Writing text messages while walking is dangerous. A study says it is more dangerous than texting while driving. Researchers found that there are more injuries(伤害)to texting walkers than there are to texting drivers. Their report says walking is not as easy as we think. We must focus on(专注)many things at the same time to walk safely in a straight line. The researchers said that people forget how to walk properly, so dangerous things happen to them. They run into walls and other people. They walk into cars, fall over things in the street, and even fall into holes or downstairs.

A professor said walking is a difficult action. There are several reasons why texting makes walking dangerous. One is that people cannot see the street. Another is that they are focusing on their phones instead of their feet. A final reason is that their minds are somewhere else—they are not thinking about walking from A to B safely. The professor said over 6,000 people visited his hospital last year because of texting. He said the worst cases are head injuries. When a walker is tossed(抛) into the air he or she has nothing to protect the head. The damage(损害) can be serious.

1.A study has found that .

A.texting while walking is more dangerous

B.texting while driving is safe for drivers

C.walking is safer than driving when texting

D.writing text messages in the house is dangerous

2.What will happen to texting walkers?

A.They will walk safely in a straight line.

B.They will run into walls and other people.

C.They will do great harm to the passing cars.

D.They will focus on many things at the same time.

3.How many reasons did a professor give for why texting makes walking difficult?

A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.

4.What kinds of injuries did the professor say were worst?

A.Head injuries. B.Back injuries.

C.Eye injuries. D.Finger injuries.


1.. Jim is a school boy. He likes playing football very much. He plays every day after school. He wants to be a good football player like Ronaldo.

2.. Mr. Wang is in America to see his daughter. He has nothing to do every day. He wants to do some reading.

3.. The Greens are looking for a new house with three bedrooms. They also want to have a big garden. So they can plant some vegetables in it.

4.. I have a good friend. His name is Peter. But we haven’t received a letter from him .

5.. Mr. Black is a business man. He often travels in different places. But these days he wants to stay here for a few months. He wants to rent a room near a station.

A.We have moved.

Please come to the party in our new home. 8:00 pm, on May 30. Betty and Peter.

Add:44 North Street; Tel:555-2981;


B.Must sell $275

Best washing machine only 6 months old. Owner going abroad(国外). Call Mike Green.

Tel: 555-3956;


C.Smith’s Book Club

New and old books over 1,000 kinds. Good coffee and tea. Open every day 10:00 to 22:00.

Add: 25 Bug Apple Square; Tel:555-2125


D.House for sale.

Comfortable family home with a large garden on north side of town. Three bedrooms, living-room, kitchen, dining-room, bathroom. Offers over$35,000.

E.Room to rent

Small room to rent in city center flat. Newly painted with modern furniture. Near railway station. Buses from door.

Phone 555-2108.

F.Join Our Football Team

Boys and girls wanted to play in local football team. Aged 9-16. Meet in Great Park on Friday at 3:00 pm.

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