

Stephen Hawking (霍金) passed away on 14 March, 2018. He is one of the greatest physicists (物理学家) in h 1..

He was born in 1942. When he was young, he was a student at Oxford University. He studied math and s2.. At the age of 21, Hawking got a serious i3.. After that, he was u4. to move or talk. For a period of time, he had no way to communicate except by blinking (眨眼).

He could only sit on a wheelchair with a computer by his side. To communicate, he looked at the computers s5. and moved his two fingers to c6. it. Then his words are spoken by a voice synthesizer (音响合成器). “I have had the disease for most of my life,” Hawking once said. “Yet it hasn’t s7. me from working and studying.” Although Hawking was a disabled man, he r8. many awards and prizes all his life. And his book A Brief History of Time is p9. all over the world and it has been translated (翻译) into thirty-three l10. .


Dear Mum and Dad,

I promised to write,so...

We're staying with Lingling's uncle in Hunan Province, and I'm having a wonderful time here in Zhangjiajie. It's a magic land of mountains, forests and rivers. It's very large, about 480 square kilometres. It's famous for the strange shape of its tall rocks. Some of them look like humans while others look like wild animals.

Last night we camped by a small lake. During the night, we heard a noise! It woke everybody up. We thought somebody was moving about. Lingling's uncle said it was an animal. We came out without making any noise, and found it was just a hungry monkey looking for food.

This morning, we climbed Mount Tianzi! From the top we hoped to see the lakes and forests. But it was a pity that it was cloudy. We could only see the mountain tops above the clouds. Then we walked down the path along a river, past trees and other plants and back to the camp. I pulled a leaf off a plant, but Lingling's uncle said that it was wrong to pull leaves off plants and that we should protect everything here. I was very sorry.

Tomorrow we're going to Dongting Lake, the second-largest lake in China.

We'll be back home next week! Wish you were here!



1.What is Zhangjiajie famous for?

A.lakes B.forests C.monkeys D.rocks

2.What did they do yesterday evening?

A.Climbed Mount Taizi. B.Went camping by a small lake.

C.Pulled leaves from plants. D.Visited Dongting Lake.

3.Who woke everyone up in the evening?

A.Lingling B.Lingling’s uncle C.A monkey D.Betty

4.According to the passage, we can know that

A.Donting Lake is the largest lake in China.

B.Betty will be back next week.

C.They saw the lakes and forests this morning.

D.A monkey came to their camp to play with people.

5.How does Betty like her trip in Hunan?

A.wonderful B.sorry C.boring D.tired

Jane was from a small village in Southern America. Her family was poor and noodles were often their only food. Her parents couldn’t afford to pay the electricity bill (电费), so she had to study by candle light.

What was worse, to live on, her parents moved to a faraway village with the other four children. As for Jane, she didn’t want to give up learning and she dreamed to enter a famous university. She stuck to living alone in her village.

After Jane’s parents left, she lived a really difficult life. Having no place to live in, the homeless girl had to sleep on the back seat of the school bus. Luckily, Mrs. Brown, the caring school bus driver, learned about Jane’s situation and invited her to live with her family. Soon, Jane found a job in her school. She worked from 6 a.m. to 7:40 a.m. before the first school bell rang. She swept floors and picked up rubbish again in the afternoon. With the money she got from the work, she paid for her education. And she stayed up late in the evenings studying for all kinds of exams day after day.

Jane’s hard work made a difference to her life. She finished high school with unexpected results. She was accepted by Harvard, one of the world’s most famous universities with full scholarship (全额奖学金).

The 18-year-old girl created her own future with her never-give-up attitude and hard work.



1.The 18-year-old girl who created her own future was from Southern America.

2.There were six people in Jane’s family.

3.The kind school bus driver helped Jane find a job in the school.

4.Jane worked for 100 minutes for the school in a day.

5.The passage tells us that we can get success by working hard and never giving up.

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