

  February 21 is International Mother Language Day.The United Nations(联合国)n  1  (命名)it in 1999.The day aims to protect all languages around the world.In China, most people speak Chinese as their mother language.

  More people speak Chinese than any other language in the world.About one fifth of the world's population(人口)speaks a form of Chinese, the BBC r  2  .?

  The e  3   known written record of Chinese is the oracle bone script(甲骨文)of the Shang Dynasty(17th century BC-11th century BC).These are animal bones, especially tortoise shells(龟壳)with writing on them.Most Chinese characters are ideograms(表意文字)w  4   combine(组合)two or more words together to make a new one, for example, jia(家)means “a pig under the roof”.This shows that people in ancient(古代的)times t  5  (认为)of home as a place to hold treasures(财富).

  As time went on, hundreds of thousands of words developed.However, people only use a few thousand of them in everyday life.Today, new words are still being a  6  (补充)to the Chinese dictionary, such as dishi(的士)for taxis, xiu(秀)for TV shows and fangnu(房奴)meaning “slave to one's home”.

  With the fast d  7  (发展)of China's economy(经济), more people from other countries are taking i  8  (感兴趣)in Chinese.In a survey in the US last December, 2, 007 people were asked:“Which new foreign language would you learn? ” Chinese placed second, a  9   Spanish, with 15 percent of the vote.

  Confucius Institutes(孔子学院)around the world are more p  10   than ever.More than 300 colleges in over 90 countries have Confucius Institutes, USA Today reported.













If the eyes are the windows of the soul, then the body is the mirror of our feelings. If we are feeling great, we may give our body signals(信号). If we look at someone else’s body, we can often tell how thy are feeling by their body signals. So reading body language signals is a great tool in daily communication.
In case(假使) you don’t think that learning how to read and use body language is important, here are some numbers for you. 7% of the information we receive is from what people actually say, and 38% of the information we receive is from the tone(语气) and the speed of their voice; while 55% of the information we receive is from their body language.
These non-verbal(非语言的) signals will help you a lot, but you still need to focus on what people are saying. If you focus too much on their body language signals, you and the person may feel uncomfortable. It is useful to be able to read people’s body language, but it is useful to learn how to send the right signals and avoid the wrong signals too. Body language may be given several interpretations. Many signals have different meanings, depending on the person and the situation. Be sure of it when you are trying to read a body language signal.
Facial expression is one of the body languages. Facial expressions are one or more movements on a person’s face, such as frowning(皱眉),raising your eyebrows and rolling(旋转) your eyes. Scientists say that humans have 80 muscles(肌肉) on their faces. These muscles can make 7.000 different facial expressions. These expressions can be put into six classes. They are happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear and disgust(厌恶)。
For example, when people think a certain food tastes disgusting, they usually make a funny face. When people are surprised, they often raise their eyebrows and open their eyes wide.
If people can read facial expressions correctly, they may be better at knowing other people’s feelings. That can help people make more friends. However, sometimes people have to be careful when reading others’ faces. It’s rude to stare at others for a long time.
From the first paragraph of the passage, we know that          your eyes         your body language signals are great tools in daily communication.
From the second paragraph of the passage, the numbers mentioned are to show the       
         body language.
According to the passage, how many classes of facial expressions do you know? What are they?                       
What is the writer’s opinion on the body language?

Each year, many Chinese people go abroad because of all kinds of reasons. They are becoming younger and younger year by year. Even some Chinese parents send their children to foreign countries when they are only in a middle school. They think their children can get a wider view, less academic(学业) competition or family honor. But life can be hard for young people there. At first, they have to face the culture differences and language problems. However, these are not always the most difficult things to overcome(克服). To most children, controlling(管理) themselves well is a big challenge when studying alone in a strange country.
Yu Yang, a 15-year-old student from Guangdong Province studies in a high school in Toronto, Canada. 小题3To his surprise, his teachers there seldom push students to study hard. And usually there isn’t too much homework. Students have lots of free time to do some activities. Some of his friends spend their whole year’s money in the first two months of the new term. So they have to ask their parents for some more money.
On the one hand, studying abroad can help students learn foreign languages quickly and open up their eyes, but on the other hand, some children may feel lonely, become bad, lose themselves, etc. Many provlems may happen to them. These are different from their original thoughts.  小题4So parents should think them over before their children go abroad.
【小题1】Why do Chinese parents send their children abroad?
【小题2】What do the students have to face in foreign countries at first?

阅读表达 阅读短文,按要求完成短文后的各项任务。(10分)

The summer is coming, and the storms are often. Though they happen often, some people don’t take them seriously. 1) In fact, it’s very ______ for people and it even can ______ people die at once.

So how do we keep safe during a lightning storm?

If you are indoors, stay away from windows and doors during a lightning storm. Don’t take a shower or do some dishes, because lightning can travel through water. Turn off the TV and computer. I learnt the hard way, and my computer was broken. Never use the phone. Lightning could travel through the phone line and hit you.

If you are outdoors during a lightning storm, never take shelter under a tree, because the lightning could hit the tree and travel through the trees to hit you. Stay away from anything that is metal. Try to get in your car and close all the windows or go into a nearby building right away.2) If there is no building around, try to find a low place to stay in. Squat(蹲) down near the ground and put your hands over your ears. Never use a cell phone.



3.回答问题:Why can’t people use the phone?

4.在文中找出与 If something is made of metal, keep away from it.意思相近的句子。



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