

以”How to keep healthy”为题,写一篇短文。



How to Keep Healthy

Health is very important for everybody.Then how can we do to keep healthy? You can try the following tips:

First, you should have healthy eating habits. You should eat more vegetables and fruit. It’s good for you. Don’t eat too much meat. Don’t drink coffee too much.

Second, you can play sports. Sports can make you stronger and healthier. You can play basketball with your friends when you are free. You can go to the mouuntains with your family.

Third, be happy. A happy man lives longer than a sad man .So sing a song or watch a fun movie.You can do anything to make yourself happy.

At last,stay away from smoking and drinking. Smoking and drinking are too bad for men .They can cause terrible illness.

If you do these things , I believe you can be a healthy man.


试题分析:这篇短文要求我们以How to keep healthy为题写一篇作文。在题目中给了我们这篇短文的重点词汇,如healthy habits 健康的习惯,eating habits饮食习惯,be good for对……有好处,do exercise进行锻炼, keep fit保持健康。我们要围绕这些重点词汇组织短文的写作。其他很多内容都需要我们自己去充实,让它变得完整、合理,内容丰富,这就需要花费我们的想象力,以及我们平时积累的知识。另外,写作时,还需注意语句间的衔接,使文意连贯,表达流畅。

写作亮点:这是一篇比较不错的作文。作者从健康的习惯、锻炼等几个方面,告诉我们如何才能保持健康,层次非常的清晰。短文中需要作者自己补充的内容完成得也不错。如Health is very important for everybody. Then how can we do to keep healthy?等。这些内容都比较贴合文章的需要,意思也很连贯。文章中还用了一些比较好的句型,如If you do these things ,I believe you can be a healthy man. At last,stay away from smoking and drinking.等。



Mr. Dawson is an old man with a bad temper (脾气). Kids were afraid to go into his yard to pick apples.

One day, 12-year-old Janet and her friend Amy had to walk past Mr. Dawson’ s house. When Janet saw him outside, she suggested they cross the street and walk on the other side. But Amy said they didn’t need to.

When Mr. Dawson saw Amy, he smiled and said: Hello, Amy! I see you have a new friend with you today.” Amy smiled back. Mr. Dawson was friendly and gave them each a fresh apple.

Later, Janet asked Amy: Everyone says he is the most unwelcoming(不受欢迎的) person in town. Why was he kind to us?” Amy explained that when she first walked past his house, she was also afraid of him. But she pretended(假装) there was an invisible(看不见的) smile on his face and started talking to him. At first she only said “hello” but then began talking to him more every time she saw him.

“An invisible smile?” Janet was puzzled (困惑的). “Yes,” answered Amy. “My grandma told me to try that. She says smiles can spread. So if we keep trying to smile at someone, sooner or later they will smile back.”

Amy’s grandma realized most people can’t refuse(拒绝) to smile at a friendly face.

【1】 People thought that Mr. Dawson was a(n) _______ person.

A. honest B. kind

C. welcome D. Unfriendly

【2】 What did Amy do when she first walked past Mr. Dawson’s house?

A. She went into his yard to pick apples

B. She was so scared that she went away quickly.

C. She smiled to him and greeted him.

D. She talked with him like old friends.

【3】 What does the story tell us?

A. It’s important to take others’ advice.

B. Being friendly to others is very important.

C. People with bad temper can also make friends.

D. Smile to the world and it will smile at you back.

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