

  “Everything happens for the best,”my mother said whenever things weren’t going my way.“Don’t worry, one day your luck will change.”

  Mother was right, as I discovered after I had finished my college education.I had decided to try for aq job in radio.One day, I wanted to host(主持)a sports programme.I went to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station.But I got turned down every time.

  In one station, a kind lady said my problem was that I hadn’t got enough experience.“Get some work with a small station and work your way up,”she said.

  I went back home.I couldn’t get a job there, either.Then my dad told me a businessman had opened a store and needed someone to help him.But again, I didn’t get the job.

  I felt really down.“Your luck will change,”Mom said to me.Dad lent me the car to help me to look for my job.I tried another radio station in Iowa.But the owner, a nice man, told me he had already had someone.

  As I left his office, I asked,“How can someone be a sports announcer(播音员)if he can’t get a job in a radio station?”

  I was waiting for the lift when I heard the man call.“What did you mean?Do you know anything about football?”He put me in front of a microphone and asked me to try to imagine that I was giving my opinion on a football game, I succeeded.

  On my way home, Mom’s words came back to me,“One day your luck will change, Son.And when it happens, it’ll feel doubly(加倍的)good because of all the hard work you’ve had.”At that moment I knew what just what she ment.


What’s the writer’s ideal(理想的)job?

[  ]


A sportsman


A shop assistant


A sports announcer


A businessman


Why didn’t the writer get the job in Chicago?

[  ]


because he was too young


Because he didn’t get college education


Because he’s got a good-looking person


Because he hadn’t got enough experience


The sentence“But I got turned down every time.Means“________”

[  ]


But I was refused every time


But I was successful every time


But I lost my way every time


But the door of every station was always closed


What’s the best title of this passage?

[  ]


Mother’s words


Everything Happens For The Best


No One Is Always Lucky


To Find A Job In Radio Is Difficult



  “ The only thing holding you back is yourself.Never say never”, said a rising 17-year-old singer, Justin Bieber, who was just an ordinary boy in Canada a few years ago.

  After the accident of falling from the 18th floor and lying in the snow for three hours, my hands were frozen and my spinal cord(脊髓)was seriously injured.All the doctors and professors in the famous hospitals in Beijing told me that there was little chance for my hands and my body to recover(康复).

  After half a year of medical treatments and recovering exercises , I could not make any more progress for over a year.What was worse , I suffered a lot from depression(绝望).On top of this , I suffered from insomnia , making every minute of the light seem to last forever.Hopelessly , mom and I came back to my hometown, which is small town in Guangdong.

  At that time , I thought that I would never be able to walk again.I would never love and be loved.I would never be able to earn even a penny.I would never be able to repay the kindness I got from my parents and many nice people.Life was meaningless.

  Now two years has passed.My hands are 80% recovered.I can even type faster than a healthy person! Up to now, I have worked for a law firm as an interpreter for half a year already.Although I don't earn as much as before, I am able to pay for the food and clothes I need.What's more , I even have extra money to buy thanksgiving presents for my parents and my boyfriend.Through my blogs(博客), many people get to know me and like me.I can bring happiness to them.I can help those who are still suffering from depression and the pain of illnesses by chatting with them….You see, I am living a meaningful life and I am happier than ever I could have dreamed.

  So, my friends, never say never.As long as you are alive , there is always hope and possibilities.It is never too late to take action to realize your dreams.(382 words)


What's the writer's present job?

[  ]


A singer.


A typist.


A professor.


An interpreter.


What does the underlined word “ insomnia” in the third paragraph mean in Chinese?

[  ]










All of the following words can be used to describe the writer's present life EXCEPT ________.

[  ]










According to the passage, which of the following statements about the writer is TRUE?

[  ]


She gets a lot of help through her blogs.


She is in love with a young man at present.


She got medical treatment soon after the accident.


She had no job and earned little before the accident.


  About a year ago, a couple with 3 children moved into the apartment next door to me.I never heard any noise from the children, but the parents were always   1   them, in a frightening way.We met often in the hallway when we were coming or going.I always spoke, but the only answer I ever got was a hello from the 4-year-old girl.

