

Girl : Where are you going ,Larry ?

Larry : To Tom’s party.

Girl : Lucky you ! I’d love to 1.______________________. But I wasn’t invited.

Larry : Yeah, well. I’m a little nervous. I don’t know 2.____________________________.

Girl : If I were you , I’d wear a shirt and tie.

Larry : 3.________________ if everyone else is wearing jeans and T-shirts ?

Girl : Oh, you shouldn’t worry about what other people are wearing.

Larry : And I don’t know if I should 4._______________. What if everyone brings a present ?

Girl : If I were you ,I’d take a small present - a pen or something. Keep it in your pocket and if everyone has a present ,you can give yours to him. If not ,you can keep it.

Larry : 5.___________________________. Thank you.




1.go too / go to the paity

2.what to wear1' :iat I should wear


4.bring a present

5.That sounds that's a good idea /good idea



1.根据上文,你太幸运了.及下文,但是没邀请我.可知前文指的是,我也愿意去,故填:go too 也去; go to the party参加聚会.

2.联系下文,如果我是你,我会穿衬衫打领带。可知上文指的是,我不知道穿什么。故填:what to wear/what I should wear,穿什么。

3.联系下文,哦,你不用担心其它人穿什么。可知上文,如果别人穿牛仔裤和T恤怎么办?短语What if假使……将会怎么样。

4.联系下文,假使每个人带一件礼物怎么样?可知前文指的是,并且我不知道我是否应该带一件礼物。故填:bring a present,带一件礼物。

5.联系上文及下文,谢谢你。可知此处指的是,听起来是个不错的主意。故填:That sounds that's a good idea /good idea




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