


1ANo, you aren't

BYes, it is

CSureHere you are

2AShe works at a restaurant

BShe works very hard

CShe works for eight hours a day

3AYes, we really do

BYes, we'll buy a car

CNot until the wind stops

4AMe, too

BNever mind

CI'm sorry to hear that

5AHold on, please

BIt's very kind of you

CNo, I don't think so


6What does the girl want to be when she grows up?




7What was the weather like last Saturday?




8How did the man come to school today?

ABy bike

BOn foot

CBy bus

9Where did Cathy go last Saturday?

ATo the lake

BTo the beach

CTo the park

10What does the boy want to do in this conversation?

ABuy a pen

BChange a pen

CTake a pen


11What are the speakers mainly talking about?




12What will the woman do in the city?

AWork at a store

BAttend a school

CHave a picnic

13Who will the woman stay with?

AThe man

BHer family

CThe man's brother

14What do they do in the morning when they camp?

AGo swimming

BPlay basketball

CTell stories

(  )15What can we learn from the conversation?

AThe woman has worked for four summers

BJohn is the man's brother

CSummer vacation is coming




  答案:C C A C A C A B B B C A B A C fifth 150 breakfast card Thursday



  1Hi, JackMay I borrow your pen?

  2How long does Mary work at the restaurant every day?

  3Do we have to take a car to the city from here?

  4Linda fell off her bike and hurt herself

  5Hello, may I speak to Lisa?


  6MI really want to be a doctorAnd you?

  WOh, I'm going to be a policewoman when I grow up

  7MWhat a sunny day last Saturday!

  WYes, and we all had a great time in the park!

  8WYou came to school on foot today?

  MYes, I had to

  WWhy didn't you ride your bike?

  MMy bike is missing

  9MHi, Cathy!What did you do last Saturday?

  WI had a picnic near the sea with some friends

  MThen you must have had a good time


  10MExcuse meI bought a pen here yesterdayBut I can't write with it now

  WWhat's the problem?

  MIt doesn't workWould you mind giving me another one?

  WSureHere you are


  MWhat are you going to do after you return from Washington?

  WI'm going to stay in the city

  MWhat will you do all day?

  WI'm going to work with my father at the storeIn the evening, I'll read booksOn the weekends, I'll go to beach with my family

  MHave you ever worked?

  WNo, but I can learnWhat are you going to do this summer?

  MI'm going to campI've gone to camp for four summers

  WI've never done thatWhat do you do there?

  MWe do many thingsIn the morning, we go swimmingIn the afternoon, we play basketball or tennisWe sit around a fire at nightWe sing or tell stories

  WThat sounds wonderful

  MIt is wonderfulWhat's John going to do this summer?

  WI think he's going to the mountains with his parents

  MWell, so long, MaryHave fun

  WYou too, PeterGive my regards to JohnI'll see you in September



  Hi, Peter.Thank you for your telephone call.I'm glad to tell you that we have two double rooms ready for you now.The two rooms are on the fifth floor.They face the Red Sea, so you can see it well.The price for each room is$150 per night.Every morning from 7∶00 to 9∶30, we offer free breakfast, but you have to pay if you have lunch and supper in our hotel.Don't forget to bring your ID card with you.If you have any more questions, please let us know and we shall be pleased to help you.We are looking forward to welcoming you to our hotel this Thursday.We hope you will enjoy your stay with us.Thanks again for choosing our hotel.





1.A.Yes, it is.


C.Here it is.

2.A.That’s right.

B.Not at all.

C.Never mind.

3.A.OK.Take it easy.

B.OK.Go slowly.

C.OK.See you.

4.A.Have a nice day!

B.One moment, please.

C.Can I take a message?

5.A.Yes, it is.

B.No, it isn’t.

C.So it is.





7.A.After supper.

B.Just now.


8.A.In a library.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a shop.

9.A.Because Bob is too young to go there by himself.

B.Because Peter is old enough to go there by himself.

C.Because Peter is too young and Bob takes care of him.

10.A.Read daily paper.

B.Listen to the radio.

C.Watch TV.


11.A.The lady’s.



12.A.Because the computer had been repaired.

B.Because the computer could not be repaired.

C.Because the repairs of the computer would cost a lot.

13.A.Four days ago.


C.A week ago.

14.A.On Tuesday.

B.On Wednesday.

C.On Friday.

15.A.Because the company agreed to change a new computer for him.

B.Because he can change a new computer with $400.

C.Because he poured some hot coffee on the computer and it broke down.


16.A.Green buildings.


C.Ordinary houses.

17.A.The color of the buildings.

B.Buildings that can save energy and water.

C.People can grow vegetables in them.

18.A.Green buildings are built far away from bus stops.

B.Green buildings are often built near forests.

C.Green buildings have lots of windows.



C.The rains.

20.A.By turning off lights and water when we are not using.

B.By using the sun for light instead of house lights in the evening.

C.By using rain water in the kitchen.





B.Yes, do it please.

C.Here you are.

2.A.Don’t say so.

B.The same to you.

C.Thanks a lot.

3.A.Because I missed the bus.

B.Because I got up very early.

C.Because I can’t drive.

4.A.It’s my pleasure.

B.I’d like to.

C.Never mind,I’ll go alone.

