
1. Han Mei enjoys ____  (sing) in English.    
2. Let me help you ____ (find) them.
3. ____ (swim) is the best sport in summer.  
4. Are you ____ (go)  ____ (hike) this Sunday?
5. We decided ____ (go) for a field trip with some friends of ours.
1. singing   2. to find / find   3. swimming   4. going  hiking   5. to go



Hello! My name is Tina. My last name is   1  . I’m 13 years old. Look   2  this photo. It’s a photo of my   3  . These two old people(人)  4  my grandparents. They like   5  TV. Look! This is Mr. Green.    6  my father. Ha-ha, he is my English teacher, too. We all like him. Can you see the two boys? They’re my   7  —David and John. David is ten. He likes art very much. John is only five. He can’t *sing or *dance,   8  he can play ball games. Do you know the girl in the picture? It’s   9  ! I like playing games with my brother. I love my family. It’s   10  happy family.

1.                A.White          B.Green          C.Black D.Brown


2.                A.in             B.at             C.on   D.for


3.                A.family          B.school          C.class D.club


4.                A.am            B.is              C.are  D./


5.                A.looking         B.look           C.watching  D.watch


6.                A.It’s           B.She’s         C.They’re D.He’s


7.                A.friends         B.parents         C.sisters    D.brothers


8.                A.because        B.but            C.and  D.oh


9.                A.me            B.my            C.she  D.her


10.               A.a             B.an             C.the   D./



       "Hi! John," Mary ran towards me with a bright smile,   1   (say) ,"I'm going to have a dance performance tonight. I hope you'll come. Here is the ticket. Don't forget ! "  Then  she   2   (leave) in  a  hurry.  " What?Dancel? Is that possible?" I asked   3    (I). Mary was not such kind of girl. She was a quite usual one. I had never seen her wearing   4   (color) clothes. In fact, she really did not know how to dress up. What a temble thingl  "I should go to,l must go to,"  I thought. I amved at the hall with the ticket,found my seat and sat down.Her performance was the   5    (seven) one. I knew I would have a hard time before her turn,for I had no sense of art,but her performance was worth   6    (watch) ,no matter how long I would wait. Time went   7   (slow). I tried my best not   8   (fall) asleep. Just then,came   9   (word), " Let's welcome the next exciting dance...Latin ! "
       Hearing this, I opened my eyes as large as possible,fearing to lose anything. Wearing a golden and shining skirt,Mary appeared. She danced with a sweet smile,    10   (look) like  a  pretty  butterfly (蜘蝶 ) flying...l  could hardly believe my eyes. After all the performance ended,l waited for her at the gate. " Hi! "  She stood in front of me with her crystal(水晶) shoes. " How do you feel?"
       " Fantastic ! "  I answered. " Ha,ha. I knew it   11   (be).”she could not hide her   12   (excite) ,laughing like a child. At that time,l realized that every girl   13    (have)a pair of special shoes which are like the crystal shoes of Cinderella(灰姑娘).

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