




4.路线:沿着幸福路走(Happy Road),在第二个十字路口向右拐,直走,过桥,你会看见一个学校。我家在学校隔壁。5.很期待见到你。



Dear Amy,

I would like to invite you to my new home. My new home is in the centre of the city. There are banks, supermarkets and a hospital near my home. We live on the eighth floor. My neighbours are friendly and kind. They often help people with all kinds of problems. People here are like a big family. I’m happy to live here.

We have many things to do in my home. We can have a big dinner. My parents will prepare plenty of food for us. We can also enjoy the films and play games.

Let me tell you the way to my home. Walk along Happy Road, take the second crossing on the right, then walk straight on .Cross the bridge ,you will see a school. My home is beside the school.

I am looking forward to seeing you.





写作亮点:本文用了一些短语和句式,为文章增添了色彩,如:I would like to invite you to my new home.

They often help people with all kinds of problems. I’m happy to live here. My parents will prepare plenty of food for us.短文还用了一些连词如:and等,提醒学生平时注意积累一些短语和固定句式。


【题目】Different from popular thoughts, colds are not caused by bad weather. Colds are caused by viruses (病毒)in the body, and you are better out on the snowy day than you are in a warm room, with your friends, who just may be passing the virus around. If you feel a chill (寒冷) when you are coming down with a cold, you are already sick. A chill is an early sign of the cold.

The virus can spread through air when a cold sufferer(感冒患者) coughs or sneezes. Surprisingly, this is not the most usual way of spreading, Many studies have now shown that most colds are caught by hands. A cold sufferer rubs her nose, so spreading the virus to her hand. Then a friend comes to visit her. They shake their hands. The friend then gets something to eat by hand, and several days later she catches a cold. Although some parents pick up their children’s tissues (纸巾) and carefully throw them away, they fail to wash their hands. They’ll catch the colds, too.

Cold viruses can also be spread by objects, for example, telephones, plates. The cold sufferer as well as other members of the house, by washing their hands often, will stop the viruses from spreading in a way .

【1】Colds are caused by ______ .

A.bad weather B.viruses C.chill D.your friends

【2】The word spread means ________ .

A.翻译 B.传统 C.传送 D.传播

【3】Which of the following sentences is true in the passage ?

A.An early sign of the cold is viruses in the body.

B.The virus can’t spread through air.

C.Objects can spread cold viruses, too.

D.Few colds are caught by hands.

【4】People catch colds easily because they _______ .

A.rub their noses

B.shake their hands

C.pick up their children’s tissues

D.can’t often wash their hands

【5】The passage mainly tells us that_______.

A.washing hands is a way to keep us from catching colds

B.colds are caused by bad weather

C.The cold-sufferer shakes hands with her friends

D.We should stay in a warm room on the snowy day.


Once upon a time there was a man in a small town. He had two Children a boy and a girl. The boy was good-looking but the girl was not.

One day they found a mirror(镜子)for the first time and they saw what they looked like. The boy was very happy and he said to his sister “How handsome I am! I look much nicer than you!”

The girl did not like what her brother said and gave him a hard push(推). “Go away!” she said.

Their father saw what was happening. He went up to them and said to the boy “You must always be good as well as look good.”

Then to the girl he said “my dear if you help everyone and do your best to make him happy everyone will love you. It does not matter that you are not as good-looking as your brother.”

【1】Once upon a time a man had __________.

A. a bad-looking boy

B. a good-looking girl

C. two good-looking children

D. a boy and a girl

【2】The boy was happy because he __________.

A. found a mirror

B. knew he looked as nice as his sister

C. was handsome

D. she was not happy with her brother

3.【3】Thegirl gave the boy a hard push because __________.

A. she was stronger

B. what her brother said was wrong

C. her father loved her

D. she was not happy with her brother

【4】Father told the girl that __________.

A. it was important to be good-looking

B. it was a good thing not to be good-looking

C. if she did her best to help people she would enjoy people’s love

D. she was as good-looking as her brother

【5】What can we learn from this story?

A. To be good to people is more important than to be good-looking.

B. To be good-looking is very important.

C. If you want to make yourself good-looking you must be good to people.

D. If you often help people you will become more and more beautiful.

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