1. ÄãÏëºÍÎÒÒ»ÆðÆï³µÂð£¿
Do you want to go _____ _____ with me?
2. ÎÒ²»Ï²»¶À뿪̫¾ÃÁË¡£
I don't like going away for _____ _____.
3. ÎÒÿÌìÔÚÆßµã×óÓÒ¶¯ÉíÈ¥ÉÏ°à¡£
I _____ _____ work at around seven every day.
4. ¶ÈÍê¼ÙºóÇë¸øÎÒ´òµç»°¡£
Please _____ me _____ the vacation.
5. Õâ¼þ³ÄÉÀºÍÄǼþ³ÄÉÀÒ»Ñù¡£
This shirt is the _____ _____ that one.
Do you want to go _____ _____ with me?
2. ÎÒ²»Ï²»¶À뿪̫¾ÃÁË¡£
I don't like going away for _____ _____.
3. ÎÒÿÌìÔÚÆßµã×óÓÒ¶¯ÉíÈ¥ÉÏ°à¡£
I _____ _____ work at around seven every day.
4. ¶ÈÍê¼ÙºóÇë¸øÎÒ´òµç»°¡£
Please _____ me _____ the vacation.
5. Õâ¼þ³ÄÉÀºÍÄǼþ³ÄÉÀÒ»Ñù¡£
This shirt is the _____ _____ that one.
1. bike riding 2. too long 3. leave for 4. call; after 5. same as
