
  These notices come from Trudy’s school notice board.


  There is a new timetable for the school bus service.Students may get copies of this timetable from the school secretary between 12∶30P.M and 1∶30P.M.Monday to Friday.


  The school orchestra will practise every Friday for two hours from 3∶30P.M to 5∶30P.M in the school auditorium.All members must attend.


  A black and red glasses case has been found on the playground.Will the student who has lost it please go to Lost and Found?


What is the new timetable for?

[  ]


The school orchestra


Trudy’s classes


The school bus service


Everyone’s classes


When can students get copies of the timetable?

[  ]


At 12∶30P.M


At 1∶30P.M


Between 12∶30P.M and 1∶30P.M


Between 3∶30P.M and 5∶30P.M


Who will be in the auditoriun every Friday between 3∶30 P.M and 5∶30P.M?

[  ]


The school secretary




The school orchestra


The school headmaster


Where was the glasses case found?

[  ]


In the auditorium


Outside the school secretary’s office


Near the school notice board


On the playground.



 A young man once went into town and bought himself  1  trousers. When he  2  home, he went upstairs to his bedroom and put them  3  He found that they were about two inches too  4  .

 He went downstairs and there his mother and two sisters were  5  up the tea things in the kitchen. These new trousers  6  too long. he said. They need to be shortened by about two inches. Whould one of you mind  7  this  8  me, please?His mother and sisters were busy and  9  of them said  10  .

 But as soon as his mother was free she went  11  upstairs to her son's bedroom and shortened the trousers by two inches. She came downstairs  12  saying anything to her daughters.

 Later on, after supper, the elder sister remembered her brother's trousers. She was a kindhearted girl,  13  she went upstairs and shortened the trousers by two inches.

 The younger sister went to the cinema, but when she came in, she, too, remembered  14  her brother  15  . So she ran upstairs  16  her scissors(剪刀)and took two inches  17  legs of the new trousers.You can imagine the look  18  the young man's face  19  he put the trousers on the  20  morning.


(1)  A.    a

B a copy of

C a pair of

D a piece of

[  ]

(2)  A.    arrived at

B got to

C got

D reached to

[  ]

(3)  A.    up

B on

C in

D off

[  ]

(4)  A.    big

B small

C long

D short

[  ]

(5)  A.    eating

B drinking

C washing

D keeping

[  ]

(6)  A.    be

B am

C is

D are

[  ]

(7)  A.    doing

B to do

C do

D did

[  ]

(8)  A.    on

B for

C by

D with

[  ]

(9)  A.    no

B nobody

C none

D neither

[  ]

(10)  A.    something

B nothing 

C none 

D anything

[  ]

(11)  A.    quietly 

B noisily 

C slowly 

D openly

[  ]

(12)  A.    with 

B but 

C no 

D without

[  ]

(13)  A.    so 

B and 

C then 

D than

[  ]

(14)  A.    that 

B which 

C what 

D when

[  ]

(15)  A.    said 

B had said 

C has said 

D says

[  ]

(16)  A.    with 

B without 

C take 

D bring

[  ]

(17)  A.    of 

B away 

C off 

D in

[  ]

(18)  A.    in 

B on 

C over

D from

[  ]

(19)  A.    when

B while

C as

D whenever

[  ]

(20)  A.    tomorrow

B next

C second

D last

[  ]


   Plants are very important  1    things. Life could not go  2    if there were no plants. This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. But animals and man cannot  3    so. Animals get their food by eating plants and  4    animals. Man gets its food by eating plants and animals too.  5    animals and man  6    plants in order to  7    . This is why we find that there are so many plants around us.

   If you look  8    at the plants around you, you will find that there are many types of plants. Some plants are large,  9    others are small.  10    plants are green. There are two sorts(种类)of plants: flowering plants and non-flowering(不开花的)plants.

   Flowering plants have roots(根),stems(茎),leaves, flowers and fruits(果子).  11    all the trees around us are flowering plants. Flowering plants  12    make seeds(种子). The sends  13 by the fruits. Some fruits have one seed, some have two, three or four, and some have many seeds. But a few fruits have no seeds  14    .  15    example of a fruit  16    seeds is banana fruit.

   Most non-flowering plants do not grow from seeds. They grow from spores(孢子). Spores are small. Some spores are  17    small and  18    that they can float(漂浮) 19     the air. We may say that spores are quite different from seeds. When these spores  20    on wet and shady(阴凉的)places, they usually grow into plants.


1 Alive




[  ]

2 Athrough




[  ]

3 Ahope




[  ]

4 Aanother

Bthe other



[  ]

5 AThough




[  ]

6 Aneed




[  ]

7 Agrow




[  ]

8 Acareful




[  ]

9 Awhile




[  ]

10 AA great deal of

BLot of



[  ]

11 ABetween




[  ]

12 Ashould




[  ]

13 Aare born

Bare hidden

Care stored

Dare kept

[  ]

14 Aany longer

Bany more

Cat last

Dat all

[  ]

15 AThe




[  ]

16 Awithout


Cfull of


[  ]

17 Atoo




[  ]

18. A light




[  ]

19 Aon




[  ]

20 Aput




[  ]

I live in a big city with a lot of homeless people.Luckily there’re small ways of helping them and you needn’t have a lot of__1__.One way to help is to buy their monthly magazine.__2__doing this one day,I got to__3__a young homeless man.He was often__4__the magazine at the train station.

