
It is impossible for ________little children to do ______much work in a short time.

       A so;so       B so; such       C such; such       D such; so








Many companies use guards and expensive alarm systems to protect their property(财产)。 Soon a new kind of protection will be used- robots. Engineers have been working on the first mobile robots for businesses. The robots will patrol(巡逻) factories, warehoues(仓库),and museums at night.

The mobile robots will move around slowly on wheels. They will be able to detect people through walls and pick up sounds, such as breaking glass. They can be fixed with lound sirens(警笛) to frighten thieves, or radios to signal police or guards.

To protect a building, a robot will have to move around without knocking into the walls. Information about the building will have to be stored in the robot’s small, built-in computer. A floor map could be programmed into the computer’s memory, for example.

A mobile robot will not be able to do everything. Unlike human guards, it will not be able to climb stairs, open doors, or move along rough ground. It won’t be able to tell the difference between friends and enemies. Because of that, people will have to be barred from the area it patrols.

One kind of mobile robot will be able to “sense” whether a chair or box has been moved and go around it. This robot will also judge size well enough so that it won’t send an alam if a cat crosses the room. And if someone tries to steal this robot, it will sound a loud, painful siren. The three-foot-tall robot will be hard to steal anyway. It will weigh about 200 pounds.

U.S companies pay almost $10 billion a year to protect their property with alarm systems and human guards. Mobile robots may be cheaper.

1.Why is the new kind of robots called mobile robots?

A. Because they are able to climb stairs.   B. Because they are able to send an alarm

C. Because they can open doors.      D. Because they can move around slowly on wheels



2. How will a robot get directions for moving around a building?

A. From a human guard   .        B. From a built- in computer.

C. From another robot   .        D. From radio signals.

3. What does the underlined word barred mean?

A. protected    B.allowed .   C.marked     D. prevented

4. According to the text, a mobile robot will NOT be able to ___________.

A. sense whether something has been moved.   B. sense a cat crossing the room.

C. move over rough ground .                D. detect people through walls.

5.This text mainly describes how robots will ___________.

A. protect the museum                       B. set off a siren .

C. judge the size of a person.         D. patrol buildings.



What’s your favorite cartoon? It may be difficult for you to decide. But for pianist Lang Lang, Tom and Jerry is the best one.

When Lang was two years old, he saw Tom play the piano. This was his first time to enjoy western music and this experience encouraged him to learn to play the piano.

His talent at the keyboard has taken him from Shenyang to the world. Lang became a good piano student at three. Ever since, the boy has been doing better and better. In 1997, the 15-year-old boy studied at a famous American music college.

Lang’s performances are energetic. He is well-known for making facial (面部的)expressions and moving around while playing the piano.

The road to success has never been easy. Lang’s father stopped his job to look after him, while his mother stayed in Shenyang to make money. But Lang thinks himself lucky and believes he should give something back. He has helped the children in poor areas a lot.

1.What made Langlang first enjoy western music?

 A. When he played the piano at three.

 B. When he saw Tom play the piano at two.

 C. When he listened to the western music on the radio.

 D. When his father taught him to read music.

2.How old was Langlang when he became a student of a famous American music college?

 A. two           B. three           C. five             D. fifteen

3.What is Langlang famous for?

 A. He is famous for playing the guitar.

B. He is famous for singing

 C. He is famous for writing music.

 D. He is famous for making facial (面部的)expressions and moving around while playing the piano.

4.Why did Langlang’s mother stay in Shenyang?

 A. Because she liked Shenyang, she didn’t want to leave.

 B. Because she had to look after Langlang’s grandparents.

 C. Because she had to make money to pay for Langlang’s education.

 D. Because she didn’t love her son.

5. From the passage, we can say it _______ Langlang and his parents a lot of time to get success.

 A. spent           B. paid           C. took            D. cost


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