth 导解:由前文可知。

  10.grass 导解:由常识可知。



  Fire can be very useful, but it can also be very (1) _____. Be careful when you start a fire.

  Millions of years ago, early men used a stick, a large (2) ____ of wood and dry leaves to make a fire. Early men found fire very (3) ____. At first, they ate raw meat. Then they discovered fire and started eating (4) ____ food. At night, they used fire to (5) _____their families from wild animals. They also used fire to give them light and keep them warm in winter.

  Nowadays, people do not only use fire to (6) _____ food or boil water. In factories, workers use it to melt metals. Metals are melted so that they can be made (7) ____ different shapes.

  Factory workers also use fire to make glass. Have you ever seen workers blowing glass? They make bottles and vases of different sizes and shapes by (8) ____ glass. First, the workers put some hot glass onto one end of a long metal pipe. Then they start blowing from the other end of the pipe.

  In some places of the world, people use fire to (9) _____ rubbish. Every day, they collect and burn a huge amount of rubbish. Fire can (10) ____ everything. We have to be careful when we use fire. People may lose their lives and homes or they may be seriously injured in a fire.

  Every year, hill fires burn a lot of trees. This is because there are many (11) ____and thoughtless people. Careless people forget to put out their barbecue fires. (12) ____ people drop burning cigarette ends everywhere.

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