In 2015, US actress Brie Larson took home the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in the movie Room. These days, the 29-year-old is standing her ground as a superhero.

Larson plays Carol Danvers, also known as Captain Marvel, in the movie of the same name. As a superhero, she has many superpowers, such as being able to fly as fast as light. The movie has become a huge success.

When Larson was offered the role, she didn’t accept it at the beginning. "I am not a person with much confidence. So, I needed a little bit of time to see if I can do it…" she said. Larson is no stranger to Hollywood, but it’s one thing to win an Oscar and another thing totally to star in a Marvel movie. She had no idea about playing a superhero. There would be lots of promotional (推广) interviews. Facing all of these, she decided to go out of comfort zone (舒适区). "I was gonna push myself to do things that I never thought I could do. I challenged myself." she said.

Larson trained for nine months. She learned kungfu, practiced weightlifting and so on. But the biggest challenge was that she had to work with a cat — an animal that she was afraid of. "I was sick the whole time, but I insisted to work with it by myself. I was fine."

Varity magazine spoke highly of her acting. By playing Captain Marvel, Larson discovered her own weaknesses and turned them into confidence. Even just watching her recent interviews, one can tell from her body language that she had found something she didn’t have much before.

Title: Becoming a hero

Brie Larson plays the role of Captain Marvel, who can fly at the 1. of light.

She 2. the role.

She wasn’t 3. how to play a superhero.

She didn’t get used to the promotional interviews.

She took on the challenges.

She made a decision not to 4. in her comfort zone.

She accepted a lot of training for 9 months.

She kept working with the cat.

She achieved great success.

Variety magazine spoke highly of her acting.

She became more 5..

A new app called Face Mapping, invented by scientists at Oxford University, can check our facial expressions to judge our mood and then suggest the perfect food to cheer us up, or to make us get rid of anxiety. Face Mapping scans (扫描) the face for signs of emotions, such as downturned lips, eyes, and frown lines, and it can often pick up feelings which are hidden in a

person’s heart and he may not notice.

“Face Mapping can provide a more correct and objective conclusion of a person’s mood or feeling than he himself can feel,” said Prof Spence. More and more evidence shows our mood has an important effect on our smell and taste—it can stop us from receiving the right signals of smell and taste. However, food can also influence our mood. People often stop eating when they are unhappy because food simply does not taste as good as it tastes when people are happy.

It can test anger, disgust, fear, surprise, sadness and joy and make menu suggestions according to what it finds. For example, an angry face suggests that a person is stressed and he needs food that can bring happiness to him, such as dark chocolate and nuts. In contrast (相反), people who are excited may benefit from food which makes their blood sugar (血糖) normal,

such as grains and beans.

“Face Mapping is at the top of the science and technology. And in the future, it is likely to

become more popular,” Prof Spence added.

1.Face Mapping can often pick up feelings which are hidden in __________________.(完成句子)

2.Our mood has an important effect on our __________________.(完成句子)

3.When would people stop eating?


4.The passage is mainly about ____________________________.(用英语归纳文章的主题)


Studies prove that there are many differences between people who own kittens and those who own puppies.

1 Cat lovers are not afraid to be alone.

Wonder why so many_________ girls own cats? Cat people love to spend time and live alone. They prefer to stay at home rather than party all night long. Dog lovers,_________, enjoy the company and they have trouble living alone.

2Dog lovers seek companionship(伙伴关系)

Many people adopt or buy dogs. One of the_________ is that they look for long-term companionship. Dogs love the company and tend to spend more time with people than just sleep the whole day on the couch. Dog owners are the same. My friend, who is a big dog lover, says, “The best thing about owning a dog is companionship: When I come home, my puppy comes to _________ me as if he has not seen me for ages.”

3 Cat lovers tend to ignore rules

Dogs are more obedient than cats. While it is extremely hard to make a cat to walk with you in the park or teach them to sit or lie down when needed, dogs do those things easily. The same goes for dog lovers - they_________ the rules and obey when needed. Cat people often ignore the rules they do not like.

4Cat lovers are more _________

Cats lovers do not bother about a single life. They have enough strength to survive the hard times all alone and deal with any problem without any help. Without someone else’s help. Dog people have trouble solving their problems.

1.A.lovely B.likely C.lonely D.friendly

2.A.indeed B.instead fact D.for example

3.A.reasons B.secrets C.results D.choices

4.A.notice B.catch C.greet D.cheer

5.A.follow B.explain C.protect D.break

6.A.responsible B.powerful C.confident D.independent

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