My wife, Megan, and I went out to dinner with an old friend who we had not seen in a while. There had been some talk of COVID-19 in the _______, but it was early in the outbreak( 爆发) _________people were still going about their daily routines(活动). Even though everyone in our group felt perfectly _________,we took precautions (预防措施). We washed our hands with hand soap, did not _________food, and had no close contact.

A few days later, our friend called and told us that she had ___________positive (阳性) for the coronavirus. She had felt some symptoms (症状) for a day or so _________the dinner and was able to be tested because she is a doctor. _________we took precautions that night, the virus was also passed to me and _________friend who had joined us.

Megan and I quarantined (隔离) _________at once when we heard that our friend had tested positive.

We also ____________everyone we had been in contact with to let them know that I had tested positive. It was the ____________thing to do. It is hard to tell people we ____________have given them a virus(病毒), but not telling anyone anything would have made us feel ashamed and upset, It's nothing but a duty for anyone in our situation.

While we have not been out of our house in over six days and will be here for another eight or nine____________, we have felt such love and concern from those around us. Our kids watch movies online with their friends, and my office has daily video calls to keep everyone ____________, We've made an ____________to spend time together as a family, too. Although Megan and the kids and I can't be in the same room, the four of us still play online games together. B.movies C.stories

2.A.or B.and C.because D.what

3.A.surprised B.brave C.weak D.fine B.share D.cook

5.A.tested B.tried C.described D.developed

6.A.during B.before C.until D.after

7.A.Since B.Although C.Because D.As

8.A.other B.others C.another D.the other

9.A.themselves B.himself C.ourselves D.myself

10.A.met B.visited C.found D.called

11.A.right B.bad C.good D.wrong

12.A.might B.must C.should D.can total short most least

14.A.separated C.connected D.dangerous

15.A.area B.accident C.effort D.argument

When your pen is broken, you think that's the end of its life. You throw it away. It then joins tons of other rubbish that is becoming a big problem in cities. This happens in other countries, too. Most Americans are making 7 pounds (3.17kg) of rubbish a day. So, an American makes about 102 tons of rubbish in a lifetime.

If you simply throw away that broken pen, it goes to a landfill (垃圾填埋场) and is buried with other rubbish. To prevent polluting the groundwater, workers cover the rubbish with soil and keep it dry. And your pen will stay there for a long time, without having further use. But it could have a better place to stay in -the recycling bin. Have you ever noticed the different colors of rubbish bins in the street? Many cities in China have been running a waste-sorting campaign (垃圾分类运动). "They divide rubbish into "recyclable waste" and unrecyclable waste". Recycling waste can save energy, reduce (减少) greenhouse gas and keep landfill space free for unrecyclable waste.

Take your pen as an example. At the recycling factory, its metal parts could be taken out and reused to make other things.

But according to the experts, recycling is not enough. Making less waste should be put in the first place. They think that the best thing to do is just to keep using your things for as long as you can.

1.How much rubbish are most Americans making every day?


2.How should we deal with broken pens in order to reuse them?


3.What are the advantages of recycling waste?


4.Which parts of the pen can be recycled?


5.In the experts opinions, what should we do to make less waste?


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