5.A.In three hours, I think.

B.Yes, in three hours.

C.Yes, it can.


6.What color are Lily’s shoes?




7.How long does Jim have to stay in Tokyo?

A.Ten hours.

B.Twelve hours.

C.Two hours.

8.Why do they wear the strange glasses?

A.Because they like to wear them.

B.Because the strange glasses are very nice.

C.Because they can protect their eyes.

9.Which sweater does Lucy buy?

A.The woolen one.

B.The cotton one.

C.The red one.

10.Do the woman and Mr.King know each other?

A.Yes, they do.

B.No, they don’t.

C.No, she can’t


11.How does the man go to work?

A.By bus.

B.By train.

C.By car.

12.What will the woman’s pay be like in the new job?

A.As much as that of her last job.

B.More than that of her last job.

C.Less than that of her last job.

13.Where does the man have lunch?

A.In a café.

B.In a park.

C.At home.

14.How many weeks’ holiday does Jane will have?




15.Is the job which her friend introduced to her a part-time job or a full-time job?

A.Yes, it is.

B.It’s a part-time job.

C.It’s a full-time job.



1.A.I'm sorry.

B.You are welcome.

C.The same to you.

2.A.I love it a lot.

B.With pleasure.

C.No, thanks.

3.A.Yes, please.

B.It's great.

C.I don't feel well.

4.A.Thank you.

B.Not beautiful.

C.You're great.


B.Here you are.

C.Good luck.







9.A.The blue one.

B.The red one.






11.Where does the dialogue take Place?

A.In a hospital.

B.In a shop.

C.In a restaurant.

12.What do you think the man likes best?



C.Computer games.

13.What does the man want to buy?




14.What color does the man want?




15.Haw much does the man pay for the shoes?






16.Where was the old woman's house?

A.In a city.

B.In a town.

C.In a village.

17.Who was the old woman having dinner with?

A.Her children.


C.Her husband.

18.When did the young man come back again to the old woman's house?

A.Ten years later.

B.Ten months later.

C.Ten days later.

19.What was the young man's job later?

A.A cook.

B.A worker.

C.A farmer.

20.What do you think of the old woman?






1.A.Aren’t you leaving?

B.You’d rather not.

C.You are?


B.Be glad to.

C.Don’t worry.

3.A.Yes, we really do.

B.Yes, we’ll buy a car.

C.Not until the wind stops.

4.A.I went shopping by car.

B.Yes, you may give me a hand.

C.I’d like to make a reservation for next Monday.



6.How often does the woman go swimming?



C.Every day.

7.How many girl students are there in the class?

8.Who are the two speakers?

A.They’re workers.

B.They’re strangers.

C.They’re classmates.

9.Where did Cathy go last Saturday?

A.To the lake.

B.To the beach.

C.To the park.

10.What does the boy want to do in this conversation?

A.Buy a pen.

B.Change a pen.

C.Take a pen.


11.What’s new in Andy’s life?

A.New neighbors.

B.A new garden.

C.A new school friend.

12.What did Andy do when he saw a boy in the garden?

A.He played basketball with him.

B.He asked the boy some questions.

C.He introduced himself and talked to him.

13.Why was Andy confused(迷惑的)?

A.The boy got angry.

B.The boy cried suddenly.

C.The boy asked him the same questions again.

14.Where did Andy see a boy again?

A.At school.

B.In the garden.

C.In the street.

15.What is the relationship between the two boys?

A.They’re friends.

B.They’re cousins.

C.They’re twin brothers.



1.A.Congratulations! B.You’re welcome. C.You’re right.

2.A.Not at all. B.Thank you. C.I don’t think so.

3.A.Yes, please. B.Here you are. C.Never mind.

4.A.That’s a good idea. B.Because we are busy. C.I’m not sure.

5.A.Oh, I’m free. B.Don’t be afraid. C.What a pity!


6.What does the girl like?

A.Dancing. B.Reading. C.Watching TV.

7.How is Mike?

A.He is busy. B.He is thirsty. C.He is ill.

8.What time is it now?

A.9∶15. B.9∶00. C.8∶45.

9.Where are they talking?

A.At the station. B.At the cinema. C.At the park.

10.What are they talking about?

A.Repairing shoes. B.Changing shoes. C.Buying shoes.


11.What’s the dog’s name?

A.Lucy. B.Lucky. C.Kelsey.

12.How often do they walk the dog a day?

A.Once. B.Twice. C.Three times.

13.Where does the dog have a long walk?

A.In the street. B.About the block. C.In the park.

14.When is the dog fed?

A.In the evening. B.In the afternoon. C.In the morning.

15.Who does the dog sleep with?

A.The man. B.The son. C.The woman.


16.Who did the General Secretary Hu Jintao met with this morning?

A.Lee. B.Wen. C.Wu.

17.How many people are dead by now in the Wenchuan Earthquake?

A.More than 68000. B.About 36400. C.Nearly 20000.

18.Which city did the Olympic flame reach according to the news?

A.The capital city of Hubei. B.Anhui. C.Hefei.

19.Where did the students have their PE test?

A.In the No.1 Middle School.

B.In Dongfang International School.

C.Not clear.

20.What kind of sports were they tested in?

A.Sit-ups. B.Long jumps. C.100m race.

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