
     假如你去看了一场才艺表演,请你根据下面提示写一篇70 词左右的短文,向你的外教介绍一下表演的情况,开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。
     The funniest performer Charles, made sounds like a bird
     The most creative performance
     A group of children performing Beijing Opera
     The most talented performer
     Donna, played a beautiful piano piece and also sang
     The most boring show
     A talk show
     The talent show was fantastic.                                                                                                              
     The talent show was fantastic. The funniest performer was Charles. He made sounds like a bird and
made us all laugh. The most creative performance was by a group of children performing Beijing Opera.
I was surprised that the children were so good at it. The most talented performer was Donna. She played
a beautiful piano piece and also sang. The most boring show was a talk show. I didn't know what they
talked about at all.

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