
Microblogging(微博) is sweeping across the world. You Can express your ideas on any topic on it. Of course, you might also make comments(评论) on others’ microblogs.
The following is Tony’s microblog at Enviroboard and its comments.
Subject: Eco-Friendly Transportation
Saturday 9th June 8:05 am  
Hi everyone! My name’s Tony. I’m doing a project about greener ways to travel. I want to know if anyone has any good ideas. Thanks for your help!                
                                                                  Comments [4]
I think people should do more things online from home.  Why pollute the air by driving your car to the supermarket, when you can order your weekly shopping on the Internet—You can also book holidays as well.            
                                               Posted by Billy on June 1lth 7:36 am
I try to use public transportation whenever I can. I take the bus to college and walk home. When my mum wants to give me a lift, I always refuse, as I can get there quickly by bus. Also the buses in my town are electric so they are environmentally friendly!
                                         Posted by Carol on. June 12th 10:35 am           
Why not use two wheels? Any motorcycle will use less fuel (燃料)than an a car. You don’t get caught in traffic jams either. But in my opinion, the best thing is a bicycle. They don't produce any pollution and help you to keep fit at the same time.                                                      
                                               Posted by Daz on .lune 12th 16:00 pm
I can’t get to my university by bus or train. So I found three other girls who live nearby to have a car share with. And now we take it in turns to drive every day. I have cut down the costs —and most importantly, —I am helping the environment!
                                              Posted by Angela on June 15th 9:36pm
小题1:Billy thinks that we can make less air pollution by            .
A.doing things online at homeB.driving cars to shopping centers
C.taking buses to the supermarketsD.taking holidays around the world
小题2:Buses in Carol’s town are environmentally friendly because             .
A.they use fuelB.they are cheap
C.they are electricD.lifts are free
小题3:Daz thinks riding bicycles ______.
A.will help us save more fuelB.will get caught in traffic jams, too
C.can be very clean and help keep fitD.will save us some time
小题4:Angela goes to school by car sharing because ________.
A.she doesn’t like busesB.she wants to help the environment
C.she wants to go to school quicklyD.she mainly wants to save cost
小题5:Tony wrote the message on his microblog to________.
A.get some good ideas on making net pals
B.get some tips on travelling to the places with green trees
C.use microblog to go shopping
D.ask for some advice on cutting down pollution while travelling


小题1:细节理解题。问题:比利认为通过什么方式,我们能减少空气污染?分析比利的语言描述,后面提到了开车去超市,会对空气造成污染。原文:I think people should do more things online from home.句意:我认为人们应该在家中,利用网络可以做更多的事情。因此选择第一项。故选A
小题2:细节理解题。问题:为什么在卡罗尔城的公共汽车是环保的?分析原文:the buses in my town are electric so they are environmentally friendly!句意:公共汽车在我的城市也是用电的,所以他们是环保!明确答案,公交汽车不是用油的,因此是环保的。故选 C
小题3:细节理解题。问题:戴兹认为骑自行车能达到什么目的?分析原文:in my opinion, the best thing is a bicycle. They don't produce any pollution and help you to keep fit at the same time.句意:在我看来,最好的方法是骑自行车。这样不产生任何污染,同时帮助你保持身体健康。故选C
小题4:细节理解题。问题:为什么安吉拉与朋友共享汽车去上学?分析:安吉拉对于共享汽车说出了,这种方式的好处。原文:I have cut down the costs —and most importantly, —I am helping the environment!句意:通过共享汽车,我能减少开销,最重要的是,还能帮助保护环境! 故选B
小题5:细节理解题。问题:托尼在微博中写这个信息的目的是什么?分析原文:I’m doing a project about greener ways to travel. I want to know if anyone has any good ideas. Thanks for your help! 句意:我正在做一个项目关于环保的旅行方式。我想知道,大家对于环保旅行有什么好的方法。谢谢你的帮助!故选D

[1] We all have our own ways of sharing our life experiences with others.
[2] Photographers use cameras, artists use brushes, musicians use songs and writers use stories.
[3] Spencer Johnson’s story Who Moved My Cheese? shows changes exist in(存在于) our life. Life changes and so we do. We must change ourselves to face the changing environment, or we will fail.
[4] Just look at the cycle(循环) of             . Trees bud(发芽) in spring and in summer their leaves turn green. In autumn, their leaves start to fall onto the ground. When winter arrives, there are no leaves on trees. Next spring the cycle begins again. Since we know there are cycles in nature, we can prepare for them. We know it is colder in winter and hotter in summer, so we can dress properly.
[5] Since we accept the cycles of nature, we should also accept the changes in our life.