  I usually go out for breakfast and one day when I returned they were just coming from their apartment and the little girl was holding the door open for the others.I remained in the car doing unnecessary things   2   I wasn't in a hurry.The parents were telling her to get in the car immediately.I looked up and saw the little girl was still holding the door open, waiting for me.

  As a handicapped(有残疾的)man, I can't hurry at anything, but I hurried as much as I could and thanked her.She was smiling like a lovely angel.I was so touched but her small act of kindness.That afternoon I was shopping at the K-mart and I saw a white bear.I thought of the   3   and said to myself.“I believe she would like that” so I bought it.

  The next day there was a knock on the door and it was the little girl and her father.She was so proud of her bear and thanked me like I had never been thanked before.The mother and father both thanked me.

  Now when we meet in the hall we all speak, and in a friendly manner I might add.As time passes, I don't hear that shouting as often.  4  , hardly at all.

  Last night we had about four inches of snow.I looked out at my car and wondered how I was going to keep my doctor's appointment.

  When I opened the outside door, there was my car with all the snow cleaned.I can't express how I felt at that moment.The man next door was the only person I knew in the whole building, so when I saw him the next day.I asked him if he was the good man that cleaned my snow.He said   5  .He wanted to but his wife said she wanted to do it.

  Isn't it amazing how a 4-year-old girl can change so many things for the better? My guardian angel(守护天使)says that good things usually come from   6  


[  ]


worrying about


shouting at


playing with


laughing at


[  ]










[  ]


the apartment


the snow


the parents


the girl


[  ]


In all


After all


In fact


For example


[  ]










[  ]


little children


small act


nice presents


good neighbors


  I am Steve.I was born and grew up in South Wales.My favourite place to play was out on the hills where my imagination had plenty of space to expand(拓展).

  My family moved out of Wales when I was thirteen.I went to a new school.One of my subjects was French.Because I had never learned any French,my teacher told me to sit in the corner and write anything I was interested in.That's the time I started writing,just for myself,and I've been writing ever since.

  I have always loved BIG IDEAS,and so I enjoy writing fantastic stories.And I also write horror(恐怖的)stories.I think they are like the old fairytales(童话故事),and can teach you important things.

  I am in mv forties on the outside,twelve on the inside.I like rock music,Indian and Chinese food,and I enjoy drinking.I live in a small village with my wife Mary, ducks, cats, goats,hens and lots of rabbits.If you'd like to find out more about me and hope to buy my books,go to www. sbowkett.freeserve.co.uk.


When he was 13,the writer ______.

  A. wrote lots of poems  B.moved out of Wales

  C. sold many story books  D.became a famous singer

[  ]


He liked playing out on the hills because he could ______.

  A.expand his imagination  B.learn French

  C. listen to stories  D.buy some books

[  ]


Maybe the writer is ______ years old now.

  A.12  B. 22  C.32  D.42

[  ]


According to the passage,the writer keeps ______.

  A.cats,hens and pigs  B.ducks,goats and rabbits

  C.hens,rabbits and dogs  D. rabbits,pigs and cats

[  ]


From the passage,we can learn that the writer ______.

  A. lives in a big city with his son  B. likes eating Japanese food

  C. lives in the countryside with his wife  D.introduces a nice book to us

[  ]


  Last Sunday the elephant keeper at London Zoo, Jim Robson, was killed by one of the elephants he loved.This was terrible, and it could be a big problem for the future(将来)of London Zoo-and maybe for all of Britain's city zoos.

  London Zoo said that it would move its three elephants to a wild(野生的)animal park outside London.Its director-general(总经理), Michael Dioxn, said,“We are sorry that the elephants are leaving; there have been elephants at Lon-don Zoo since 1831.”

  One British newspaper said that though many small animals were very interesting, most people wanted to see big animals-and most of all elephants.

  London Zoo is not only losing its elephants.The tigers will also leave soon and most of the bears(熊)have already gone.Outside the elephant house at London Zoo, a woman called Mary said she hoped the zoo could keep big animals.“This is the only way the young people can see animals without travelling to other countries,”she said.

  Zoos are not very good places for animals, but they can help to well keep them.Children can also learn a lot about the animals when they visit zoos.

