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We should learn how to _________ _________our sisters well.


My friend is __________ __________ me. We like being quiet.


I_______ go home______ school was over.


His father great in what he has done.


She is old _________ __________go to school.


¡¾1¡¿look after

¡¾2¡¿different from

¡¾3¡¿didn¡¯t until

¡¾4¡¿takes pride

¡¾5¡¿enough to



¡¾1¡¿·ÖÎö¾äÒ⣺ÎÒÃÇÓ¦¸Ãѧ»áÈçºÎÄÜÕÕÁϺÃÎÒÃǵÄÃÃÃ᣷ÖÎö£º¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨´Ê×飺ÕÕ¹Ëlook after.¹ÊÌlook after

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¡¾3¡¿·ÖÎö¾äÒ⣺×òÌìÖ±µ½·ÅѧÁËÎҲŻؼҡ£·ÖÎö£º¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨¾äÐÍ£ºnot¡­until¡­Ö±µ½¡­¡­²Å¡­¡­¹ÊÌDidn¡¯t until

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¡¾5¡¿·ÖÎö¾äÒ⣺ËýÒѾ­×ã¹»´óÁË£¬¿ÉÒÔÈ¥ÉÏѧ¡£·ÖÎö£º¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨¶ÌÓ×ã¹»´ó£¬oldÊÇÐÎÈÝ´Ê£¬enough·ÅÔÚÐÎÈÝ´ÊÖ®ºó£¬¹ÊÌenough to


¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Running is becoming popular these days. Many of us run for our health. Doctors say many of the health problems come from these bad habits: eating too much, drinking too much, smoking too much and not having enough exercise. Doctors tell us, ¡°Eat less, don't smoke, and exercise more.¡±

Running is a good exercise because it helps build a strong heart. It also helps most people lose weight. One 68-year-old woman runs three times a week. She runs to lose weight. ¡°I love to eat,¡± she says.

Running is good for our health in other ways, too. Many runners makes colds and other small health problems go away. ¡°Running is my doctor,¡± says one man.

Running can also help people to relax. So today men and women of all ages enjoy running.

´ÓA. B.C.DËĸöÑ¡ÏîÖÐÑ¡ÔñÄÜÌîÈë¿Õ°×´¦µÄÕýÈ·´ð°¸£¬²¢½«Æä´úºÅÔÚ´ðÌ⿨ÉÏÍ¿ºÚ¡££¨¹²5СÌ⣬ÿСÌâ2·Ö£¬¹²10·Ö£©

¡¾1¡¿Many people enjoy running because they want to_______.

A. eat much B. keep healthy

C. run fast D. waster time

¡¾2¡¿ Doctors tell us _________.

A. not to smoke B. not to exercise

C. to drink much D. to eat much

¡¾3¡¿The underlined word means ¡°______¡± in Chinese.

A. ¼²²¡ B. ÌåÖØ C. ËÙ¶È D. ½¡¿µ

¡¾4¡¿The third paragraph shows that ______________.

A. running helps people to relax

B. people who like running have many health problems

C. running helps build a strong heart

D. people who like running have fewer health problems

¡¾5¡¿The writer mainly tells us__________.

A. how to run

B. running is a good way to keep healthy

C. how to lose weight

D. running is better than doctors

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿An Internet game named Happy Farm is becoming more and more popular among young office workers and students. People can work on a farm. They can also grow, water, sell and steal vegetables, flowers, fruits and so on. They can earn some e-money from their working on the farm. Then they can use it to buy more seeds, pets and even houses. Of course, all these are not true, they are only on the Internet.

Why do so many young people enjoy the kind of Farm game? I think maybe some of them are afraid of facing the real world, and they have to look for fun from the Internet. Some feel lonely and want to make friends during growing vegetables on the Internet. Some have great fun stealing others' vegetables because they needn't work on their farm.

Most parents and teachers are worried about these young people and students. Students spend too much time playing the game. It's bad for their health and study.

¡¾1¡¿What's the name of this kind of game?

A. Happy Farm. B. Vegetables and Fruits.

C. Working on a Farm. D. Computer Came.

¡¾2¡¿Where do the young people plant vegetables?

A. On a real farm. B. In their home's garden.

C. On a farm of the Internet. D. Near their houses.

¡¾3¡¿Why do some people enjoy the game?

A. Some people feel lonely and want to make friends.

B. They can get some money for living.

C. They don't need to buy vegetable for lunch.

D. They can learn English from the game.

¡¾4¡¿What's the meaning of the underlined word ¡°stealing¡±£¿

A. Ë͸ø B. °áÔË C. ³Ô D. ͵

¡¾5¡¿Why are parents and teachers worried about these young people and students?

A. Because students spend too much time on the game.

B. Because students use the game to improve their English.

C. Because it costs students much money.

D. Because some students don't go to school.

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