[6] We can prepare ourselves for changes by becoming more flexible(灵活的). We can regard the changes in our life as chances. As we keep changing ourselves, we can keep up with the changes in our life.
小题1: What’s the main idea of this passage? (no more than 10 words)
小题2: How do writers share their life experiences? (no more than 3 words)
小题3:What does Who Moved My Cheese? tell us ? (no more than 5 words)
小题4:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (no more than 2 words)
小题5:Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.
Tips for Living in China
When you are invited to a dinner, you don’t have to eat everything .First, try a little of every dish by putting some on your plate or in rice bowl. You don’t have to eat it, but as a foreign guest (客人),you are supposed to be served first. If you don’t try anything, your host will be embarrassed(尴尬)---and will put it on your plate for you .
When you go to open-air markets or personal stores, you need to bargain with the shop assistants. Remember to build a friendly relationship(关系)first. You are creating a relationship with the businessman ,not a price war. Think of it this way :Shouting ,arguing ,and pointing are not good. Smiling ,being friendly, offering to buy more for a better price is. And don’t be afraid to ask,” Can you offer me a better price?”
Don’t point with them at other people’s faces ,and by all means don’t stick them upright in your rice bowl----that is how the Chinese honor (纪念)the dead at graves. You should put them beside the plate.
Chinese smile for more reasons than Americans .A smile can mean the person is embarrassed, trying to be helpful ,curious, happy or friendly .In the middle of an argument ,smiling means that the speaker doesn’t want this to become personal. When all else fails ,smile in China. It shows you have no ill intention (意图)and can work wonders in getting better service.根据表格内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。(10分)
小题1:When you are invited to a dinner,__________.
A.you need to eat all the dishes
B.you may take one dish to put it on your own plate
C.you should try to eat the dish on your plate
D.you may go out if you don’t like to eat the dishes
小题2:What’s the Chinese meaning of the word “bargaining”?
小题3:If you want to buy something in a proper price, you should _____    .
A.shout to the shop assistant
B.argue with the shop assistant
C.talk with the shop assistant with a smile
D.fight with the shop assistant
小题4: Which sentence is right?
A.You may point with the chopsticks at people’s faces when you are talking .
B.When you finished eating the food ,you may lick the chopsticks.
C.If you are full ,you may stick the chopsticks upright.
D.When you finished eating the dinner, you may put the chopsticks next to the plate.
小题5: When you are in the middle of an argument , smiling means ________.
A.laughing at the other people
B.this is the best attitude to the other people
C.the speaker doesn’t want this to become personal
D.we must beat the other people
It was a Saturday in May. When Mrs. Black opened the door and looked out, she smiled and said, “It’s a beautiful day.” She woke(叫醒)her small son up at eight thirty and said to him, “ Get up, Tod. Let’s go to the zoo today. Wash your hands and face, brush your teeth and eat your breakfast quickly. We are going to New York by train.”
Tod was six years old. He was very happy now, because he liked going to the zoo very much, and he also liked going by train. He said, “I dreamed about(梦见) the zoo last night, Mummy.”
His mother was busy, but she stopped and smiled at her little son, “And what did you do in the zoo in your dream?” Tod laughed(大笑)and answered, “You know, Mummy! You were there in my dream, too.”
小题1:What did Mrs Black say when she look out of the window?           
A.Get up, Tod. Let’s go to the zoo today.
B.It’s a fine day
C.What did you do in your dream
D.What did you see there
小题2:Where did Tod live ?He lived in             
A.the zooB.ChinaC.EnglandD.the USA
小题3:Why was Tod so happy ?Because he             .
A.dreamed last nightB.He liked to go to the zoo
C.liked to go by trainD.Both B and C
小题4:Which is  true(正确的)?              
A.The story happened on a April morningB.The story happened in England
C.They went to the zoo by trainD.Mrs Black woke up her son at night
小题5:What time did Tod get up ?             
A.Before8:30B.At8:30 C.After 8:30D.Between 8:30 and 9:30
When you sleep somewhere else-like at a summer camp or a friend’s house, you know you’re in for a fun time. It can be exciting to get away from the same old bed in the same old room in the same old house. But fun as this is, for some kids being away from home can be scary and sad. It’s called being homesick.
Homesick means you are upset, sad, and maybe scared. But don’t feel surprised. A lot of people get homesick, even grown-ups. When you’re used to having certain people around you, it can be scary when they are gone. When you are dealing with other problems, you will feel homesick, too. Some kids may feel more homesick than usual if their parents get divorced ( 离婚)or if someone they loved has recently died.
Here are some ideas to help you feel less homesick.