He was a poor farmer from another country.After a while,I discovered that his__5__was close to mine.It__6__that we were born in the same month.

I met him last year__7__after his birthday,and after congratulating (祝贺) him,without__8__,I asked if he had had a good day.He__9__and said that he hadn’t really celebrated.I felt so__10__.

I just couldn’t bear the thought of (不敢想) this nice,young man being__11__on his 25th birthday with no presents,no cake,nothing!So I went home and looked in my yarn (纱线) basket.__12__for me,I had enough yarn__13__.I set to work and knitted (编织) a__14__for the young man.The yarn had become a little dirty__15__I didn’t knit very often.Then I washed the yarn so the scarf would be__16__when he got it.

I met him on my own birthday as I was going shopping.I had__17__to meet him so I had__18__the scarf and a piece of my own birthday__19__around with me.He was very happy with these gifts and so was I.The__20__in his eyes was the best present he could have given me!

1.A.work                        B.energy

C.money                        D.experience

2.A.In                          B.On

C.Besides                       D.By

3.A.realize                       B.ignore

C.know                         D.recognize

4.A.selling                        B.reading

C.covering                       D.buying

5.A.birthday                      B.house

C.height                        D.hobby

6.A.said                         B.found

C.guessed                       D.meant

7.A.long                        B.shortly

C.ever                          D.even

8.A.stopping                     B.helping

C.praising                       D.thinking

9.A.looked up                    B.turned up

C.looked down                    D.got down

10.A.foolish                      B.excited

C.clever                         D.worried

11.A.calm                       B.happy

C.alone                         D.hungry

12.A.Suddenly                     B.Luckily

C.Badly                         D.However

13.A.used                       B.done

C.left                          D.produced

14.A.scarf                       B.cap

C.sock                         D.glove

15.A.when                       B.because

C.so                           D.and

16.A.different                    B.dry

C.wet                          D.clean

17.A.liked                       B.hoped

C.promised                      D.agreed

18.A.made                       B.thrown

C.received                       D.carried

19.A.cake                       B.present

C.song                         D.party

20.A.light                       B.pain

C.sight                         D.tear

As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse. In some places we can’t see fish   46 in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean waster to drink.

   Recently, a new lifestyle called low-carbon life(低碳生活) is   47  every corner of our country. The meanings of low-carbon are   48  energy and no waste. It is such an important project that I can’t wait   49  my ideas on how to promote( 促进、发扬) it.

   First, we should   50  a no-car day every week in our school. Because cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy.   51  the no-car day, neither students   52  teachers are allowed to drive to school. At the same time, just walk or run. Use our   53  and enjoy the fun.

   Second, we had better not use plastic bags   54  . No one can stand the “white pollution”,   55  it is wise to use cloth bags which can   56  again and again.

    57  , one thing   58  we should keep in mind is that every big thing comes from the small details(细目、细节). So, as students, we ought to turn   59  the lights the moment we leave, use   60  sides of the paper, and reuse our textbooks and so on.

   All in all, it weights greatly for all of us to put the low-carbon lifestyle into practice. Just set our mind to these: no-car days, no plastic bags, and no waste. Let’s do it now.

(  ) 46. A. swims       B. swimming       C. to swim        D. swam

(  ) 47. A. spreading     B. moving         C. living          D. becoming

(  ) 48. A. below       B. high            C. above           D. low

(  ) 49. A. to express    B. express         C. expressing        D. expressed

(  ) 50. A. set off      B. set up          C. put on          D. put down

(  ) 51. A. In             B. At             C. On           D. With

(  ) 52. A. nor        B. or            C. both           D. and

(  ) 53. A. bikes        B. cars           C. buses           D. legs

(  ) 54. A. any more        B. no more             C. no longer D. never

(  ) 55. A. because      B. so             C. but                D. although

(  ) 56. A. reused       B. be used          C. is used             D. use

(  ) 57. A. Finally       B. Final            C. Last               D. Lately

(  ) 58. A. who            B. what            C. that            D. whose

(  ) 59. A. up           B. down           C. on            D. off

(  ) 60. A. both        B. each            C. every          D. all


I’m John. 21is my room. The TV is 22 the table. The video tapes  23 in the drawer. Where are  24 pencils? They  25 on the table.  26 my pencil-case? Oh,  27 in my backpack. Where’s my backpack? 28 on the table? No, it isn’t. It’s on the bed. My alarm clock is on the dresser. My keys and ID cards are  29 the drawer. I have (有) many  30 on my bookcase.

(  )21.A.what         B. This            C. These          D. Those

(  )22.A. in           B. on             C. under           D. and

(  )23.A. is           B. are             C. to             D. isn’t

(  )24.A. your         B. his             C. her            D. my

(  )25.A. are          B. don’t           C. aren’t           D. isn’t

(  )26.A. What’s       B. Who’s          C. Where are       D. Where’s

(  )27.A. It’s          B. They’re         C. It              D. They

(  )28.A. It is         B. Are they         C. Is it            D. Is

(  )29A. on           B. in              C. next            D.at    

(  )30A. books        B. book           C. picture          D. pen


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