What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “space meat”? It sounds quite weird. But in fact, it could very well be the future of the human diet.

A Russian astronaut recently “grew” meat aboard the International Space Station. Yes, you read that right - he grew it using cells( 细 胞 ) provided by an Israeli company called Aleph Farms. But in fact, he was not the first person to create lab-grown(实验室培育的) meat. Dutch scientist Mark Post grew the first lab meat in 2013.

But why bother growing meat in a lab when we can get the real thing from cows? For one thing, lab-grown meat is healthier. “We gain greater control over what the meat consists of(由……组成), for example its fat content,” Post said in an interview with The Atlantic. Lab-grown meat is also free of the chemicals that are used on farms, such as pesticides(农药) and growth hormones(激素).

Are there other ways to replace(代替) regular meat? McDonalds is trying to do so with the P.L.T., which stands for plant, lettuce and tomato. The first P.L.T. burgers are already being sold in Canada, according to the fast food company.

The “meat” in the P.L.T. is made out of Beyond Meat, a plant-based meat substitute( 替 代 品 ) created by a company from Los Angeles, US. The company uses pea, rice and bean proteins to produce patties(肉饼) that look and taste like real meat.

Experts doubt whether these products are healthier than real meat. But they have already proven to be a success, with several fast food companies already offering such products on their menus, according to Fox Business.

1.What did the Russian astronaut do recently?

A.He grew meat on the International Space Station.

B.He provided cells for an Israeli company.

C.He built a lab for growing meat in space.

D.He created the first lab-grown meat in the world.

2.Why is lab-grown meat healthier than real meat?

A.Because it is made from healthy cells.

B.Because it is produced in clean labs.

C.Because lab meat doesn’t consist of fat.

D.Because producers can control what’s in the meat.

3.According to the story, P.L.T. burgers .

A.taste better than normal burgers B.are made out of plant protein

C.are already being sold in the US D.are served by many fast food companies

4.What do experts think of plant-based meat products?

A.They will be the future of the human diet. B.They are free from harmful chemicals.

C.They might not be healthier than real meat. D.They have already proven to be a success.

5.What is the best title of this passage?

A.Where can we find the P.L.T. burgers? B.How does fake “meat” taste?

C.How do people grow “meat” in the lab? D.Why is meat unhealthy in space?

“China is to promote ( 推 广 ) e-tickets for high-speed trains in the whole country in 2019.” Lu Dongfu announced.

Passengers will be able to use their mobile phones or ID cards to enter or leave the railway station, without carrying paper tickets, said Lu.

Many people in China are already using mobile phones for subways and buses. The technology for high-speed rail, however, can only be used in some stations and lines crossing big cities. At stations in some areas far away, travelers still need the paper ticket to get on the train.

As early as the fourth season in 2018, trials ( 试验) for the e-ticket will begin at many pilot stations and the service will become useful all over the country in 2019, according to the Wuhan Railway Bureau.

Many netizens (网民) believed that paper train tickets could become extinct someday. “As an environmentalist, I am very happy to see we’re moving into the times of paperless ticketing, as it will save a lot of trees.” user @blingblingsu said on China’s Twitter—like Weibo. “Finally, I don’t have to wait in line to get the paper ticket which is a waste of time and makes me afraid of missing the train,” another user said.

1.According to the text, e-tickets can’t be used________.

A.on the subway B.in train stations of faraway areas

C.on the bus D.in all the train stations

2.Which do the underlined words “ become extinct” mean________?

A.die out B.live on C.send away D.come out

3.When will the e-tickets begin to use?

A.In autumn of 2019 B.In spring of 2019 C.In summer of 2018 D.In winter of 2018

4.What can we know from the words that netizens said in Paragraph 5?

A.The paperless ticketing is welcome. B.The train won’t arrive late.

C.People don’t need to water trees. D.You will never miss a train.

5.What would be the best title for the text?

A.China Develops Its High Speed Trains. B.China Says Goodbye to Paper Train Tickets.

C.China Decides to Save Paper for Tickets. D.China Makes No Use of E-Tickets.

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