  Another visitor, a man called Alan, was very angry.“If we send them back to the wild they will die.If you take away big animals, people will stop visiting London Zoo.It can survive(继续生存)at the moment, but it won't survive in the future.”

  However, Mary Rosevear, directory of the Federation(联合会)of Zoos, believes(相信)that city zoos can survive without keeping large animals.


London Zoo has kept elephants ________.

[  ]


since last Sunday


for about one hundred years


for nearly two hundred years


ever since it was built


Zoos are important because ________.

[  ]


they can make a lot of money


there are many animals living in them


there are some big animals there


they can keep animals and help children learn about them


The underlined word“it”in the passage refers to(指)________.

[  ]


the elephant


London Zoo


the bear


the wild animal park


London Zoo might face a big problem because ________.

[  ]


the elephants in the zoo will be killed


the elephants may also kill other people


it may have fewer visitors in the future


no one would like to be an elephant keeper any more


Which of the following is NOT true?

[  ]


The writer hopes that big animals except elephants should be kept in London Zoo.


London Zoo and the public(公众)have different ideas about where to keep the big animals.


Some animals in the park are still dangerous to visitors.


Some people think that the big animals will die if they are sent to the wild animal park.

  Linda and David have travelled by air from London to Sydney, Australia. Linda has promised (答应) her
mother that she will ring her to let her know that they have arrived safely. This is something she had done
ever since she was a child. David thinks it is not a good idea to ring so far, to spend too much, and to say so
     "If there were an accident." He says, they'd know soon enough. Bad news travels fast."   
     But Linda has promised that she would ring. "However," she says, "it doesn't cost much when you just
think that it's the other side of the world. It's only six pence per second (每秒六便士)."   
     "If you're on that telephone for less than one minute, I'll eat my hat,' David says,"And one minute's nearly
four pounds (英镑)."   
     "That's no more than you'd pay for a new hat," Linda answers.   
     She has asked the man at the hotel (旅馆) desk to get her the number. The telephone rings. Linda picks it
      "Hello, Mum. Is that you?" She says.   
     "Six pence per second,"David reminds (提醒) her.   
    ''Hello., love." It is Mrs Lee, Linda's mother, speaking from London."I can hear you very clearly just like
you are in the next room. It's a better line than when you called me from your office. Do you remember? I
shouted at that time, and still you couldn't hear me sometimes."   
    "Yes, Mum." Linda puts in.."I just wanted to ring to ……."   
    "I remember how you rang when you went to Betty's house to eat, when you were a little girl. And then
when you …" Mrs Lee is a great talker   
    "Nearly four pounds." says David.   
    Linda tries to tell her mother that it is time to say goodbye.   
     "Yes, all right," says Mrs Lee, "But you will write, won't you, as you did when you were at work …"   
     Once again, Mrs Lee talks about the pass. and there is no stopping her. "Four pounds fifty, 'says David.   At last, Linda cuts her mother short, promises to write, and rings off.   
     "There! That wasn't long, was it?"   
     "Four pounds, ninety pence." David answers. "And you didn't even say that we've arrived."
1. Linda is telephoning home to ________.   
A. tell her mother some bad news   
B. say that she and David have arrived safely   
C. report an accident to her mother   
D. say that she and David have left London
2. Linda does not think it expensive to ring, because _______.   
A. it only costs four pounds and ninety pence   
B. it is even more expensive to buy a new hat   
C. she had telephoned home since she was a child   
D. she will speak from one side of the word to the other
3. David says, "Nearly four pounds," because _______.   
A. he wants to remind Linda of the cost of the cost of the call   
B. he wants to buy himself a new hat   
C. Linda has not told her mother they have arrived   
D. he wants Mrs Lee to know how much the call costs
4. Mrs Lee goes on talking for so long because _______.   
A. she likes to hear all about the past.   
B. she likes talking   
C. Linda had not told her that she has arrived   
D. she is going to pay for the telephone call
5. Linda tries to stop her mother by ________.   
A. telling her how much the call is costing   
B. writing a letter as she has promised to do   
C. telling her that they have arrived safely   
D. promising to write, and ringing off

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