Bring a little bit of home with you. If you’re going away from home,bring your pillow or pictures of the people you will be apart from and look at them any time you want.
Keep busy. The more fun things you do, the less time you’ll have to feel homesick. So try to join in activities wherever you are.
Stay in touch. You can make a plan for when you will call your mum or dad. You can also send e-mails or text messages to keep in touch with family and friends. When you do get in touch with someone, make sure to talk about the fun things you’re doing!
Talk to someone where you are. Maybe you can tell a friend that you feel homesick. He or she might have some ideas to help you feel better.
小题1: How many ideas are given to help you feel less homesick in the passage ?
小题2: What should you talk about in order to feel less homesick?
A.Your future plan.B.The past things.
C.Your difficulties.D.The interesting things.
小题3: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Some kids can get homesick, but grown-ups never .
B.Joining in more activities may make you feel less homesick.
C.Someone may feel homesick when one of his family members dies.
D.Bringing along some things from home may be helpful for feeling less homesick.
Today Chinese people can enjoy longer holidays. They have more time to      .
Zhang Haitao, a middle school student from Shanghai,       to Japan with his parents
    vacation.” Travelling in different countries has always been a dream of     ,” Zhang said.
  are you going to Japan, by ship or by plane?” I asked him.
“By ship. Travelling by ship is more     than by plane.”
“But a plane is much     than a ship.”
“Yes, but you can’t see much on a plane, while a sea trip can       you happy because you can see the beautiful sea, islands and even big fish.”
“Will the trip cost a lot?” “Certainly.       my father is a businessman. He has      much money in the last three years. Thanks to him, we can go on our trip.”
小题1:A. eat               B. sleep             C. travel
小题2:A. go               B. is going           C. goes
小题3:A. to                B. with              C. for
小题4:A. my               B. mine            C. me
小题5:A. How             B. When             C. What
小题6: A. dangerous         B. interesting         C. difficult
小题7: A. faster             B. slower            C. more expensive
小题8: A. give              B. tell               C. make
小题9: A. But              B. Or                C. So
小题10: A. lost              B. found             C. saved
What’s the most important thing in your life? Do you think about this question?
I began to think about it when I was just a little girl. I had a lot of friends and I loved playing with them. So I thought friendship(友谊) was the most important thing in life. If I had no friends, I would be very sad.
When I got older, I thought the most important thing was music. I was crazy about music at that time. To me, if I couldn’t sing or listen to music, my life would be boring.
When I was 12, I read a book that tells a beautiful story about the love between a mother and her child. I was happy to find that love was the most important thing. I thought love made my life beautiful.
Not long ago, I got a new answer to the question from another book. “Happiness is the destination(目标) for everyone.” the writer said.
Soon I began to understand friendship, music, love and happiness are all very important to us. These important things make our lives colourful and beautiful.
What’s the most important thing in life now? I still don’t have the answer. However, I don’t want to know. I just want to care about everything important in my life.
I hope everyone can find the important things in their lives, and cherish them!
The most    小题1:   things in life
A little girl
☆Because she had a lot of friends and she loved them.
☆She was 小题4: about it and she thought life would be boring    小题5:  music.
At the小题6:
of 12
☆Because she thought love made her life beautiful after reading a    小题7:  .
Not long ago
☆Because a writer said it was the destination for everyone.
After that
☆Because they make our lives   小题9:   and beautiful.
No answer
☆Because she just wants to   小题10:  about everything important in life.
Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work or when your best friend does not wait for you after school?
If you do, you need to take control of your feelings. Getting angry with others can  (71) (引起)you to lose friends.
My Feelings Are Like Wild Animals to help you control your feelings. It tells how to stay cool when bad things happen.
The book says that getting angry only makes problems worse. While getting angry, all you have to do is to tell yourself to keep calm.  The book gives many tips to help you if you get angry easily. Here are the top three.
●Keep a record. Every time you get angry, write down why you are angry. Look at it later and you will see you get angry too easily.
●Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry. This will teach you not to be angry.
●Do something different. When you get angry, walk away from the problem and go somewhere else. Try to laugh.
小题1: 根据括号里所给的汉语意思, 在(71) 处填入一个适当的词,使句意通顺。______
小题2: Every time you get angry, wrire down why you are angry. (请写出此句的同义句)
Every time you get angry, wrire down _______you are angry ______.
小题3:List(列举) two tips the book gives on how to control your anger.
(1) _______________________________
(2) _______________________________
小题4:Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry.(将此句子翻译成汉语。)
小题5:It tells teens how they should stay cool when bad things happen.(请在文中画线的句子中找出一个可以替换上句中“cool”的词。)________

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